Chapter 142: Salvador and Liberation

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"Blinded by your inner thoughts once more Liberation, how much worse can you get?" Salvador groaned. He put his hand down as Liberation fell onto the ground. He grabbed his chest in pain after looking toward Salvador. Energy was drained away from him but thankfully it wasn't anything extreme. "You're always full of surprises, amigo." He chuckled as Liberation got up again.

Liberation groaned, "Don't act like we're friends Salvador, I am aware of what you've done to the people and you're blinding the heroes with your 'miracle.'" Salvador kept his sword in the ground before laughing again. "Are you laughing at me?! Nobody ever-"

"Mira Liberation, I see how you are. You're pissed about a lot and I get that me assisting the heroes is... un poco mal. Pero, I know what I'm doing..." Salvador chuckled. Liberation stared at him in silence as he shook his head. "What? Is something bothering you?"

Liberation explained, "You think my entire conquest is a joke. I see when you use Spanish, you end up trying to make fun of me. I see how it is, Salvador. You're not fooling anyone considering you were born from a place on Earth." He crossed his arms as Salvador swung his sword.

Salvador explained, "True I am from El Salvador, hence my wonderful name. But I was created to be a god for the people of Dawn after my passing at a young age. I've been serving you all ever since Ashyo was even alive! Shocker isn't it?" Liberation just glared at him as Salvador chuckled again. "I see that you're still pissed about what my sons have done?"

"You're the father of Basilio and Aquarios... right?" Liberation asked as he crossed his arms. Salvador nodded as he put his hand on his cheek. "You shouldn't talk then. After all, Basilio created your grandson as well. King Oceano of the fantasy kingdom." Salvador didn't say anything, he just stood in silence staring at Liberation.

Salvador sighed, "You got all of that correct, I am fully aware of what has happened and... I am extremely disappointed in you. I would've been neutral but after what you've done to the planet and the people. I cannot stand idly by anymore to witness their suffering." Liberation kept staring at him before giggling.

"You already know the fantasy kingdom is destroyed, Shimmer star is no more! You're getting fed up over something that no longer exists... but then again you're a god supposed to provide miracles for the people," Liberation grunted. He kept his arms crossed, trying to signal to Salvador that he was extremely pressed about him being here. However, Salvador refused to listen to his signs. "Why won't you go help the heroes then?"

Salvador explained, "I would love to help the heroes but unfortunately they're supposed to be doing this on their own. After all, they have the rebellion and in order to fulfill that role. They need to stop you on their own." He smiled as Liberation attempted to attack him. He jumped backward as Liberation kept his lance up. "What's your big deal? Pissed off over all of this? You've never changed..."

"NEVER CHANGED?! HOW DO YOU SAY THIS WHEN I HAVE?!" Liberation screamed. He slammed his foot onto the ground as Salvador walked further away from him. "I AM CHANGING SO THE PLANET CAN HAVE A PROPER PURPOSE! HOW COULD YOU TREAT ME IN SUCH A WAY!!!"

Salvador sighed, "I treat everyone as equal, and I wasn't there to babysit you when you were a naïve child. I didn't even know you existed after Liva took the throne of Dawn. Being reminded of those days... I can see why you were so hidden. The people didn't approve of the gods."

"Of course they didn't, they didn't approve of us because they believed we were just nonsense... they thought none of us had the strength to control a planet when they were praising Ashyo and Irlos as if they were perfect..." Liberation grumbled. He turned away from Salvador as he shook his head. "Despite us being their children, we were seen as less than them."

Salvador sighed, "I am aware, I know how rough it was for you guys to blend in with the people. After all they weren't fond of having new gods but at the same time. The people were desperately searching for something, a better god. You and Liva were both children, that is what stopped them from liking you all." Liberation just stood there, staring at Salvador thinking of the possible ways he could harm him. But he had to resist, otherwise Salvador would kill him in one fell swoop.

Liberation replied, "Is that so? Makes sense as to why the generation now dislikes us... they've always hated us despite everything. All my family members are dead and so what do I have to fight for? There's nothing in this god forsaken planet..." He closed his eyes as Salvador started thinking about what Liberation said.

"Why can't you leave the planet?"


"Think about it, if you're so tired of the people you have every right to leave the planet. You have no need to put the people into suffering so why don't you leave if you're so fed up with it?" Salvador questioned. Liberation's eyes started to twitch in disbelief and utter anger. But he calmed himself down as he pointed his lance at Salvador.

Liberation explained, "I know I always had this option and despite everything I just need to see the people suffer just as I suffered once before. They don't care about us so why should I care for their wellbeing!? THE TREE IS GOING DOWN!!!" He shoved Salvador away and turned to the tree.

"LIBRO YOU MUST STOP THIS!" Salvador shouted. Liberation looked at him and ignored him entirely, raising his lance in the process. However, he didn't even know where the weak point on the tree was. It was hard to tell... "I FORBID YOU!" Salvador shot out a spell to stop Liberation.

Liberation shouted, "YOU CAN'T STOP WHAT IS GOING TO FALL UPON THE PLANET!!" He broke free from the spell and then shot a spell at Salvador. Causing him to disappear in order to recover. "Good riddance, now..." He put a grin on his face as he walked closer toward the World Tree. Charging energy into the lance so he could add full force against the tree. Then... he struck the first strike.

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