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Aphrodite POV
Hello, I'm Aphrodite, and I am currently pregnant with my daughter alexandrea. I am 8 months along my pregnancy. Even though I had one more month to go, there were some hard ships that I had to endure. I'll tell you all about them by month.
1st month - finding out I'm pregnant was amazing because I finally got to have my dream come true, but that all came crashing down when I told the father of my child that I was. When I told him, I expected a happy, loving, caring reaction, but what I got was way worse and way different. Once the words slipped out of my mouth, all I saw on his face was anger. I didn't imagine him being this angry about having a kid, so initially, due to past relationships, I instantly started apologizing like no tomorrow. He looked at me with a look, saying that he "wanted to kill me," but I didn't believe it until he actually tried. He managed to get some cuts on me before I ran out of the house and to the neighbors explaining to them what had happened. Thanks to them, 1 month later, I left that town and moved to California.
2nd month - It was hard getting back on my feet being pregnant, but I managed to do it for my future son/daughter. When I got to Cali, I found a homeless shelter that I stayed in for 1 month before moving out to a friend's place that I met at the movie theater I was working at. While staying with her, I was going on my third month of being pregnant, and honestly, I have to thank her for letting me stay at her house.
3rd month - Staying with the friend I barely met made us become closer, and I wouldn't change it for the world. She would go with me to all of my doctors visits to make sure nothing bad happened to the baby or me, and every time she did that, I thanked her and took her out to eat. The doctor had given me an option of wanting to know my babies gender but I told him I wanted it to be a surprise for a future baby shower.

"Um...excuse me, you forgot to introduce me." she says.
"OH, I did, I'm sorry, let me introduce you right now." I say back to which she replies with "Thank you, bitch." and I just laugh. Ahem, Anyway, where was I. Ah yes the introduction of my wonderful friend. Everyone, meet my loving friend Thea.

"No, no, I want a little bit better introduction than that, aphy, you know me better than anything," she tells me. "Alright, fine, fine, I'll introduce you better," I tell her. "You better." Alright, everyone, meet my bitchy but caring, loving and mean but kind best friend in the whole wide world, Thea. "Now that's what I'm talking about aphy." she says, "haha, your welcome, now can I get back to telling the story." I ask, "Yes, yes you may," she says. okay, what month are we on now, oh right, the 4th month.
4th month- Ah yes, the month of the baby shower. I didn't always like fancy parties but Thea had practically begged me to do a big ass baby shower until I eventually gave in and let her go crazy with the decorations for the baby shower. When the doctor had given her the envelope with my baby's gender, I was excited to find out what I was having. Boy or girl, I would be happy either way. I had a boy name and girl name picked out already, so it would be easier to name him/her at birth. If the baby is a boy, he would be named Alexander Ares garcia. And for a girl, it would be Alexandria carmen garcia. The middle name was picked by Thea. Such beautiful names, don't you think. Well, they are or will be once this ex of mine that showed up a day ago, leaves. So now, because of him, the baby shower is postponed, great. Well, at least he did end up leaving a week later. Mind you, Thea has no idea he is my baby daddy. I haven't had the strength to tell her.
5th month - It was a peaceful afternoon, I was in the middle of taking a shower when all of a sudden, my stomach started hurting like crazy. When I looked down, I saw blood run along my legs, and I immediately yelled Thea's name, to which, thankfully, she came running at full speed into the bathroom.

"aphy, what's wrong?" she asks,

"I-I don't k-know, I just started b-bleeding out of n-nowhere." I say, stuttering for fear of losing my child.

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