Asking Her

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Aphrodite POV
After Alexa got home from the bakery, leo and I sat her down to ask her the question we wanted. I, of course, called it when she disagreed.
"Alexa, your dad and I have something to ask you." I start.
"What is it."
"Well, it's more of a statement than a question, but your dad will explain it."
"Wait, why do I have to e-" I cut him off
"Because it was your idea, that's why." I say annoyed
"Okay, fine. So Alexa sweetie, I work for a security company well more like own it, but that's not the point."
"Then what's the point?" She asks.
"The point is that I want to hire some guards to keep an eye on you and your mom. I will put some around the house and have some follow you to make sure you're safe. You know, since what happened, two mon -" she cuts him off.
"No, absolutely not. I will not have guards following me around." She exclaims.
"Alexa, it's for your safety. When you called me and told me what happened, my heart shattered because you should've never gone through that. So please just recon -" I try, but I am cut off.
"NO, I don't  need guards. Yes, I went through that. Yes, I am shattered because of it, but I don't need guards. Having guards is like breaching my personal space. Maybe I will need them one day, but now is not the time. I appreciate that you guys are trying to protect me, but I don't want them, not now, at least." She yells then starts to cry as the memories of two months ago come rushing back into her mind.
"Alright honey, we won't put any guards right now, but if you ever need them in the future, and I mean ever, let me know asap, got it." Leo says, and she just shakes her head yes while hugging us.
Jake POV
When Alexa called me her boyfriend for the first time in front of people, I was over joyed. I was for about a day and a half before the incident with James happened. It broke my heart for what he tried to do to her. After she had shown us the security cameras, my body went cold. My mind was processing things of what to do, how to take this, how I should get my hands on him. Yes, I know James had a crush on her, but it is not my fault she didn't like him back. He blamed me for stealing Alexa away from him, and the only thoughts on my mind were, "Why is he blaming me, I got nothing to do with any of this. His fault for having an obsession with her.'
It broke me more when I saw he had slapped her across the face. When I saw that, my blood went cold, and I got really angry, so in order to keep my anger at bay, I kissed Alexa on the forehead while holding her hand, and that did the trick. Alexa is my girlfriend, and she deserves all the best things, not this shitty stuff that happens. Yes, it happens whether we want it to or not, but we are able to control it at times. I was proud of Alexa kicking him in his privates and locking him in the board room afterward. If I have to admit, Alexa is a brilliant, smart, amazing, and beautiful woman, and I would do anything to protect her. That was the day I made a vow to protect her because I could not stand the fact of her getting hurt. I love her with all my heart.
Thea POV
Being pregnant is hard, but hearing what had happened to Alexa was even harder. I could not imagine my future daughter going through that. It would break me just like it broke Aphrodite. When I heard that dude was sentenced to five years in prison for attempted rape, I was happy. I may have been too happy cause my baby kept kicking me, and it was an amazing feeling. Tomorrow is the day I find out what I am having, but ben decided it would be best for it to be at surprise. He wanted a baby shower, and I immediately agreed, so we called Aphy and Alexa, and told them if they could meet us tomorrow for the doctors appointment, and they immediately said yes.
The day of the doctor visit
Thea's POV still
Ben and I made it to the doctors office a bit early, so we decided that we would go get some breakfast and then come back. When we got back to the office, Aphy and Alexa were waiting for us outside. I got out of the car, made my way to them, and gave them a big hug, especially Alexa, because I knew she needed it. We all went inside, sat down in the waiting area, and waited for about twenty minutes before being called to the back. Once we all went into the room, Aphy and alexa were sitting down in the chairs, while Ben was staning up, and I lay on the bed.
A couple minutes go by before the doctor asks if we want to know the gender or keep it a surprise. Ben spoke up and said it before I could. After the papers were printed with some pictures and the baby's gender, the doctor handed them to Alexa and Aphy. They took a look inside and squealed happily before giving each other a knowing look. I knew that look. That look said they were planning a whole bunch of things for the baby shower.
"Aunt Thea, the only thing we are telling you is that the baby shower will be held wherever you guys held mine." Alexa said proudly.
"Oh, at the building by the park. Okay, I'll take it but don't go over bored with the decorations. In other words, don't pull a me."
"To late." Aphy says as we walk out of the room, out of the doctors office, and to our cars. We all drive off and head home.
I couldn't be happier to find out my baby's gender in a couple of days because I have been waiting for this moment ever since the day I found out I was pregnant. I thank the gods for making my biggest dream come true and for gifting me the perfect husband.

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