Doctor Appointment

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Alexa POV

These nightmares are never-ending, but I can't think about that now. I have to make myself something to eat before going to my doctor's appointment.

Since I got everything ready yesterday, all I had to do was take it out to the car. I take the thought out of my head as I get up from the bed and go shower.

After my shower, I go down to the kitchen and get everything ready to make me some breakfast burritos. It's not much, but at least it will hold my hungry stomach down. I made myself a bacon, egg, cheese burrito, and it was amazing.

It didn't take long to eat it, but I had to rush at the end as soon as I saw the time. It was almost time for my appointment, so I rushed out of the house after I grabbed my keys from the table and started my car. I had to wait a couple of minutes for it to warm up before driving off.

It is wintertime, and I need to start thinking about what to get everyone for Christmas. Arias babies are about four months old now and have begun to play with little toys. She told me to get them all matching stuffed animals, and that is what I shall do.

Honestly, Aria had told me not to worry about getting her and Tristen anything since I already gave them a place to live, but I told her I wasn't going to take no for an answer and that I will be getting them stuff.

Jake said he would handle Tristens gifts because Tristen had basically told him everything about what he wanted. He wants the usual boy stuff that he didn't get to have when he was a kid because he had to take care of his siblings.

I honestly felt bad for him, but he told me not to and that he's thankful for everything that has happened because he got to meet Aria, and he got to have triplets. He keeps thanking Aria every day for bringing their children into the world, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

He knows they have only been together for a year, but he plans to propose to her. I wanted to tell her so badly, but I couldn't as he wanted to surprise her by taking her out to dinner.

I am thankful for everyone who has been there for me and especially for my mother bringing me into this world. Because of my mother, I got to live a happy life, and I couldn't ask for more.
I take my mind off of those thoughts as I pull up to the doctor office and get my little bag ready to take inside with me.

I go inside and I am immediately greeted by the receptionist.

"Hello, are you here for an appointment?" She asks, probably already knowing the answer.

"Yes, I am. I'm here for an ultrasound to see how far along I am." I say honestly.

Finding out far along I am is going to be amazing, but I also want to find out when the possible date is of having my baby.

"Alright, may I get your name, please?" She asks me.

"Yes, it's Alexandrea Carmen Garcia." I tell her.

"Alright, Ms. Garcia, please sign in and then take a seat. The doctor will be with you shortly." She says, looking at my bag.

"Alright, thank you." I say as I go sit down in the waiting room.

I didn't think I would be nervous, but I am. I guess being a first-time mom for everyone is like this.  My mom said she was nervous when she found out how far along she was with me before everything that had happened.

Before I could text my mom for some pointers, a lady called my name.

"Ms. Garcia." She calls.

"Here." I say.

"Hello, if you can please follow me to the back and into room three." She politely says.

I follow her to the room, and once we are in there, I am astounded about how it looks. It's not the normal white you see every day in a hospital or a doctors office. It's painted all kinds of pinks, purples, yellows, and greens.

"Alright, Ms. Gracia, so you're here to find out how far along you are with your pregnancy, correct?" She asks.

"Yes, that is correct. Also, is it possible to tell me the possible due date of my babies?" I ask, not wanting to sound nervous, but I fail.

"Of course. Now, I will put some of this gel on your stomach and put this wand on it to make us see your little growing bean or beans." She says as I just nod my head, okay.

"Alright, let's start. Once I put this on, they will show up on the screen, and if they don't, I would just have to move the wand to see where the baby is resting or moving around." She tells me, and again, I just nod my head, okay.

She moves the wand around for a bit before we see a growing baby on the screen. I sit myself up on my elbows a little bit to see more clearer, and I don't regret it. My baby is beautiful and I couldn't be happier.

I can't wait to go home and show Jake our baby's first pictures. I know he will be very excited.

"Do we want some pictures to take home to the father?" She asks.

"Yes, please, and thank you." I say in return as she hands me a wipe to wipe off the gel on my belly.

"Alright, here you are." She says as she hands me the pictures of my baby.

"Thank you so much." I tell her.

"Oh, by the way, you will be three months pregnant on November twenty-second, and the possible due date for your baby is next year in May on the twenty-eighth." She tells me before I leave.

"Alright, thank you." I say to her as I leave.

I get to my car as I get a phone call from Jake. I pick it up, but it's dead silent, that is until I hear a moan come from the other end.

I don't think twice about what I'm about to do as I hang up the call and drive to Jake's company.

I get there in a span of twenty minutes, and I rush inside to the elevator and to the top floor. Once the elevator opens, you can hear the moaning all the way from his office.

I march up to his and slam it open, only to find Hera and some random dude pounding into her from behind. Their too engrossed in their pleasure to see me until I clear my throat.

"Oh my god, Alexa, I'm so sorry you had to see that. Please don't tell Jake." She says, rushing to get dressed.

"She doesn't have to because my secretary called me and told me everything. By the way, next time, wait till you get home to do that or go to a fucking hotel to do it. Also, Alex, you're fired for pounding my sister in my office. I do not care what you have to say, just get your things and get the fuck out." Jake says angrily before turning to me.

"What are you doing here?" He asks me.

"I'm here cause I got a call from you only to hear a moan on the other end, so I rushed here cause I thought you were cheating on me. Turns out you weren't, and it was Heras moan." I say out of breath, almost sounding angry.

"Oh my gosh, Alexa, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize we pressed call on Jake's office phone. I'm sorry you had to hear that and assume he's cheating." Hera says apologetically as she looks at the floor.

"It's fine now, Hera, you may leave." Jake says, dismissing her.

"Alexa, you know I would never cheat on you." Jake says truthfully.

"I know, but when I heard the moan, I didn't know what to think. I was at the doctor's office to get an ultrasound to see how far along we are, and then I got a call from you. I'm sorry for thinking that you would do such a thing." I say, almost crying.

"Hey honey, it's alright. Now, why don't you show me the pictures of our baby." He says, and I do.

Okay, my bad for thinking that, but I also didn't have a choice. I've been so emotional lately because of this pregnancy, but I can learn to handle it.

For now, I am just going to focus on my beautiful baby, my family, and friends, and of course, Jake.

I wouldn't have this any other way.

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