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Alexa POV

As we walk out of the office, we hear loud screaming. We hurry to go check what it is, and what we see was unexpected for the 1 month the bakery has been opened. At the front, there is a man yelling at one of my employees, I think he said his name was Tristan.
As tristen stands there calm and composed, trying really hard not to cry, the man is just there yelling at him for whatever reason I'm soon to find out.

"Excuse me, sir, what's going on here?" I ask

"Who the fuck are you, get me your fucking manager or your fucking owner, ugly bitch." He yells.

As my mom and aunt Thea are about to respond by yelling back at him, I hold my hand up and they automatically know to let me handle it.

"Well, first of all, excuse you sir for your yelling at my employee, in front of other costumers, but I would appreciate if you would lower your voice so we can talk like normal human beings and not animals." I tell him and at that, he gets even more mad but he just asks again if he can talk to the owner.

"Sir, your looking at the owner and as for the bosses, they are right behind me, so if you have anything further to dicuss on what happened, please follow us back to my office will you." I say to him and he agrees.

"Tristan, go to the bathroom and wash your face with some water and come out when your ready, My mom, aunt Thea and I will be in my office if you guy's need anything." I tell him and he say's 'okay' while walking away.

In the office

"Sir, would you explain to us what happened and why you were so angry and yelling at one of our employees," my mom asks.

"That boy kept getting my fucking order wrong" he says

"Okay, I understand your anger but that does not give you the right to yell at him and cuss him out, as to where he is new and he is trying his best." Aunt Thea say's.

"My apologies, I was not aware he was new, I am deeply sorry for causing the comotion I did outside." He tells us.

"I deeply appreciate your apolog, sir, but it is not us who you should be apologizing to. If you want to make things right, apologize to the boy you were yelling at." I say.

Back in the front

"Hey, tristen, your name is tristen, right?" The man asks.

"Y-yes it is, h-how can I help you?" He says, stuttering

"Well, I just wanted to apologize for my yelling and cussing at you, I was not aware you were new, I am truly sorry." The man says and then walks out.

"Hey, you okay, tristen," I ask

"I'm okay, thank you," he says.

After that, we all get back to making food and drinks.

Jake POV


As I'm sitting at my desk, going over important papers, the doors to my office burst open, and my dad walks through. At first, I think he's mad, but as he gets closer, all I see is happiness on his face.

"Hey dad, why are you so happy all of a sudden?" I ask.

"Oh nothing, it's just that I met someone." He says.

"Oh my god, dad, that's amazing, I'm so happy for you." I exclaim.

"Well, that's all I had to tell you, I'll let you get back to work, oh, and she has a daughter." He tells me.

"Well, that's wonderful, like I said, I'm happy for you dad, oh by the way, I'm going to stop by the new bakery after work, do you want anything." I ask him.

"Hm, I'm not sure. Face time when you're there so I can see what they have." He says.

"Alright, dad, I will. See you later." I say back.

End of flashback

Bonus part
Jake is about to visit the new bakery again, only this time, he sees Alexa there. He questions why he sees her today and why he didn't he see her the other week ago when he went by.
Will Alexa notice him like he does her, or will she ignore him.
Find out in the next chapter.

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