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Jake POV
I wake up, and I immediately start getting ready for the day Alexa and I have ahead of us. Now I didn't plan anything special because I told her that we would have an all day date and do whatever we wanted but the first thing we would do was visit the lady from yesterday at the hospital. As I am getting ready, I call Alexa and ask if she is ready and to my surprise, she is so I rush out of my room, down the stairs, outside to my car, get in, and drive off.
I get to her house thirty minutes later, and as I'm about to honk, she comes out wearing a flower dress that hugs her in all the right places. Thoughts go through my head, and they don't seem to stop until she gets in and buckles herself up.
"Hey, good morning baby, how was your night?" I ask her
"Other than what happened yesterday, it was pretty good. Oh, I meant to tell you yesterday that I'm going to be a big sister. My mom is pregnant, and I am so happy."
"That's amazing, I can't wait to meet this sibling of yours in nine months. I could tell you will love he/she as much as you will love our future children." I say, and she blushes while smiling.
"What made you say that all of a sudden?"
"Oh, nothing, just the future ahead of us. Also, because I don't want anyone else but you. When I saw you for the first time, I was mesmerized by your beauty, and I knew right then and there that you would make an amazing mother." I say
"Awe, thank you, babe. I appreciate it, I love you."
"I love you too." I say back as we drive off.
Aphrodite POV
I wake up and rush to the bathroom so I can throw up. I made it on time to the toilet and let out all the contents from last night as Leo came to the bathroom and held my hair up for me.
"No, don't look at me. It's disgusting seeing this." I mumble still half asleep
"It's okay, you're my girlfriend, I'm supposed to see this, especially since you're pregnant with our second baby."
"I know, but it's still disgusting." I say as I flush the toilet, head over to the sink, and brush my teeth and mouth out.
"Hey, come here. It's okay if it's disgusting. I don't mind it. Come lay down on the bed, I will go make you something to eat." He says, hugging me.
I get into bed again while leo goes downstairs to make us some breakfast. I turn the t.v. on and flip through the channels until I find something I am interested in, which so happens to be law n order special victims unit. In the middle of watching an episode, leo comes back upstairs with a tray of food, and it smells really good.
"Alright, here we are. I made your favorite. Egg and cheese omelet, three pieces of bacon, and two slices of toast with butter." He says as he sets the tray of food down on the bed.
"Mm, thank you so much. I really appreciate it, I love you." It was then that I realized it was a bit too fast to say it, but I'm pregnant with his second baby, so why not say it? It did make me feel complete after all.
I set those thoughts aside as a new one forms in my mind. One concerning Thea. And then it hits me like a wrecking ball. She is about to give birth in a month and I need to tell her about me being pregnant though I'm sure she will not be to thrilled but I just have to find a way to break it to her gently. I get the same idea I got when I told Alexa and I'm pretty sure it will work, just got to make sure she doesn't have her bitch fit about it and cuss leo out. With that thought in mind, I call her and tell her to meet me at my house then I end the call, and finish eating the delicious food set before me.

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