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Leo's POV-first and probably only
After 19 years, I finally found where my ex-girlfriend lives, and least to say I was happy. Why, well cause she's not just my ex-girlfriend, but she's also my baby mama. I remember the day she left, and all I could do was blame myself because I was the sole reason for her leaving. Yes, I admit that back at the time, I did try and kill her for being pregnant, but at the same time, I'm glad she ran out of that door all those years ago. I also admit I had committed other crimes along the way, but nothing too bad to get me in jail. I was always let off with a warning, and may I say I thank the gods because I think they kept giving me chance after chance. I had thought to myself for the longest time if I should show up to her house, but I was always putting that down until one day, I finally made my decision.
I made the decision to go and see her but also to see my daughter. I found out the baby's gender when I went to her gender reveal party 19 years ago, and it was the happiest day of my life. But that was in the past, now we are in the future. When I made the decision, I quickly booked a flight to the state she lived in and headed to the airport. I was surprised that she still lived in Cali, and it just made everything so much easier. As soon as I got to the airport, I booked it inside just in time for them to announce that all the people for the California plane to get on and be seated. As soon as I got on, I waited about 15 minutes for everybody else to get on and at least one hour before take off.
Time lapse, several hours later
Seven hours later, the plane landed, and we all got off. I headed outside, called for a taxi, and gave him Aphrodite's address. It took two hours to get there, but at least I made it. It was only 10 at night when I arrived. I contemplated before going up to the door and knocking on it a little bit, but I finally got the courage to do so. I walked up to the house before me, climbed the steps, and I rang the doorbell. I rang it again, then knocked, and the talking from inside stopped, and was soon followed by someone opening the door. I stared at the women before me, my baby mama and may I say she's even more beautiful than before, but before I could say anything, her face turned angry and then I received a slap to my face.
"What the f-." I was cut off with her asking what I was doing here, why was I here, that she rold her daughter about me, and that she hates me.
Yes, I admit it hurt to know that my daughter hated me, but I was mad at the fact that her mother told her stuff she didn't need to know. I was about to speak up when I heard a car pulling up. I turn around just in time for a beautiful young lady to get out, followed by a young man walking next to her. I assume this stunning young lady is my daughter because she looks so much like Aphrodite, and she has my eyes. She confirmed it for me when she asked her mother what was going on and who I was. I can see Aphrodite mentally prepare herself to tell my daughter who I was.
"Alexa, meet your dad, leo." Aphrodite tells her, and her face just turns into one of anger, and she cusses me out while crying.
"You, why are you here, after 19 years, you decide to show up, why, I fucking hate you, I don't want to see you ever, get the fuck out of my sight, go away." Alexa all but yells at me after she slaps me across the face. She then proceeds to go hug her mom while the young man from earlier hugs them. My anger gets the best of me, and I say some pretty messed up things that I regret a minute later. At hearing what I said, Alexa stops crying, slaps me in the face for the second time, and tells me that the young man is her boyfriend and not her mom's.
Again, I can't keep my mouth shut, and I just proceed to say even more messed up things. As alexa tries to slap me again, I catch her hand in a tight grip, and I don't notice I'm hurting her until she lets out a soft cry. I try and let go of her hand, but before I do, I am punched in the stomach and then in the face by that young man. Everything happens so fast that I dont even realize another car pulls up and another man comes into the house, checks on Thea, then alexa and her mom. I again can't keep my mouth shut, and words just spill out, and then I am tackled to the floor outside before being brought inside and being tackled again. Then the young man says he's tired of me disrespecting the ladies, and he threatens to put me in jail if I don't leave.
I take that as my cue, I get up off the floor, my nose bleeding, and before I walk out, I say I'm here to stay along with some other stuff I can't comprehend.

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