Chapter 9

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  "Brother Ji Zhuang, how much do you want? I only have three taels of silver with me."

  "That's enough, that's enough. You know my family, but you have to pay to learn from the powerful people in the boxing gym. I don't even have any money." Ji Zhuang took the three taels of silver without letting go, "This time The owner of the museum said that everyone must learn, so I have no choice but to ask you if you have any money here."

  "Hey, brother Ji Zhuang, why are you being polite to me? My dad is too!"

  Jing Xing raised his eyebrows, wondering why Ji Zhuang was seen by him every time he hid in a corner with his brother. Moreover, after listening to their words and seeing their intimate actions, Jing Xing already understood.


  Jing Xing found a corner. He had opened a fighting gym in his previous life and knew how to teach people. He quickly lined up the people taking classes according to their seniority. He followed the modern method of teaching people, which made everyone feel very fresh.

  "You don't have to worry about anything, just follow what I say. Do you understand?" Jing Xing's voice came from the front.

  Everyone nodded in agreement, loud enough to be heard throughout the venue.

  There weren't many people coming to the boxing gym in the early morning. Most of them were people from the boxing gym. Others didn't know what was going on over there, but as soon as they asked, they would immediately put down what they were doing and run to the gym. Jing Xing is studying here.

  They saw clearly yesterday that this kid Min Luo never loses when he comes on stage, and his moves are clean, beautiful, and extremely handsome.

  Wu Men is a man who knows how to do business. Not only did he have a unique vision and opened the first boxing gym in the town, he also cooperated with the escort bureau to transport powerful boxers. He had the courage to set up a ring in the boxing gym and bet on winnings and losses. From time to time, he himself Teach everyone, and more often than not, let those powerful people teach and pay to teach boxing. This is how Wumen wins people's hearts.

Chapter 7

  Here in Jing Xing, he not only teaches but also lets two teams practice with each other, so that the effect of fighting is the best. After a few days, Wu Men clearly felt the changes in the boxing gym, and he liked Jing Xing even more. Yes, even at home I praise him.

  On this day, a handsome boy aged 18 or 19 came to the boxing gym. As soon as he entered the door of the boxing gym, he shouted: "Who is Min Luo? Come out and let me have a look."

  Everyone in the boxing gym laughed like a flower when they saw this little brother, and everyone was extremely eager.

  "Min Luo, he's upstairs now. After so long, Brother Ling, why did you think of coming here?"

  "Brother Ling, do you want tea? I asked the chef to make tea."

  "Brother Wu is upstairs. Brother Ling is looking for Brother Wu?"

  Wu Ling was good-looking, and he was always praised no matter where he went. He raised his chin arrogantly and said, "I'm not looking for my father, I'm looking for Min Luo. I want to see this young man from the Min family." Who is it? I hear my dad talking about him every day these days."

  When everyone heard this, they showed a look of understanding. One of them with sharp eyes saw Jing Xing coming down from upstairs and immediately shouted to him: "Brother Min, this way!"

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