2 Months Later

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Alexa POV
It has been two months since the incident with James, and I am not sure what happened to him. My guess was that he ended up in jail for attempted rape. My guess was right when it was later revealed on the news channel that he would be serving five years in prison for attempted rape. The police and the press had asked me to leak the video for those who didn't believe that he would do something like that. At first, I was against it, but they told me that if I release it, his chance of getting out on parole is low to no chance. I thought about it for a while until I finally made up my mind. I gave the footage from the bakery to the police, and they helped me release it. Of course, there were still some people that didn't believe he would do such a thing, but I don't care. If they don't believe it, then they don't. Who am I to change their minds? But this was all two months ago, and I try not to go back or think about the past, I just want to think about the future. My moms future, Aunt Thea's future, because I know a lot of this stressed her out with seeing what happened to me, and I feel really bad because she's already six months pregnant. And finally, I just want to think of mine and jakes future. I want to know what destiny has in store for us.
Since the two month thing, Jake has been coming over almost every day to check on me because he's worried it might happen a second time, and he doesn't want me going through that again. My dad also came over every day to make sure mom and I were okay to point where it annoyed the living hell out of her, so she had him move in and sleep in a seperate bedroom so he wouldn't be stuck in a hotel. I mean, I don't know if anyone else sees it, but I definitely do. My mom loves him despite what he has done to her all those years ago. For these past two months, he has been proving himself to her, and it's slowing breaking down the walls she put up. Every time I ask her, she denies it, but I can see it all too well. My mother is happy and since she is happy, I am happy.
Aphrodite POV
It has been two months since Alexa went through that. When she called and told me what had happened that day, my heart shattered and I raced out of the house, to my car, drove off and in less the six minutes I was at the bakery. Seeing the disheveled state she was in broke me further. It broke me way more than anything ever has. So when we got home, she told the story, and when I looked at leo, all I could see was anger. He was beyond mad for what happened to Alexa and my heart filled with joy at that sight, but I could tell that deep down he wanted to hunt this James guy and make sure he never did anything to anyone again. I guess his past mistakes he really regretted because when I had Jake take Alexa away for a week, leo told me what he wanted to do. Not only did he want to kiss me, which we did, but he wanted to take the extra measures of keeping Alexa and I safe.
He told me that ever since I've been gone, he has been working on himself. Not only that, but he runs a security company. My eyes went wide when I finally realized what he wanted to do before he could say it.
"Wait, leo, are you saying that you want to have body gaurds around my house and to follow Alexa so we are not in harms way?" I asked him
"Yes, I do. I want to because knowing what I know now, it would help, plus if I lost you or Alexa, I don't know what I would do. You guys have become my heart, and if either of you is taken away from me, I will hunt down the person who took you and kill them." He confessed, and that just made me love him even more despite our rocky relationship. So without thinking, I tackled him to the floor and started kissing him like no tomorrow. I told him that I still wanted to take things slow, but kissing is definitely allowed because when I kiss him, it's just a passionate kiss, and I loved that.
That night, we also made an agreement that whoever harms our baby, we will go to the FBI and hunt those people down for her safety. Sure she doesn't know the plan, but we will tell her soon, and when we do, I'm not to sure she will agree because she is very stubborn and very hard headed but I love her either way.
Bonus part
The next couple of chapters will be venturing from now to the beginning of Alexa and Jake's future. Will they be able to take down any harm that comes their way, or will they end up leaving each other.
Aphrodite plans to tell Alexa what she and leo have come up with, but they aren't so sure Alexa will agree to it. Will they have trouble telling her, or will she agree?
Find out as you keep reading.

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