* 2 * The First of Many

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Although she was a full blood Alexzandron, majority of her physical features, such as her small build, did not make her seem as though she was a warrior, which made it simple for her to blend into another kingdom of men. However the one thing she knew would give her away was her eyes for that was one feature that would never be mistaken as anything else but an Alexzandron and so she always wore a hood that would shadow her eyes.

In the kingdom she kept to herself but couldn’t help but feeling as though she was being watched, a feeling that drove her mad and become tense and ready to pounce at any given moment but the moment never came. As she wondered the streets keeping a sharp ear on conversations from countless people of how a counsel got together and It did not take her long at all to find out about the law that had been passed to kill her people. With this knowing her heart became engulfed with rage.

It did not take long for her to find a king that had helped pass the law. Now he dressed in fine elvish linens with beautiful women by his side. There was no remorse or guilt in his wicked smile as he proudly walked the streets.

That evening the young Alexzandron followed the wicked man to his sleeping quarters. Sneaking into the highly guarded sanctuary was simple in the dark and in his quarters he painfully learned that one Alexzandron lived and voting to kill the Alexzandron people was the biggest mistake he ever made and the last regret he ever had.

It was Kordelia’s first taste of blood and like her ancestors, she liked it.

She left the king to bleed to death in agonizing pain as she disappeared into the night. She knew she could not return to town for they would be accusing every new comer and when they found her they would certainly know she was an Alexzandron.

She made haste to the lands where her people once roamed. The fire had no more to eat but the ashes still glowed. Out of the darkness the screech of her feathered friend caught her attention and to the direction of the call a tall steed came out of the darkness to reveal himself. It was the king of Alexzandron’s stallion. It was well known that there was not another horse like him for he was very large but agile, could outrun any horse with armor on, could pull trees down, and hide just as well as the Alexzandron people. The mighty horse’s name was Cadeyrn. The mighty steed had lived through the plague and had felt the presence of one last Alexzandron. Together Kordelia, Celegorn, and Cadeyrn would become three of the most frightening creatures that breathed on middle earth.

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