Trouble 2

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Jake POV

As I'm finishing up for the day, someome barges in my office, but I dont look to see who it is as my work is more important than them. This person seems to be very impatient as the sound of heels clicking catches my attention.

"Finally, you look up, I've been standing here for 10 minutes!" She exclaims.

"For the love of god, what do you want Helena?" I ask.

"Oh, I dont know, just a moment of your time!" She says angrily.

"Helena, can't you see I'm working, I don't have time, especially not for you." I tell her.

"Well, you should have time for me," she says.

"No I shouldn't, now get the fuck out." I say and she storms off.

Thank the fuck she left because one more minute, i wouldn't be able to handle myself. I would trash my whole office trying not to hurt her.

Time lapse 1 hour

One hour later, I clock out of work, and I head to the new bakery. I think it's called sunset bakery, I'm not too sure.


Ten minutes later, I arrive at the bakery, and I can already smell the delicious banana bread. Even though this is my second time being here, that's my favorite dessert.

I walk in, and I see her. I see the girl that I saw at the movie theaters six years ago. She's even more beautiful than last time, and I can't but help fall for her even more. From where I stand by the door, she seems to be telling people what to do while she makes some drinks.

As I start walking to the counter, I see the lady I saw with her six years ago that I think is her mother, still not sure there, but they do look alike, the only difference is their eyes. The older lady has blue ones and the girl I fell for has grey eyes.

I get to the counter and wait for my order to be taken. One of the older ladies comes to take my order, and after she does, I make small talk with her.

"So, how long has the bakery been open?" I ask.

"Oh, just about 2 months now. Why is there anything I can help you with, sir?" She asks me.

"Oh, I would like to speak to the owner." I say as she looks at me with shock written all over her face then I quickly add "oh, don't worry, it's nothing bad, I promise, I just need to ask a question is all!" She says 'okay' as she walks away to talk to the girl I feel for.

Five minutes later, the girl I fell for came over, and that's when it hit me. Shes the owner of this bakery and I think to myself, 'this is amazing, my crush owns a bakery and my favorite banana bread is from here, oh my-' I'm suddenly brought out of my thoughts when she says,

"Excuse me, sir, my aunt said you wanted to speak with me. How can I help you?" She asks.

"Ah yes, I was just wanting to know if my company and I can have our business meetings here from time to time, if that's alright with you." I ask her.

"Oh, yes, of course, there's enough room in here for that, we also have a separate board room if you'd like to use it when you do have your meetings." She tells me.

"Yes, that's perfect, thank you." I say
And just like that, I got the thing I have always wanted. To see her while she's working and looking so beautiful.


Thea's POV

"What did he want?" I ask her.

"Oh, nothing, just if he and his company can have some of their meetings here." She says, blushing.

"You're blushing, huh,  oh my god, dont tell me." I say questioningly.

"What?" she says.

"You like him, don't you." I say in a questioning tone.

"Haha, is it that obvious?" She asks.

"Sweetie, you're blushing. Even your mom can see it from all the way in the office." I say as we both look that way and see she's already looking at us.

"Oh shit, she definitely saw it, but it's okay, I know she won't push to know her daughter is all of a sudden blushing like crazy." I tell her as we both go back to work and make more deserts and drinks.


Aphrodite POV

As I'm making my way out of the office, I can see Thea and Alexa talking, but as I look closer, I can see that Alexa is blushing. As I wonder why, she looks at a man, and that's when I realize my daughter has her first crush.

I can't help but go crazy in my head, but at the same time, I know I can't ask her about it until we are home because I don't want to embarrass her. I made that promise to myself before she was born, along with some other ones I would never do to my daughter. And because of those promises, my relationship with my daughter is strong, and I couldn't ask for a better daughter.

I cut myself off from my own thoughts as I say to myself that I need to get back to work and help my precious daughter. As I'm going back to help her make some drinks, the guy is looking at her while he's eating some banana bread.

I'm guessing he seems to like it because he comes up to the counter and orders two more pieces and a coffee to go, all the while looking at Alexa. It's kind of creeping me out, but if my daughter has a crush on this man, I will not ruin it. That is yet another promise I made to myself.

I will always be there for my baby girl. Doesn't matter how old she gets. She will always be my baby. My beautiful baby girl that I thank the gods for giving me her. She was my dream come true, and I could not ask for a better one.

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