Telling Him

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Alexa POV
My mom takes me home in her car while Tristan and Aria drive mine. She said she didn't want me driving after what just happened, especially since I couldn't stop crying. I look back, and I see Jake in his car, Aunt Thea and Uncle Ben in their car, and Tristan and Aria in my car. My mom tells me that we would have to tell my dad and I argue with her about it.
"Are you crazy, we can't tell him. Who knows what he will do, mom?" I yell
"I don't care. You agreed to give him a chance, and by telling him, it's a start, Alexa. I know you don't want to tell him, but you have to. I know you hate him because of me telling you the past, but even then, you still agreed to give him a chance, and by telling him this, you're giving him a chance. So please, for the love of god, just tell him Alexa." She says, angry but doesn't yell
"Fine, I'll tell him."
"Good, I'll call him and tell him to meet us at the house." She says. I know I can't argue with her anymore as I know her mind is already made up.
Time lapse 15 minutes
15 glorious minutes later, we arrive at the house, and we see my dad waiting on the steps. We all get out of the cars and head inside. My mom busies herself in the kitchen, making some tea while we all sit down so I can start telling them what had happened at the bakery. My mom comes out of the kitchen just in time for me to start talking. As they all look at me, I begin.
"When Jake left to go work, I went inside the bakery and started training the new hires and making some banana bread like usual. When I was showing the new hires around, Aria came up to me and told me that someone wanted to talk to me. At first, I thought it was Jake, but when I turned around, it was James. He said he wanted to talk in the board room instead of my office, and my guess was because it was soundproof, and he didn't want anyone hearing what our conversation was about." I say as I draw out the word 'our'.
"He proved my theory right when he closed the door, locked it, and pushed me up against it with my back to him. Then he started questioning why I'm dating Jake and not him, saying he thinks he can treat me better, that Jake doesn't even 'fuck' me good enough. He then proceeds to turn around and starts kissing me but I push him off and he slaps me in the face and my lip starts to bleed." I say as my mom goes to the kitchen again only to come out with cups of tea. We all thank her as I continue talking.
"After he does that, he grabs me by the hands, turns me around and with one hand, he unbuttons my pants and take them down along with my underwear. He lets go of my hands to undo his but I take that moment to pull my clothes back up and knee him in the privates." I start crying after I finished talking.
Jake goes to reach for me to comfort me but before he does, someone else does and as I look up, I see it's my father. I start crying even more as he just holds me tight in his arms while trying not to get mad.
"Oh sweetie, I am so sorry this happened to you. I am so very sorry. What can I do to make it go away or take get rid of him." He asks and I just shake my head no and he immediately understands what I'm trying to say.
"Thanks dad, thank you for comforting me, I appreciate it, and thank you for coming back." I say happily.
Leo's POV
As I let Alexa out of my arms, she thanks me for comforting her and for coming back. I take this as a sign and I thank the gods that they are giving me another chance with my daughter. I made a mental note to just make her and her mother happy. Sure Aphrodite is still unsure about me, but that's okay. I will take every chance I get to make it up to her and to be with my daughter.
The young man I saw from a couple nights ago is here and I learn that his name is Jake. I look up at him, smile, and he does the same. Alexa makes her way over to Jake and he immediately comforts her. I can't help but to say thank you to him with my eyes as he looks at me and smiles once again.
Aphrodite POV
As leo is holding Alexa in his arms and comforts her, I can't help but to look at him with love. I realized that he wasn't lying when he said he wanted to make amends with me and to get to know his daughter. After witnessing this, I make a mental not to have Jake take Alexa with him for the night as I talk to him.
"Hey Alexa, I am so sorry that happened to you today, but I have to get going, my mom is texting me and she's worried." Aria say's and Tristan agrees with her. After they leave, Thea and ben do as well. Thea stayed to comfort her a little bit before they left. She has to get to bed early tonight because she has to be at a doctor's appointment to see how her baby is doing. As they close the door, I ask Jake to take Alexa with him for a week so I can talk with leo. He does as I ask and takes her to paris so she can relax and cool down.
"Leo, we need to talk." I tell him
"Okay, about what, did I do something wrong. Great, just as I was a-" I cut him off
"No, you didn't do anything wrong. I want to say thank you for comforting Alexa. I appreciate it. And like alexa said, thank you for coming back."
"Wait, so I didn't do anything wrong, yes." He pumps his fist in the air and I just laugh.
"Can I ask you a question." He say's
"Yes, of course you can."
"May I kiss you."
"Yes." I answer him and just like that, our lips were sealed in a passionate kiss. I am pretty sure this is wrong, but it felt so good. I mean it felt better than good. It was way more intense then the last time I remembered, but none the less, I loved it either way.

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