Chapter 108: The Flame's Lonely Call

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"GAH!" Arli shouted. She was stabbed right in the chest as the heroes all stood back in utter shock of the events. She fell right onto the ground as Chrom screamed for her. He pushed Celica and Byleth to side and dashed to her side.

Liberation grumbled, "You heroes all know that this was going to happen. Well take a look at that... if it isn't the consequences of my actions..."

"YOU ARE JUST PISSED OFF WE DIDN'T GIVE YOU THE DRAGON FLAME!" Byleth shouted. Liberation looked down upon him and then disappeared from the scene. Byleth tried hitting him with his creator sword but it was no use. He stopped himself and dashed to Arli's side. "H-Here! I'll try healing her!"

Arli grunted, "There's no point in trying to do that Byleth..."

"ARLI JUST LET HIM TRY PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU! NOT... like this..." Chrom yelled before his tears began consuming him more. Byleth tried healing her as Arli looked at all the heroes as they gathered around her. "Not like this! I tried to protect you with my life because I swore to myself I would never lose someone again! But..."

Arli muttered, "Chrom... you have to take the rest of the Dragon Flame from within me... before I... die..." Chrom's eyes widened in shock as the heroes all looked at him. "It's the only way you'll find a way to secure a kill on Liberation... just do it for me..." Chrom looked down at her as he turned away slightly.

Claude sighed, "We should do what she asks for us, it's her dying wish and I know for a fact you would want to do that." Chrom looked at him as he slowly nodded. Claude transmitted the Dragon Flame back to Chrom as he got down to Arli's level. But before he started the ritual he hugged her tightly.

"Chrom... you should know I am... very grateful to have the pleasure of meeting you, teaching you and providing you with the Dragon Flame..." Arli whispered as she gently smiled. Chrom kept on hugging her as he continued crying. Tears continued coming down his cheeks and couldn't find a way to stop himself.

Marianne sighed, "Lady Arli... we all want to thank you for what you've done to grant Chrom this opportunity. Without him gaining the Dragon Flame, he wouldn't have been able to do this..." The heroes all nodded in agreement as Arli looked at them before smiling.

Chrom sighed, "Yes... Thank you for the opportunity Arli, especially since how fast I became close to you. I just... wanted to thank you for everything..." Arli nodded as Chrom grabbed her hand, then together the dragon flame from Arli began being transmitted to Chrom. "I'll never forget everything you've done for me and the Flame Tribe..."

"Heh... at least I'll be with all my faithful leaders, they will guide you as well and I'll always be there if you continue to remember me. May the Dragon Flame bless you forever..." Arli grunted. She closed her eyes as all the heroes all tried waking her up. Chrom closed his eyes as well as he turned away, the rest of the Dragon Flame was being transmitted as the heroes urged her to wake up.

Kirby cried, "She can't be gone?! I wanted to learn so much about her and why she became the amazing human being she became!" Kirby looked down at himself as the heroes continued urging her to wake up. Chrom opened his eyes again, still watery as he looked over toward Arli. Everything was sinking in... Liberation killed her, and there was no return from that.

Tails yelled, "Lady Arli! You have to be there with us to the end! You have so much to still guide Chrom with!" Chrom sat there staring at all the heroes, surprised that all of them also grew some type of attachment to Arli. But it'll never compare to his care for Arli...

Chrom mumbled, "Arli... I can't have you... gone like that... I just need to know that... you're going to be okay..." There was still no response. Then the transmission stopped as Arli's hand dropped from Chrom's. He had the full power of the Dragon Flame now, but at the cost... of losing Arli. "Arli... ARLI!"

"ARLI!!" The heroes all tried doing everything in their power to wake her up but... nothing was working. Nothing was going to work. Chrom slowly stood up as he looked down at Arli's body. All the heroes backed away from her as Chrom looked down at her. Putting his hand on her head, but there was just... no response.

Alear asked, "She's... gone isn't she?"

"Arli..." Chrom whispered. He moved his hand away as he looked at everyone. All the heroes looked at one another as Chrom looked back at her. There wasn't going to be anything from her. She was done... gone... "ARLIIIIIIIIII!!!!!" Chrom fell to the ground and broke down in tears again. Claude tried helping him as the others just felt stunned.

Even some of the heroes felt themselves crying in the process. Not everyone knew her very well but they all knew the pain of losing someone they held close to their heart. Mario especially, it had been years since he's passed but still it lingers in everyone's mind.

Kaede whispered, "I could... never imagine something like that happening to my allies..."

"Me neither... I just feel awful..." Shuichi replied. They looked at the heroes who all just seemed distressed from the events. Chrom especially.

Chrom screamed, "YOU PROMISED ME ARLI! YOU PROMISED, PROMISED, THAT YOU WOULD STAND WITH ME UNTIL THE VERY END AND THAT WE SAVED SHIMMER STAR! YOU WEREN'T A QUITTER BUT HERE YOU ARE GIVING UP?! I..." Chrom looked at himself before looking at Arli and he slammed his fists onto the ground again.

Byleth gasped, "SHIT! We can't stand here for long! The situation is getting worse and as much as I wish for us to stay here and mourn! We have to get going!" The heroes nodded as Chrom pulled himself together.

"You know what to do..." Claude whispered. Chrom nodded firmly as he cleared his tears from his eyes.

Chrom grunted, "Liberation... IS GOING TO PAY FOR THE HORRIBLE THINGS HE'S DONE!!! HE'S NEVER GOING TO GET AWAY WITH THIS AND I KNOW HE WILL SEE DEATH COMING TO HIM!!!!" The heroes all nodded firmly as Chrom cleaned himself whole. "Let's go destroy that god..."

"LET'S DO IT!!!" The heroes all chanted.

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