Chapter 82: Electricity and Fire

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"HEAD MIKOTO! WHATEVER SHALL WE DO ABOUT THIS?!" A servant asked. Mikoto looked over and saw the report that the servant had given her. Mikoto read over it and it appeared to be a letter from none other than King Solorio.

Mikoto muttered, "Why would Solorio be warning us about an attack?" She looked down at the report as the servant appeared to be panicked. Mikoto looked over to where she saw Queen Eifophia. She was talking with the people as Mikoto shook her head.

"Solorio wishes us to be on guard for King Amedeo... why would King Amedeo be attacking us?" Mikto questioned herself. She looked around before the servant tugged on her dress. "Yes?"

The servant replied, "King Amedeo has been trying to reclaim the precious gems of each kingdom! If we let him get to us we're done for! The island will fall apart! But King Solorio has told us that assistance is coming as soon as possible!"

"Good, who is coming to help us? Lord Liberation, correct?"

"No... apparently they're a whole group of associates named Team Hero!" Mikoto stood there staring at the servant in confusion as she walked out onto the balcony. She noticed that the storm clouds were becoming darker and dark.

"That's... unusual..."

"W-W-WHAT IS?!" The servant screamed. Mikoto looked over toward Queen Eifophia as she sent a spell to signal her. Queen Eifophia stopped talking as she looked over to Mikoto. Mikoto signaled her to walk over.

Queen Eifophia apologized, "Apologies, excuse me for a moment." The person nodded as Queen Eifophia walked over to where the servant and Mikoto were. "Whatever is going on now?"

Mikoto explained, "A servant here provided me with details that King Amedeo is after our precious gem, the electro jewel... not only that but are you causing this weather?" Queen Eifophia looked up into the air and noticed that the storm clouds were becoming darker and darker by the second.

Queen Eifophia replied while stammering, "I-I didn't do that... but... um... how did that..." She stood there in disbelief as she looked over to the people. "Evacuate the people from the city! I need to do something!"



"T-Team Hero!" The servant blurted out. Queen Eifophia nodded firmly as she ordered everyone to evacuate the city. Mikoto helped people guide themselves to the boats before anything else would end up happening. "Oh King Amedeo... you're going to get what you DESERVE..."

"Actually! King Amedeo isn't here! Guess who it is!" Someone laughed. Queen Eifophia's eyes widened in shock as she looked over. It was none other than Erroll and Leith.

"YOU..." Meanwhile, the heroes had made it to the coastline of the sea. They looked over and saw the kingdom of electricity.

Byleth grunted, "Do you spot any boats around here?!" The heroes began to investigate as best as they could.

"I FOUND SOMETHING!" Someone shouted. The heroes looked over and saw Frye and Big man pointing to a large boat.

Byleth demanded, "EVERYONE ONTO THE BOAT!" The heroes all made their way to the boat. Byleth made sure everyone was on and made sure to triple check. Luckily everyone was on the boat and Byleth got himself ready to get the boat on the sea. He asked Celica for assistance as the two put a wind spell to make the boat go on the sea.

"Alright! That's what I like to see!" Shez laughed. The heroes all smiled as Byleth kept looking around the area. But just like that the waves were beginning to get worse and worse. Hu Tao and Zhongli were steering the boat while Marth and Eliwood were looking around.

Nel and Rafal also walked over to join them as Byleth and Celica were trying to steady the boat. "What are you guys doing!? THE BOAT IS BECOMING WORSE AND WORSE!!" Acadia looked over in disbelief as several of the heroes toppled over.

Celica asked, "Byleth, do you know what you're doing!?" Byleth looked over at her as he hesitated for a moment. The waves were progressively getting worse and worse. Suddenly a giant electric beam came out from the island. "What... is that?"

"Seems to be some type of beam!" Alfred shouted. Tails dashed on over and took out binoculars and it was a beam. "What do you think it is?"

"Some sort of protection for the Kingdom?" Tails questioned. Suddenly the heroes realized there were boats filled with people heading toward the shore. "Or... not..."

Marianne asked, "What is going on?! Why are the people on boats?!"

"Maybe it's an evacuation of sorts?" Alear asked. The heroes kept looking around as out from the waters King Amedeo spawned. "IT DEFINITELY IS!!" The heroes all took out their weapons as King Amedeo smiled at them.

King Amedeo laughed, "I expected that none of you heroes were ready for my arrival! Oh well, that's sad! Too bad you won't get anywhere NEAR the island!" Then he ended up making the waves a lot worse. The water slammed onto the boat and soaked several people.

Byleth grunted, "You just don't know when to quit King Amedeo..." King Amedeo yawned as he got his hands ready to attack the heroes. "Hang on tight everyone! This is going to be a long trip filled with a lot of insanity!" The heroes looked over in confusion as the current heroes all got themselves ready to assist everyone else.

"Oh are you certain you're going to get through all the tidal waves?!" King Amedeo laughed.

Byleth muttered, "Certain..." He dashed over to Hu Tao and Zhongli and decided to take over the boat. "HANG ON TIGHT EVERYONE!!"

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