How Old?

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Alexa POV
Time really does go by fast because it felt like just yesterday that Aunt Thea gave birth to Elijah, and now he's turning one year old in a week. It has also been exactly one month since Aria gave birth to the triplets and a month since I found out I was pregnant.
From all of these events that have been going on, I haven't had time to go to the bakery and make sure things were doing okay, so today, I decided I would. Even though Aria gave birth, her, Tristen, or my mother have been going almost everyday to check on it from time to time to make sure everything is fine, and it turns out, it is.
I would have thought everything would be going bad or downhill, but apparently, everything is running smoothly. So far, the only problem is that I have to get some new coffee machine's since the others broke during the incident with my grandmother, so I am at the store getting them.
Upon checking out, a girl and a guy come up to me and start asking random questions about me owning the sunset bakery, and if I'm the girl that helped one of their well-known bakeries, re-open All I said was the truth, and then they asked if I could show them around the sunset bakery to get some ideas because they want to open up one of their own called smoky. I thought it was a wonderful idea, so now they are following me in their car back to the bakery.
We arrive at the bakery, and when they step out of their car, all you can see on their faces is pure shock at how the bakery looks.
"Wait till you see the inside, guys." I tell them. One of my employees had an amazing idea to do like a dark crazy but beautiful sunset next to a galaxy painting on one of the walls, and may I say she did a very good job with it.
She may have had help, but she was in charge of the whole thing, and now it looks perfect. I think I'm also going to hire her as the artist of the store. Painting all of the ideas my employees have on sunsets.
Bringing myself out of my thoughts, I take them inside of the bakery, and when they see that design, the girl automatically asks who did it and Andria comes up to annouce that she and a few others did it.
"Well, Andria, would you and those other workers mind helping me and my fiancée out on the painting for the restaurant we want to open up in a couple of months. That is, of course, if it's fine with your manager or boss. I don't want to steal you away from working." The nice girl says as Andria looks at me.
"Oh, of course, it's completely fine with me. Besides, I know Andria loves to paint. Just when you're ready, shoot me an email to that one thats on the poster over there, and let me know when you want them to go over. I will personally escort them to you so you don't have the trouble of doing so." I tell them as they take a picture of the email and the number as they agree and walk out to head back to where they were headed off before.
A couple hours later, I get a phone call saying to go to the state prison to see someone and the only thought that's running through my head is who would want me to go to a prison to meet someone. So thinking the smart way, I called my grandmother and asked if she would go with me. To my surprise, she said she would and she would be waiting for me when I get to the house her and the boys are currently staying in.
Bringing myself from my thoughts, I pull up to the house and wait for her to get in the car. Once she's in, I take off, and in less than an hour, we get to the state prison.
Before getting out of the car, we give each other a suspicious look and tell the guard why we are here and who called us. She then leads us inside and to an office containing about six officers. I am nervous, but then my grandmother points somebody out.
"Hey, Alexa hon, who's that girl that's sitting with her hands cuffed." She asks, and as I look over, shock is now written all over my face. I don't have time to question it, as we get to the office and the guard knocks. We hear a faint 'come in' as she opens the door.
Helena looks up and already has a displeased look on her face, and I'm pretty sure mine is now mirroring hers. We continue to stare at each other until one of the officers clears his throat.
"Ah, Alexa, is it. Welcome." The officer says as he shakes my hand.
"Thank you, I guess. Can we get straight to the point on why I was called here?" I question as the officer looks at me with surprise.
"Yes, our chief of police called wanting to talk to you about the incident with the Helena case and the James case, so he has all of the information to officially close both cases." Another officer speaks up as someone walks in and sits behind the desk.
"Hello, Ms. Alexa, I am Gerald, the chief of police and I assume that these men have already informed you on why I called you. Is that correct." He questions skeptically.
"Yes, that is correct." I say weirdly.
"Great, now let's get to it, shall we." He says, and I ignore him as I look at helena to see she is looking at my grandmother smiling. I look over to my grandmother, and all she has is a scowl on her face.
When we told her everything concerning my mother, we also told her about the incidents with Helena and James, and at least to say, she was very unhappy. She started threatening them, saying that when she got her hands on them, it was over. She didn't like the idea of me going through such things.
At first, I didn't understand why till she told all of us it happened to her before my mom was born. She had gotten raped, which led to her getting pregnant, but then she had a miscarriage.
We were all shocked to find this out, especially my mom since she was the first born. So if my grandmother was pregnant before her, that means my mother is the second child because my grandma said she gave birth to her dead baby, right?
This is all so confusing, so I take myself out of my thoughts and focus on the matter at hand, and I start explaining everything.
About three hours later, I finished with the police and explained everything only to find out that Helena was to be released from prison and put on parole or probation, I'm not sure which one. To me, it's a stupid move because she may have sold her way to the officers and the chief, but she will not be with me.
I am mad about it, but I do not say anything. Instead, I ask about James, and the possibility for him being released out on probation is still zero to none. That is all that matters to me right now, especially since I am pregnant. I don't want a repeat of last time.
It has only been a year since he's been in, and he might still have four more to go, but I wouldn't put it past him to try and escape.
All I can say as of right now is thank the heavens I am safe.

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