All About Alexa And Jake

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Alexa POV

Before we continue from where we left off, I want to tell you all about myself. My name is Alexandrea carmen garcia. I was born on may 5th 2004, and well, you guessed it, I'm a taurus. Why do you think my mother mentioned me as a stubborn young lady or will mention it. Anyway, this is to tell you about myself, so let's get started, shall we.

I am your regular ordinary girl who loves to do almost everything. Weather its cooking, baking, painting, riding bikes, reading, etc. If there is one thing that I hate in the entire world, it's people who think that they are the most precious thing in the world.

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing bad about that. It's just that when their pride gets the better of them, they become self centered, and extremely rude. That's the part that I hate. I don't ever see myself as that, but even if I did, i wouldn't be mean or self-centered.

Anyway, enough about that and more about getting to know me.

There is one person who absolutely hates me, and her name is Helena. She's hated me ever since we were little kids. Growing up, I never knew why until she mentioned one name I'm all too familiar with.

James Taylor

He's had a crush on me since we were 5, and I don't think it will change anytime soon. He has continually tried asking me out, to which every time I said no. I have and always will only see him as a brother.

As for Helena, I just see her as a bitch, because she thinks I'm going to steal her "man" when I'm not. It makes me mad the way she treats me. So later in the chapters, she better watch herself because I'm not going to stay this nice little girl for long..


Jake POV

As alexa said, let me introduce myself.
Hello, my name is Jacob enzo Hunter, and I was born on april 22nd, 2002. I am 15 years of age. And well, you guys also guessed it, I'm a taurus. I can be very stubborn at times. It's even difficult for my father.

So without further or do let's get to know me, shall we.

What I like - sports, puzzles, reading, hiking, etc. All the good stuff, let's just say
What I dont like- Helena.

She's the same age as me, although she's born 1 month before me, and she has been chasing me around everywhere I go. I guess it's cause of the looks I got from my dad and the eyes I got from my late mother.

I have told her to back off for quite some tim,  but she just doesn't listen. She even got expelled from school once because she was up to no good following me around as well as she does my best friend, James taylor.

Bonus part of chapter
Decription of what they all of the characters look like.

Alexa - long butt length blonde hair she gets from her mother to which she dies it to some dark irredecsent colors later on in the book. She has a skinny hour glass figure that most boys drool over, especially that boy James Taylor.

Jake has a short hair style cut and faded. His hair color is jett balck. Most of his hamdsome features he gets from his father Noah. The only thing he got from his late mother were her eyes. His eyes are a mixture of blue and green. He's rocking a six-pack of hards abs, and every girl chases him, especially that Helena girl.
James - Kind of the same as jake, but a little different.
While jake has a clean-shaven face, james is rocking a short stubble beard and a full mustache. He has a fascination with Alexa, but he's mad she doesn't see him in the same way he sees her.

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