Finding Out

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Thea POV
I go home with Aphy because she says she has something to tell me, and I wonder if it is good or bad. I don't ask cause she already seems stressed with a lot of things, and I don't want to push any buttons and make her way more stressed.
She's pregnant with twins that will most likely love Elijah growing up. Speaking of Elijah, he is almost one year old, and I still thank the gods I got my dream come true. I may have had him late, but I'm happy I had him.
Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I see that we have arrived at Aphys house. We get out of the car as it comes to a stop and head inside and inside is nor what I was expecting. There are alot of people here including that Adelaide bitch that I've met once or twice when Alexa and I ran into her at the store.
"Hey, Aphy who are all these people and why is she here?" I question as I look at Adelaide with a disgusting look and she does the same.
"Well, thats a long story but I will do the talking and then they will, but please sit down." Aphys tells me.
"Why do I need to sit down, how bad can this be." I ask
"Trust me Thea, your going to want to sit down for this story because it has to do of how we met in the first place but promise me you won't let out your anger at the end."
"I promise I won't let it out till I'm home or in the gym." I reassure her.
"Alright well like I said, it has to do with how we first met and everything that happened with Leo. I will tell you from the beginning so you can understand why these people are all here and then they will introduce themselves." She says.
"Alright, go ahead." I tell her as she takes a deep breath preparing herself to tell me. I literally don't get it, why is she acting like this. Without thinking she starts talking and I pay very close attention to not miss any details.
Time lapse, 2 hours
About two hours later, Aphy is done telling the story and I am beyond livid. Not because she kept this from me but because this old bitch that is supposedly her mother, wanted her to abort Alexa when she was pregnant with her. She then agreed to do that but couldn't go through wit it be abuse she loved the peanut that is now Alexa. Then she told Leo and he tried to kill her but she managed to escape, got a job, met me, had Alexa only for almost twenty year later, her mother comes back. And not to mention, Adelaide is her younger sister and now I can't hate her and she can't hate me.
Aphrodite swear she gave it some thought but I still have my doubts. I need to spend time with them in order to trust them and to be around Aphy and her three kids.
I again pull myself out of my thoughts as Aphy calls Alexa and puts her on speaker phone. When Alexa answers, she is breathing heavy and I can't help but to wonder why since she was never a girl to go exercising but then a thought hits me and before it can fully form, Aphy hange up and once again tells me something.
"So Thea, when they get here, that's when we will introduce those two, also because Alexa has something to tell you. I was going to tell you but she wanted it to be a surprise and tell you herself." Aphy says.
"Alright." Is all I can say while waiting for them to arrive.
About thirty minutes later, they arrive and Alexa hugs me then her mom.
"Hey kiddo, I hope your doing well, also ur mom said you had something to tell me." I say in a curious tone.
"Oh yes but first before that, mom told me you have met those two boys. Well aunt Thea, meet my so called grandmother's sons. Twins of course. The one on the left is Khai and the one on the right is Oliver. The reason I dyed my hair is because I looked so much like Oliver over here."
Well the explains why she changer her hair all of a sudden but there's still something she's not telling me. How can she seem so calm right when earlier she was a stressing mess. I want to figure it out, but at the same time, I again don't wanna bring more stress then what's already been happening.
Alexa has a lot on her plate right now. She taking care of the bakery, taking care of her mom, helping out with Elijah here and there. And she's even meeting up with Hera, Jake's sister to plan a baby shower for her Aphy at the bakery.
"Also aunt Thea, we cam her to give you this. This is holds the surprise mom was talking about over the phone to you before she actually hung up." Alexa says handing me a blue and pink bag.
I open it and take put a purple glittered box and open that. After opening it, I am met with a onesie that say 'surprise, your gonna have a great nephew'. I then proceed to take out a positive pregnancy test and that's when I look up at Alexa crying tears of joy.
She is pregnant.
"Oh my gosh, Alexa, I am so happy for you. I can't believe your giving me a great nephew. I love you." I say as I hug her.
Today was not jowls imagined it to go. First I find out everything of Aphys mom and siblings, then find out Alexa pregnant. Today couldn't make me more happier. Or so I thought anyway.
My husband's call interrupts our cheering as I answer and put him on speaker phone.
"Hey honey whats up." I ask
"Oh nothing, just wanted to tell you that when I got home from work to take care of Elijah and send his baby sitter off, he has his first steps." He tells me and I start crying tears of joy.
"I'm on my way cause I have some pretty big news as well, that Alexa said I can share with you." I say as Aphy and I head out to the car and she drives me home.

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