Chapter 22

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  Brother Wang felt strange at first, but when asked Ji Fu, he didn't tell him that his friend was willing to join him. Of course, he supported it with both hands.

  Brother Wang nudged Ji Fu with his elbow, "Are you familiar with them? Should we wait for them?" Ji Fu nodded, and he and Brother Wang stood still waiting for them to come up.

  Brother Wang said to Ji Fu: "Do you think Min Luo seems to have grown a lot taller! I remember that he was shorter than the two brothers before, but now he is as tall as the two brothers!"

  When Ji Fu heard this, he looked towards Jing Xing, and his appraising eyes soon met the person's. He looked away and nodded to Brother Wang, "Yes, he has really grown a lot."

  Qinan said: "What are you talking about?"

  Ji Fu said: "Just say that you have grown a lot taller."

  Qinan smiled widely, "Really? Am I taller or is my brother taller?"

  The two little brothers looked at them together. Qinan immediately stood up straight and tried to straighten his neck.

  Brother Wang said: "Your brother is a little taller." Brother Wang was not a shy person, and he soon became familiar with the Qi brothers, and the five of them went to town together.

  Jing Xing came to the boxing gym, and Wu Men saw his son running downstairs. He immediately frowned. He knew that his brother liked Ji Zhuang in the boxing gym. He used to think that as long as his son liked it, it would be fine, but now He felt that Jizhuang was not as good as Min Luo.

  Wu Ling knew that Jizhuang and the others were coming when he heard the people downstairs calling Jing Xing's name. However, when he ran downstairs, he only saw Min Luo.

  Brother Wu Ling immediately turned his face to the other side, no longer looking at Jing Xing, but he also let out a "hum".

  He stood guard at the door. He hadn't come to the boxing gym in the past few days, and brother Ji Zhuang didn't come to see him. Every time he came to see brother Ji Zhuang, he always felt that Ji Zhuang didn't like him that much.

  However, he waited for a day, but his brother Jizhuang didn't come. Wu Ling couldn't bear to ask Jing Xing, so he could only wait there. It wasn't until Wu Men had stayed in the boxing gym and planned to go back that he asked Jing Xing. The son was dragged away.

  When Ji Zhuang came the next day, Wu Ling rushed towards him, holding one of Ji Zhuang's arms with both hands and said coquettishly: "Brother Ji Zhuang, why didn't you come yesterday?"

  Ji Zhuang smiled and said: "I went to have a banquet yesterday. Didn't you come to the boxing gym a few days ago? That's why I didn't tell you."

  Wu Ling said "Oh", "Brother Jizhuang, I want to go to your house to play."

  Ji Zhuang was surprised when he heard this. If he looked carefully, he was still a little panicked. He couldn't help but search for Jing Xing's figure in the boxing gym, "Why do you want to go to my house to play?"

  Wu Ling smiled and said: "Even though I have never been to Brother Jizhuang's house, if you don't come to the boxing gym next time, I can come to you!"

  Ji Zhuang said: "My home is too far away from the town. We have to walk a long way. It is not safe for a brother like you to live there."

  This sentence immediately hit Wu Ling, who was doubting whether Ji Zhuang liked him yesterday. He suddenly let go of Ji Zhuang's arm and asked angrily: "Brother Ji Zhuang, do you like me or not?"

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