Chapter 141: Drifting Glow Of The Tree

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 Liberation landed on the ground and transformed back into his normal self. He removed the energy of the heroes away from him and looked at the legend stones. Putting the energy into each of their respective stones. He looked up and in front of him was the World Tree. Despite everything, its beautiful soft and blue glow continued filling the area with life. Liberation tried putting his hand on the tree but it shoved him away.

"Wow... how very considerate of you to be so rude to the god who was with you the whole time... you took care of me when I was a child and father was... busy..." Liberation sighed as he looked down at himself. He closed his eyes, reminded of laying underneath the tree with Liva...

"Libro, aren't the stars beautiful? How the World Tree does that... the pink glow of the leaves is gorgeous mixed with the blue!" Liva laughed. Libro nodded in agreement as a petal fell on his head.

Libro asked, "W-What? Why did a petal fall down?"

"Ooh! Maybe you can make a wish! Go ahead and wish for something since the petal is yours! Don't say it out loud or else it won't come true!" Liva cheered. Libro looked at the petal and put it near his chest. Closing his eyes and making the wish.

"(I wish for the people to know that they are safe within the realm of Dawn and Shimmer Star, those people being safe is my top priority...)" Libro thought to himself before making the wish. The petal disappeared as Liva hugged him tightly. "Will... will my wish come true, Liva?"

Liva laughed, "Only life will tell! You're going to see if it'll come true or not!" Libro giggled alongside Liva as she hugged him tightly. Despite being the older sister, Liva felt immature compared to Libro. She was loud and confident and Libro was monotone and afraid. They were opposites but completed each other.

Libro whispered, "Liva... can I tell you something?" Liva looked at him with curiosity before giving him a cheerful nod. Liva grabbed his hands as Libro looked down at Liva. "Please, no matter what happens, don't leave my side. A lot has been happening with our father and I'm scared to lose you..." He felt tears coming down as Liva quickly wiped them clean.

Liva sighed, "I'll do all I can to protect you. You're my little brother and I know your sweet and generous heart. You're going to be fine no matter what. I'll stand firmly by your side, you made that wish... promise the World Tree you'll keep it and I'll do the same to you." Liva lifted up her pinkie as Libro sat in silence, staring at it. Before wrapping his pinky around hers, confirming that promise.

"I will do all I can..." Libro mumbled. He felt himself feeling guilty but Liva gave him a great big hug.

Liberation looked up at the tree. It didn't seem to give any reaction to the way he's been acting but at the same time. It understood everything that was going on. Liva had died centuries ago and ever since he has felt lonely and destroyed by everything. Breaking his wish to the World Tree, and breaking that promise to Liva.

Liberation whispered, "I've destroyed the promise I made to Erica... and I ruined the wish I wanted the most when I was a young boy... innocent of the evil that would fulfill the world..." He clenched his fist, thinking about how the heroes were responsible for destroying his life. They were the reason why he grew so much hatred, they were to blame for everything. "How could you protect them?!"

"I only serve to protect the people who are good in the world," The World Tree replied. Liberation scoffed as he looked away from the tree. "Don't be pissed off now, you're fully aware of the crimes that you have committed on the people. I haven't protected you for the past forty thousand years." Liberation looked toward the World Tree in silence.

Liberation then chuckled, "You should know that your life is coming to a closure, unfortunate that the planet had to die due to the foolishness that you've done. You're a god of sorts, shouldn't you feel pissed off about the whole rebellion?"

"I am no god, I am simply the tree to provide life to Dawn, I have no human form to take, I am merely just a savior much like Salvador..." The World Tree replied. Liberation tossed his sword up into the air and then stabbed it into the ground.

Liberation grunted, "Salvador... he is named savior for a reason... I haven't seen that bastard for the past seventy years. I wonder what ended up happening to him..." He smiled grimly as the World Tree stopped responding. "No response? Are you trying to protect another person that does no good for the people? Foolish indeed..." He raised his sword and tried swinging it; however, the roots of the World Tree stopped him.

"Don't," The World Tree demanded. He was let go and he fell to the ground. The leaves on the World Tree stopped glowing, as the tree had seemingly fallen asleep. Liberation got up and looked at the leaves, now this was the perfect opportunity for him to finally murder the tree.

Liberation laughed, "How could you be so foolish to let yourself down like that? You're putting yourself in danger just by falling asleep! AHAHA!!" He once more tried swinging his sword but was stopped by magic.

"I forbid you to harm the holy ground of Dawn," A voice ordered. Liberation looked over and it was none other than Salvador.

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