Chapter 130: Aggression of The Squid

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 "Guys... I think the squid is wanting to target us..." The clouds filed with thunder as the heroes that weren't transformed dashed off. The squid chased directly after them as the transformed heroes chased after the squid. It felt like the squid was cornered but in reality it was stronger than the one they fought at the sea in the fantasy kingdom. Since this wasn't affected by the fantasy elements and was at full power.

They kept running as the squid shot several lasers at them. Tails tried shooting bullets at the squid but it was able to dodge it. Sonic got on top of the trail and tried reaching it but it was dashing away from the transformed heroes. Not even the granted superspeed was enough as the squid then moved away from those that were transformed. The rest of the heroes got on the trail and chased after the squid. However, it was just far too fast for them.

"GEEZ WHY IS THIS ONE QUICKER THAN THE ONE WE FOUGHT IN THE FANTASY KINGDOM!?" Sonic shouted. But soon Chrom was able to catch up to the squid and kicked it right in the head, causing it to fall down and slam into the ground. Which allowed the opportunity for the heroes to attack it. They all slammed their weapons against the weak point but the squid was tankier than ever. The heroes continued attacking the spot as it then shook off the heroes from the head. It got back up into the air and shot several arrows at them.

They dodged the attacks but nearly got hit by a few. The other heroes dashed over and started assisting the heroes on trying to attack the squid. But soon it shot a laser which sent several heroes flying back, causing them to detransform.

Alear grunted, "How can it-" But right as he started talking the squid started chasing them again. The heroes that were free to fight continued chasing them as Byleth dashed to the assistance of those that transformed back to normal.

Byleth asked, "This shouldn't be possible?! Unless..." He checked his legend stone to see if anything was wrong with it but nothing appeared strange. He checked Kirby's legend stone but still nothing was strange. He felt distressed by the situation but soon the squid shot a laser at him. Causing Byleth to transform back and become completely stunned. This... was bad, that the legend stones couldn't protect the heroes for long either. Their strength was seemingly... disappearing.

"KEEP GOING!!" Sonic ordered. The heroes kept on chasing after the squid as Acadia landed another attack on the squid. However, that didn't cause it to fall down; it kept running away from the heroes and then dropped them off the trail. Rising into the air and beaming the rest of the transformed heroes. All of them transformed back to normal and were stunned from the laser.

"W-WHAT DO WE DO?!" Prince Fluff asked. Tails looked at the squid and back at everyone.

Tails ordered, "ON THE TRAIL NOW! IT'LL SLOW DOWN FOR US!" The heroes climbed onto the trail and started chasing after the squid. This time there were spikes on the trail, which the heroes had to dodge. Tails shot a laser beam at the squid and it was struck. Prince Fluff jumped in for a whip and it caused the squid to fall down. They dashed over and started throwing their attacks in.

But it wasn't enough, they managed to weaken the squid down even more but it blasted the heroes away. All of them except for Shuichi, Tails shot one more beam on the other hand which left the squid stunned temporarily.

"SHUICHI!! H-HIT THE SQUID!!" Tails shouted. Shuichi grabbed out his gun and shot several bullets but they deflected back. "Crap..." The squid got right back up and dashed away. The heroes were unable to do anything as they were stuck in place, Shuichi looked down at himself in shame, realizing he couldn't do anything.

"Perhaps this legendary moment will help you..." A voice echoed. Shuichi looked down and noticed the Legend Stone had shifted forms. It was no longer Albedo's legend stone, and it had now belonged to Shuichi. He looked at it in disbelief as the squid prepared to blast Shuichi.

"SEARCH AND FIND THE ONE HIDDEN AMONGST THE FLAMES! FLAME ME, THE STONE OF THE DETECTIVE!" Shuichi shouted. Then he transformed into his own personal unique form. He had some features from Albedo's uniform but that was the fluff, he was more of a sea dragon himself. He looked at himself as the squid blasted the beam. He dodged the attack and the squid kept staring at him.

He dashed over and then swung a water lance at the squid. Water splashed all over it and it slammed onto the ground. Shuichi grabbed the lance and then stabbed it right through the squid. Causing it to explode right afterward. He looked at the squid and saw all the heroes were freed.

"You... transformed!" Kaede shouted as she dashed to his side. The heroes nodded in agreement as they walked over. "You look great! Without that we probably wouldn't have beaten it..." Shuichi nodded as he was reminded of the voice that echoed. That had to be Albedo's voice no doubt, but it was strange regardless...

Byleth sighed, "Seems like Albedo was there to help you, be glad about that." Shuichi nodded as he transformed back. "But this fight brought extremely concerning things... our legend forms are losing power, and at an alarming rate..."

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