* 47 * Document to Die For

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Théoden studied the woman before him and asked, "Did you ever think you could have such allies ready to lay down their lives for you?"

Kordelia had no edge as she answered, "I can honestly declare it has never crossed my mind."

"You have more friends than you realize."

This time she did not answer.

Théoden then said, "I was promised to be left wanting for nothing. Promised anything and everything you can think of. Treasures, power, prosperity, and much more. Cunning tongues convinced me how I was to be a hero and how evil and terrible the Alexzandron people were. Their blood had been poisoned like that of orcs. They had to be exterminated before they rose against middle earth and destroy men whom they were becoming increasingly angered with for they found themselves to be the superior of the race and all those weaker were going to be massacred."

The rage within Kordelia roared like a lion as she heard these words. She always knew the reasons why her people had been but to physically hear the words was something she had never anticipated to hear and hearing it now made her feel almost vulnerable.

"Why do you share this with me?" She asked in a tone that seemed to send the temperature in the room plummeting and sent a chill down King Théoden's spine.

"No doubt you know of this but I lay this before you so there is nothing left to wonder between us."

"Before you try to imprison me?"

"I have no intention of making the foolish decision of attacking you. Until recently I have been able to rule Rohan by making wise decisions and only a fool would think he could try to fight you mistress. I put you on trial so I would know where you stood, with honor, or evil. You have astounded me and I wish to know what I can about you."

"You have an odd way of doing so by telling me what I all ready know."

Théoden's eyes dimmed a bit as he spoke, "What you do not know is how close I was to being on your kill list. The desire for wealth and power is great and has a way of consuming a man's thoughts leaving nothing but the need for violence, pride, and victory."

Kordelia's eyes narrowed on him and stated, "I do not find this amusing and suggest you hurry to the point before my patients weighs thin."

"I had my seal ready to proclaim the extermination of your people. I wanted the spoils and the glory of extinguishing the most powerful warriors there ever was."

Kordelia's hand twitched at her waist where her dagger would have been as the desire to kill the King of Rohan grew greater but she allowed him to continue.

"I was at this very desk with the proclamation in front of me with my stamp in hand when I heard a commotion down below. I rose and witnessed a poor boy in the streets being overpowered by boys of much higher stature. At first glance It did not concern me until I heard the voice of a boy who has vowed allegiance to you. Éomer came out and defended the boy against those twice his size and great in number and I witnessed my nephew take a beating just to defend this poor boy. It angered me to have any kin of mine lose a fight but before I could turn away I watched him pick himself up off the cobblestones and continue to defend the boy. In amazement I watched Éomer slowly begin to take control and put his attackers to the ground until there was only one boy left who was by far the strongest among them. Éomer took the beating until the small boy could rise to his feet and I could see he was holding my greatest of treasures. My queens pearl necklace that means the world to me. I was ready to have the boy punished once and for all until I saw Éomer miraculously defeat the older boy although he had received the brunt of it all. Éomer brought the boy to me with great pride and excitement and before they could speak I gave the order to have the boy bound and tried for his crime of theft. Éomer was shocked and in a rage screamed at me as what a fool I was being and so I had him taken to his chambers. The poor boy was in tears and was frightened as I told him what I did to thieves and the whole time the boy denied stealing which caused for me to become more and more infuriated by his lies. I made my verdict and asked my officers to bring forth my sword. My sword was flying through the air when Éomer stood in front of the boy before I could make my fatal blow. In anger he yelled, "Is this what the race of men does? Slay innocent good people no matter their breed or stature? If this is what men do than we are no better than orcs and I am ashamed to have ever been born but know I will do all I can in my power to stop you and others like you." His statement broke through my greed and I was able to see how this extermination was evil. The Alexzandron were not a threat expect for those who were evil. The boy for being so young and have taken a beating had woke me up and made me realize my wickedness and made me remember what it meant to be a man. In that moment, that boy was more of a man than I was. I decided right then and there to do what was best for the race of men. Riches, wealth, and glory are not what makes a man. Honor, virtue, generosity, and passion was what I wanted man to be known as. The poor boy had been proof of all of this for it was not he who had stolen my queen's precious pearls but it was he who stood up to malevolence with the knowing he was to receive much pain and possibly death. I tore up the decree and dismissed the messenger. Dragon sickness leaves a devastating trail and I did everything I could to mend ties and make things right but there were things that could never be fixed."

All of this made Kordelia angry. Why did he have to tell her about his change of heart? It did not bring her people back to life. It didn't ease the pain and rawness that was left for her to bear.Kordelia was so angry she couldn't stand to look at Théoden until he said, "I had these two messages sent but I was too late."

This surprised the young girl and she snatched away the rolled parchments in which had not had their seal broken but judging by the color and texture of the wax she knew this was in fact a message from some time ago. She broke the seal and slowly read both messages making her hate for Théoden ease but not vanish.One letter was to Saruman begging for him to halt the slaughter and how dishonorable it was and how it was all a lie for the people never showed any sign of evil doing or interest in harming other men.

The next letter almost made her shed a tear for it was to her father, the chieftain of her people, telling of the massacre that had been set into motion and how they had an ally ready to stand with them against evil but what bothered Kordelia was the date it was sent. It was the day of the massacre."Why didn't you do something sooner?" she demanded as she clenched the heart ripping messages.

"They had moved up the date and since I had cut my ties with all those who had fallen for the fool's treaty I was not notified of the dealings."

"How am I to believe that?" Kordelia snapped like a wolf.

"Because of this." And he reached into his desk a four halves of a scroll like they had bit him.

Kordelia physically gasped and reeled back like a vampire does in the dawn for she knew what this was. It was the actual death treaty for her people. She looked at Théoden who had tears in his eyes and in a shaky voice he whispered, "I'm sorry."

She looked back at the paper in disbelief for a few moments until she had gained the courage to look at it. Every word seemed to come off the paper and stab her like a hot poker as she read the horrible words that told all to vividly and horribly what her people would go through. Two tears escaped and fell upon the evil document before she had finished but when she was done she shoved herself away from the desk and folded her arms in an attempt to ease the pain.

Théoden spoke, "My guards have their orders to allow you to leave peacefully if you find it necessary to slay me."

Kordelia shook her head and replied in a voice that was soft and full of sorrow, "There has been enough unnecessary death. I will not take your life or lay a hand upon you. It has taken great courage to confront me and even greater bravery to hold on to this evil script but now I will relieve you of this burden."She did not wait for him to answer her as she rolled it all together which sent a chill up her spine.

Théoden bowed before her and said, "I hold you and your people in the highest regard and respect. You are and forever will be an honored guest in my home. You have spared my life and have unknowingly showed me how the race of man is to live. I look forward to witnessing you in battle."

Words were becoming too much for both King and Alexzandron and so Kordelia adjourned the meeting and quickly went back to her quarters where she put all three painful scrolls into her quiver before rushing to the balcony to greedily breath in the fresh clean air and cleanse herself of the agonizing meeting and there was no doubt King Théoden was in need of some rest from the encounter. Perhaps one day they could be rid of the guilt and pain but in these dark times it seemed impossible.

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