Chapter 96

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  "They won't tell us, and the same goes for the Ji family. Although they didn't see the dowry prepared by the Ji family for Brother Ji, the people and children in the village all know the difference between the two families. The gifts brought from the Min family are different from the unknown ones. With how much money you have to pay, you will know that their family must have taken advantage of the Min family! Ji Amu got such a rich son-in-law, but he didn't even plan to show off!"

  "Yes, if you put it in my house, I would show it off to the whole village that night!"

  A brother-in-law who was passing by heard what they said, chuckled and said to them: "So, you can only watch others get rich husbands! When the whole village asked matchmakers to go to the Min family, what did you see in the Ji family? Is there any movement?"

  "Of course you have to hide good things. The old saying is true - 'don't expose your wealth', only in this way can you save money."

  Although none of them were familiar with the Ji family and the Wang family, they still went to the Wang family and the Ji family to inquire about the bride price.

  Not only did they want to know, many people in the village were waiting. They originally thought that news would come from the Ji family in a few days, but after waiting for two days, they did not hear how much the gift from the Min family was. Instead, they heard When it comes to the Min family, they have to build a house again.

  Everyone's reaction was to take a breath of cold air, and some people were puzzled. Isn't this a newly renovated house? Why do we need to repair the house again?

  When everyone learned that they were building a house for rabbits to live in and expanding it to two acres of land, and that thirty-five people had been found to work on it, each paying thirty-five cents a day, everyone was shocked.

  This, even the rabbits are bigger than the place where they live! Even better!

  Then everyone quickly remembered that last time they went to the county to see the opening of the library, they heard that one child had to pay one hundred taels of silver. For these two hundred students, it was only 20,000 taels of silver!

  Let the Min family spend so much money! It's better to waste all your money on it!

  After the shock passed, many people lamented that they had not noticed the Min family. Maybe they would have the opportunity to build a house!

  Thirty-five cents a day! !

  There are not as many jobs in the town as the Min family provides! !

  The Min family's house repairs attracted a lot of attention. It wasn't until everyone asked each other how much gifts the Ji family had received that they realized that no one went to the Ji family to ask, and the Ji family didn't tell anyone about it. .

  In just a few days, it will be the wedding day of Min family Jingxing and Ji family Ji Fu. Everyone goes to Ji Fu with excuses such as "to see how Ji Fu's dowry preparations are going" and "do you want help on the wedding day?" Home.

  How could Ji Amu not understand them? He actually didn't want to say it, but everyone asked when he saw it. Not to mention that people would keep coming to the door later. These people were not really here to help. They had plenty of snacks. After drinking a lot of tea, he turned around and made some unpleasant remarks in the village that his family would look down on them because they had a powerful son-in-law.

  Instead of doing this, of course Ji Amu had to say something, not only to praise Jing Xingmin's mother, but also to show off his brother.

  Although everyone knew that the red package of the bride price was a banknote, when they found out about it from Ji Amu, they couldn't help but be a little shocked. At the same time, they couldn't help but think about how cool it would be to have this kind of thing happen in their own home. !

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