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Aphrodite POV

Flashback 3 months back

I called Thea to go ahead and come over so I could finally tell her this exciting news of mine. I knew she wouldn't be happy about it, but if there is a chance or a way I can convince her to be happy for leo and I, then I will. I am so engraved into my thoughts that I don't hear the door bell go off until I hear some knocking. I go to open the door, and standing in front of me is not the person who I expected. I expected Thea not my mother. I know it would mean saying this, but I didn't know she was still alive, her or my father. The last time i saw them was when they kicked me out for getting pregnant with Alexa, I was only seventeen going on eighteen, and two months after turning eighteen, I had Alexa.

Remember the house that I ran from, yes that was my parents house, leo was just living with us cause his parents had died and he didn't have anywhere to go, so my parents took him in. They had kicked me out when they found out before I told leo, but they had said I could stay if I aborted my child. It was a hard decision to think about, but I agreed. Now, I may have agreed, but I didn't go through with it. Yes, you read that right, I didn't go through with the decision I had made, I couldn't. So when my parents left one night to go on a date, I got the courage to tell Leo and you already how that turned out. He beat me, I ran away, I found Thea, had Alexa, and now here we are years later, and I'm pregnant with two more of his kids, but it's worth it.

It's kind of hard to remember my mother's name, but then it hits me like a wrecking ball. My mother, Caroline, is standing before me. I am shocked beyond recognition because I have not seen her for almost twenty years, I have not been in contact with her or anyone from my family. When I left, I made a vow to leave everyone and everything behind because all of my family looked up to my mother and I knew that if I was in contact with even one of them, they would tell my mother but now that she's standing here at my front door, all I want to do is cry, but I do not. So I put on a straight face and start talking as Thea pulls up.

"Hello, Caroline." I say, trying to hide the surprise on my face.

"Caroline, you do not call me by my first name, I am your mother, and you call me mom or mother." She says angrily.

"I am sorry, but you have lost those privileges the day you told me to abort my child, and the day you said you didn't care about me anymore, 'mother'." I say as I emphasize the word mother.

"And for that, I am sorry Aphrodite, I truly am, and I wish I could take all that back, but I am here because I miss my first born."

"Wait, first born. You had another baby after I left, but how, that's not possible, you said you couldn't get pregnant anymore. How many more did you have? How many siblings do I have?" I question her.

"That doesn't matter right now. What matters is that I am here to take you home to meet them and to be a happy family again." She says as she looks at me with puppy dog eyes that don't work on me.

"I am sorry, Caroline, but I am not going to go, I have a daughter to take care of and I have two more on the way, so if you could please move aside and let my friend in, I would appreciate that." I say and begin to close the door, but she stops me and gets mad. At that instant, so does Thea, and before I can stop her, words are already flying out of her mouth.

"Listen here bitch, I may not know you but I have heard about you and the way you have treated my friend and I am not thrilled. I do not appreciate you trying to squeeze your way back into her life almost twenty years later. She has found happiness and you coming back is ruining it and don't even get me started about the baby you wanted her to abort. The baby you wanted her to abort is alive and kicking, living well running her own bakery." She yells those words out before I could stop her since I spotted Alexa walking up. Again before I can say anything, Thea continues.
"I also do not appreciate the fact that you have the audacity to try and take my best friend away from her happiness so she can meet her so called siblings. After almost twenty years, you show up, why." Thea finishes as Alexa comes up the stairs, passes by my mother and stands next to us. I am surprised as she speaks up.

"Yea, why have you come back. Also mom I am sorry but from all the yelling you guys were doing, Jake and I heard everything." And that's when I notice Jake standing on the steps and I just wave my hand for him to come inside and he does.

"Hey guys, is everything alright?" He asks

"Yes, everything is fine, just my mother showed up after almost twenty years is all. Alexa, meet your grandmother, Caroline." I introduce them.

"Ah, so your the bitch that told my mother to get an abortion when she was pregnant with me. I thought you would be beautiful like my mom, but I guess I was wrong." Alexa says mockingly.

"Aphrodite, is this how you raised my granddaughter, I am so ashamed of
you." She says, disappointed.

"No, she didn't raise me like this, I just talk this way to people that I hate or to people that make me really mad." Alexa tells her.

"Yes mother, as Alexa said, I didn't raise her that way, she just talks like that to the people she hates, and if I were you, I would leave before she slaps you in the face. Her and Thea both." I say as I look at her, and she just storms off, gets in her car, and leaves.

I sigh as Thea turns around and glares at me.

"So you're pregnant, with twins, and you didn't think to tell me. Aphy, we made a promise to tell each other everything, and you hid this from me for how long?" She asks

"Two months." I say as I look to the floor.

"Two months, Aphy, two months, and I could've been here helping you already like I did with Alexa when you were pregnant with her. I'm not mad, just disappointed you kept this from me. Why did you?"

"Because I was afraid of what you would say when you find out who the father is." I say on the brink of crying, and her gaze softens.

"Afraid of what I would say when I find out. I'm sure it can't be that bad. Who is the father?"

"I am." Leo says as he enters the house.

"What?" Her face full of shock as she looks at me with wide eyes as if she can't believe it, and as soon as the shock disappears, anger and disappointment are shown.

"Thea, I know you're angry and disappointed, but he showed me he changed. He's been showing me every day. Thea, I promise you that I didn't give in right away. I had my doubts, but he kept showing me every day that he changed. He even offered to put up body guards around our house and follow Alexa after what had happened to her." I say crying as Leo hugs me.

"Aphy, I am mad and disappointed you didn't tell me from the beginning but if he has really changed and if he is going to really put effort into helping you with these babies, then I will be right here with you guys. Yes, I have Elijah to take care of, but I will also help you just like I did when you were pregnant with Alexa. I can not promise that my anger will pass for some days, but it will one day, until then, we stick together like the day we did when we found each other. We made an oath to always be there for each other, and I am not going to break that oath because I am mad at this situation. Aphy, you know I love you through anything, right?" She all but says calmly.

"I know you do, and thank you." I say as I keep crying, and we hug each other.

After breaking apart, she waves good bye as she leaves to head back home and like I had said, I knew she wouldn't be thrilled but at least she didn't say that this broke our oath we made when we first met each other. I calm myself down as Alexa hugs me and kisses me on the check and leo follows after going to the kitchen to get us all a drink. I feel bad that my daughter had to meet her grandmother this way, but I know she understands why it happened the way it did. I have no clue if my mother is staying, but I hope she doesn't because I did just fine by myself with some help from Thea and some other friends. I'm just glad she left instead of pushing further to get to know what has been going on. Thank the heavens everything ended on a good note.

End of flashback

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