* 5 * Morgul Blades and Falling

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As night fell the party made camp at the great watchtower of Amon sul. There Strider went about scouting the area to protect the small hobbits from the ring wraiths but the hobbits ultimately gave away their position as they lit a fire in the midst of night as they cooked bacon. A gesture that made Ryker furious for the riders had been leaving the area but now they were back.

Quickly Ryker managed to distract three ring wraiths but there was still five headed up the tower. She fought until she heard the heart stopping scream from Frodo Baggins. He had been stabbed! For that instant Ryker did what she was trained not to. She let her guard down for a moment and in that moment two morgul blades pierced her left shoulder.

This only made her angry as she jerked up and went to fighting more aggressive against the three ring wraiths.

Once she had them far enough away from the tower and injured she pulled herself onto Cadeyrn and they began to the tower. As they got there Ryker proudly watched as Strider took care of the ring wraiths although not killing them.

Quickly Ryker began searching for the plant athelas to slow the poisoning in her along with get some for the wounded hobbit.

Soon she found more than enough and went looking for the hobbits and Ranger but what she found was a she-elf. Arwen, daughter of Elrond, Lord of Rivendell.

Ryker let the woman pass and followed close behind as she snuck up on Strider as he looked for athelas as well for Frodo.

Frodo was fading rather quickly and so Strider gave the hobbit to Arwen to take to Rivedell. Ryker knew the wraiths were close at this time and so she mounted Cadeyrn and began to open a trail for the half elf woman to pass. All nine wraiths were on her now as she fought to make sure they did not find Arwen with the ring bearer.

As she fought fiercely against the wraiths the poison from the morgul blade was becoming stronger while trying to slow down the woman. But her will was too great as she kept fighting and trying to lead them away. While having their attention the senseless Elf woman appeared with the hobbit. “That girl is going to be the death to us all!” Ryker thought to herself as the wraiths began to chase the elf.

Quickly Cadeyrn sped up next to the white steed Arwen was riding and Ryker quickly said, “Get off the road!”

But the proud elf was not about to listen to a strange woman that was covered in blood. Honestly Ryker thought it would be wise in ways but then again the elf was carrying the ring and if the wraiths came to possess it than the dark lord would take over middle earth!

Arwen dodged through the trees as Ryker stayed close behind fighting off the wraiths before they could harm the hobbit any more or take down the rider. The fight was harsh and didn’t seem to slow down the wraiths much. There was only one thing to do. Go up the river to the dam and break it open somehow. Arwen had enough of a lead on them and if Ryker took this opportunity now then the hobbit could make it to Rivendell and get healed.

North she and Cadeyrn went without looking back. It was difficult for Ryker’s sensitive ears to listen to the running hooves of Arwen and the wraith’s horses but they were not far enough away for the sound to be completely drowned out.

The damn was on top of a steep mountain which was easy for Cadeyrn to run up half way but then Ryker had to jump off and scale up the rest of the rocky edge. She made haste up toward the top where many logs were formed to steady the flow of water. The elves certainly would not like what was about to happen but it was the only thing to protect the ring.

Quickly Ryker skipped across logs to the middle where the opening was. A very dangerous place to be to open the dam for the fall would kill her. To work she went yanking logs to loosen them with all her might. One by one the logs began to move until she felt a very large log or rock shift underneath her.

There was no doubt in her mind now what was about to happen. She was able to only take three quick steps but that was not far enough as logs cracked and water began to run fiercely over the edge of the cliff. Before she knew it the roaring water swept her off the cliff.

As she plundered down with the water her mind was clear as she kept calm thinking and acting on instinct. She tried moving toward the east side of the cliff where a bunch of vines, branches, and roots stood out and started grabbing the frail limbs  to stop her fall.

The vines burned as she grabbed them, leaves shredded her hands and slivers of wood from roots became imbedded in her palms and arms as she slowed herself down again and again. Each time she came close to stopping the branches would break, vines would fall apart, and roots tear from the trees until it was too late as Ryker hit the water.

The water knocked the wind out of her as the river carried her rapidly down its raging rapids toward Rivendell. 

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