Chapter 74: Amedeo's Final Call

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Amedeo is sitting at his desk reading some paperwork but before long Erroll and Leith end up entering the room. Amedeo looked over and noticed them, getting prepared for the report they had for him.

"Any signs of Liberation?"

"No signs sire, but we did bring this ruby from the Flame Kingdom," Erroll replied as he handed Amedeo a ruby. Ruby examined the ruby and chuckled as he placed it on a stand with all the other gems of the other kingdoms.

Leith took out an emerald and explained, "We also retrieved one from the Nature Kingdom. Floral is impossible to defeat but we weakened him down so we could steal the gem." Amedeo nodded as he took the emerald from Leith's hands. He took a deep breath and looked down upon himself.

"You have done some marvelous work. We have nearly all the gems of each kingdom. All we have left is the Light Kingdom and the electro kingdom," Amedeo chuckled. The two nodded in agreement as he turned away from them. "You guys need to hurry, those heroes aren't backing down anytime soon."

"Yes sir!" Erroll cheered. He and Leith were about to exit before Amedeo slammed his hand on the desk.

Amedeo replied, "Though... I heard rumors that you failed to have Acadia stick by your side?" He smirked down at them as they stood there in silence.

"Your highness, she is very hard to convince! She's far too loyal to the heroes and-" Before Leith could finish Amedeo used a spell to pull him over. He glared at Leith down before slamming him onto the ground. "GAH! Y-Your highness!"

Amedeo laughed, "You are always so foolish. Needless to say I need to continue to babysit all of you?" He placed his hands near his mouth and smiled wickedly at the two. They stood there in silence as Amedeo spun his dagger around. "You fail me one more time and I kill you both."

Erroll saluted Amedeo and yelled, "We won't let you down sir!" Amedeo nodded as the two teleported away from the scene. Amedeo slowly got up from behind his desk and looked outside the window. It was dark and eerie, which was always the sky within the fell kingdom.

Amedeo grunted, "Those two are imbeciles... there's no way in hell they're going to complete that..." He shook his head as he walked over to the globe of the Shimmer star. He placed his hand on the globe and cleared his throat. "Globe, tell me the location of the heroes."

The globe spun around before landing on the location of the light kingdom. He placed his hand near his mouth, thinking about what he should do about the heroes. They were close to the light kingdom and he was unsure if his helpers were going to make it to the light kingdom in time...

"What's the best decision to make given I am the ruler of this kingdom?" King Amedeo questioned. He placed his hand on the globe as he began to think for a moment. "Ah-ha... what if I summon a precious Guardian to destroy those heroes?" He smiled at the idea, only Link, Zelda, and Impa knew how they acted.

There was no way the heroes were going to figure that out for themselves. There was just simply no way... Amedeo chuckled as he grabbed out his spellbook. Looking for things to summon when within the kingdom. Then he came across the perfect page featuring the guardian.

"Ahahah! The heroes will have no chance in stopping this beast!" King Amedeo cheered. He placed his hand on the as he summoned the Guardian nearby the location of the heroes. He took a deep breath as he walked over to his gems. Each one resembled a kingdom and there were eight kingdoms in total.

He had six of them; the snow, the fire, the nature, the fell, the light fairy, and the dark fairy kingdom. Each gem resembled how they would protect themselves and without those gems. The kingdoms were doomed to fall underneath the hands of Liberation if they were to be not careful.

King Amedeo kept staring at each of the gems. But something was odd about his gem collection. There was a strange middle place; that just had a water symbol in the middle. King Amedeo didn't think much of it at first but the more he did the more he thought about the meaning...

"What could this symbol possibly mean?" King Amedeo questioned. He didn't know what it meant and there were only eight kingdoms... he wasn't too sure what it meant but it must've been important. "Perhaps another kingdom is being built?"

"Y-Your highness!" Someone shouted on the radio. King Amedeo looked up and grabbed it. "Seems like the heroes aren't here! Shall we terrorize the place?" King Amedeo looked at his spell book where he had summoned the Guardian and looked back.

King Amedeo ordered, "Destroy the order there! King Solorio will not surpass you two and so destroy it! If he intervenes, destroy him but do NOT, I repeat; DO NOT kill him!" Then the radio went silent. King Amedeo placed his radio back down firmly as he looked at his list of kingdoms.

There were a lot of them but all of them had one thing in common. Gems... each one had a precious jewel that would be kept to keep the kingdom alive. Knowing that each of the kingdoms he conquered had their gems taken. Each of them were dying without the assistance of Lord Liberation.

"There's one place I wish to target and it is that Flame Tribe... too bad I can't; the Exalt is there to protect them..." King Amedeo scoffed. He moved his cape out as he walked over to the door. He looked back at all his stuff before exiting directly afterward.

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