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Thea's POV

As I got home, I noticed the house was a bit decorated. I ask myself how and why, when my husband comes out of the kitchen. Along with him are his parents and his sister while he's carrying a bouquet of pink roses, my favorite.

"Hey honey, what's all this?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing much, I just wanted to give you these pink roses and say thank you for coming into my life and being such an amazing woman. You are my soulmate, and I thank the gods that I get to have you. I know you'll be an amazing, sweet, caring, and loving mother to our child. Thank you so much for giving me the perfect gift." He says, and I can't help but start crying tears of joy as i hug him.

"Yay, I'm finally going to be an auntie." His sister says excitedly.

"And we are going to be grandparents, yes." They all but yell happily and excitedly for us.

"Oh, honey, I forgot to mention that Aphrodite and Alexa are coming over. They wanted to celebrate the happy news." I tell him.

"Perfect, the more the merrier, also since I'm saying that, a couple people are coming over from the company to help us celebrate, if that's alright with you because if it isn't then-" he says but I cut him off.

"Honey, that's perfect, like you said, the more the merrier right." I tell him, and he replies with "Right, " we both say.

Time lapse, 1 hour

One hour goes by, and people are starting to show up. And by people, I mean a lot of people. While my husband is outside grilling burgers, my in-laws are making drinks. I tried to help, but they all gave me a warning look to back off, so I just go and get to know everyone else.

As I'm talking to a group of people, I see my bestest friend ever and her daughter come in. I excuse myself and start heading towards them as they see me. As soon as we are in arms reach, we all hug each other.

"Thea, my friend, I hope everyone has been treating you well." Aphrodite says.

"Haha, yea, what mom said, anyway, how are you doing?" Alexa asks

"Haha, yes they are and I'm doing pretty good, there are some drinks in the fridge if you guy's want to help yourselfs, and uncle ben is outside grilling food if you want to go get some as well." I say

Time lapse 20 min

A girl walks in, and as she looks at me, she stares daggers at me. I know all too well who that girl is. She works at my husband's company and has been trying to sleep with him ever since she found out we got married. I think her name is Lina.

At first, I think she's gonna come up to me and talk some shit like always, but thank the heavens that she doesn't. I just look back at my friend and her daughter. As I look at Alexa, she looks at me and says with her eyes 'if that bitch tries anything, I won't keep my mouth shut, I will cuss her out' and I just give a look back and tell her to go for it, her mom agrees of course.


Alexa POV

As we sit down to eat, champagne is served. Of course I called it when that bitch decided to speak up.

"Hey Thea, why aren't you drinking." Lina says

"Oh, I can't." I say.

"Why not? What's the matter, honey bun?" She says while smirking.

"I just can't. Why am I even explaining to you. you're a nobody." Aunt Thea says.

"Excuse me, listen here bitch-" she tries to say, but I cut her off.

"No, you listen hear bitch, don't you ever disrespect my aunt like that. If she says she can't drink, then she can't. She doesn't have to explain to you why she can't. So listen very closely, if I ever catch you disrespecting her again, I won't hesitate to fucking slap the shit out of you, do you understand me." I say to her, anger seething within me.

"Ha, you think I'm scared of a little brat, but no I'm not, now get your ugly ass face out of mine." As soon as those words leave her mouth, that automatically makes my mom mad. She grabs lina by the collar and says
"If you ever disrespect my daughter and friend like that again, I will make sure to do way worse to you than what my daughter said she would do, do I make myself clear." My mom says, almost growling

"Y-yes ma'am." Lina say's stuttering and as she does, she's thrown out of the party. And I mean literally thrown out to the point where she was carried outside and tossed to the floor.

Time lapse 1 hour

One hour goes by, and everyone is already leaving. As my mom and I are helping to clean up, Aunt Thea says we can go home, that her and Uncle ben will clean tomorrow.

As we head out, we make sure we have everything and wave them goodbye for the night. We get in the car and drive off towards home, and as we pull up, mom says,'Nice job for saying all of that stuff to lina' while laughing.

I can't help but laugh along with her until we get inside. As we get inside, I tell my mom I'm gonna go shower and head to bed, and she just says okay.
As I retire for the night, I can't help but think of that guy that came by today, and I wonder if he will be there tomorrow. Those were the last thoughts of the night before falling into a peaceful slumber.

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