Almost Done

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Aphrodite POV
It has been three days since Alexa and I have been helping this bakery out, and so far, it's going amazing. Ever since they emailed Alexa asking for her help, other bakeries have seen this and have heard of her helping and have been emailing her to go to their rescue. I was in full support of this, and she was so excited to help out more bakeries. We had agreed to give it at least one week to help out other bakeries after this one just so hers doesn't fall behind and end up getting bad.
I had heard about the incident with Helena, and I was very disappointed because I didn't know she could act like that. When I was around her mother, she was always as sweet as can be, but it turns out she was just hiding it. I also learned that she despised Alexa for reasons I do not know because no one would tell me, but that's alright because all that matters to me are family and friends. Alexa has been through a lot of things, and each time, she comes out of it more stronger than ever before, and I love to see her getting along with everyone. When she's with jake, the world around her disappears, and it's like we don't exist. I can tell she really loves him and he really loves her. I had noticed a ring on her finger, and I assumed it was a promise ring because they have only been dating for four months now, and it's absolutely amazing to see the way they treat each other.
Speaking of that, it also has been four months since leo has been around, and he has been proving himself. I couldn't help but to let down the walls that I put up and once I did, things got steamy and I mean really steamy between us and because it has, I made sure to buy some pregnancy tests to make sure that I am not pregnant, but if I am, Alexa will have a sibling. I already know she's gonna love a sibling because since she was a child, she'd be begging for one, and now that I have that chance again, I can finally give her one.
Without thinking, I go to the bathroom to use it and take a pregnancy test just in case. I wait about three minutes for it, and when I look, it's positive. I scream in joy as Leo rushes in.
"I heard screaming. Is everything alright? Are you okay? He questions.
"Yes, I'm alright, but look." I say as he takes the test and looks at it. At first, I thought he would be mad like the first time, but relief washed over me when the worried face he had on became a happy one. Taken by surprise, he hugs me crying.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
"I'm crying because I'm happy. Thank you for giving me another baby, thank you, I love you so much." He confesses as I hug him and start crying myself. I admit that it may have been stupid to let him in again or tell him about this one, but I couldn't help with how hard he has been proving himself. I thank the gods that they gave us another chance and for giving me a second chance at happiness. Now, all we have to do is tell Alexa.
Alexa POV
As I am driving home, my phone rings. I look to see who it is, and it's my mom. I don't pick up because texting and driving is illegal, so instead, I press the hang-up button. Once at a red light, I text her that I'm on my way, and she just replies with an 'alright, stay safe'. I put my phone down just as the light turns green and I start driving again. Fifteen minutes later, I make it home and see that my mom and dad are waiting outside, and they seem to be laughing. All I can think to myself is that it's weird, and why are they acting like that as I get out of my car.
I get to the steps, and my mom hands me a little present box. I take it as we all make our way inside.
"What's this?" I ask
"Just open it, and see." She says as I do what she says. I open it and first come out a onesie for a baby that says 'I will be arriving in nine months'. I then take out a pregnancy test and see that it's positive. I look over at my mom and see she's smiling like no tomorrow.
"Mom, are you pregnant?"
"Yes, I am. You're gonna be a big sister." She says, and I start crying tears of joy while hugging her.
"Thank you, mom, thank you for giving me a sibling, I love you so much."
"Awe, I love you too, sweetie." She says as we just stand there hugging each other while crying. I knew something was up, but I didn't know it was this, but either way, I am happy for my mom, and I am happy I get a sibling soon. This is all I can think while I make dinner for everyone since my mom is tired and my dad is showering. I call them to come eat once it's done, and we sit at the table enjoying the food that I made as we talk and laugh into the night before we all retire for bed.

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