Chapter 62: Tearing Through Beasts

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Chrom dashed into action as a bunch of the tribe members started running away from the beast itself. He then transformed into his devour form. He grabbed the beast with his tentacles and tried bringing him to the ground. But the creature launched Devour in the air.

Devour was able to counter the attack by throwing his tentacles at the beast's face. The beast was struck in the face and started falling to the ground. Devour landed on the ground as the beast glared down at him. Devour got his tentacles ready to attack when all of a sudden the beast grabbed him.

"CHROM!" Arli shouted. She dashed over and tried shooting a beam at the beast but that didn't work either. The beast swung its tail and it struck Arli. Causing her to fall backward as Anaki and Zaki rushed to her aid. Devour was able to break free from the beast's grip and landed on the ground.

Devour chuckled, "Tough guy aren't you? Don't worry, I'll find a way to rip you to SHREDS!" He lifted himself in the air using his tentacles and slammed them against the beast. The beast roared in pain as Devour launched himself into the air. He slammed his tentacles into the beast but he slammed them in the ground instead.

He landed on the ground again and transformed from his form. Chrom dusted himself off as he dodged the attack the beast attempted to do. "Chrom! Please be careful!" Chrom looked over and saw Arli trying to cheer for Chrom. Chrom took a deep breath and looked at his legend stone.

Chrom muttered, "Maybe this can do something to assist me..." Chrom grabbed the stone out and blocked the attack with the stone's shield. He smirked and then dashed closer to the beast. He slammed his sword against the beast and it fell backward. Chrom then used a spell to protect the homes from being destroyed.

The beast then slammed its hand on Chrom. Chrom got stuck underneath the hand and tried to get out. Arli dashed over and attempted to use another spell from her staff but that didn't do anything. The beast grabbed hold of Chrom and lifted him into the air.

Chrom grunted, "UNHAND ME! YOU ARE NOTHING MORE BUT A BEAST DESTROYING INNOCENT HOMES!" He kept on trying to budge himself out but the beast tightened his grip on Chrom. Chrom was struggling to breathe as he noticed someone behind the beast. "Amedeo..."

King Amedeo laughed, "I thought you died! Wouldn't that be incredible news to the heroes that you never died in the first place!" Chrom glared at him as the beast slowly loosened its grip on Chrom. "You're doing to Erimis. You're doing good..."

"Erimis is the beast's name? Gods..." Chrom groaned. He looked around for a moment before turning to King Amedeo. "You will never destroy me no matter the cost."

King Amedeo asked, "Are you so certain of that? You can't even kill the beast on your own! You can't do anything!" Chrom glared at him as he took out his legend stone. "Ooh! You have a legend stone with you! Don't mind if I-"

"BACK AWAY!!" Chrom ordered. Then he raised his stone in the air. King Amedeo flew there in confusion as a glow started appearing from it. "SEAL THEM! THE FUTURE STONE OF PEACE!"

"W-What the hell are you doing?!"Chrom then jumped out of the beast's hand and transformed. However his was different, instead of the superhero outfit, he had a unique uniform to go with it. He was more transformed into a dragon rather than a superhero. With a unique outfit to go with it as well. He landed on the ground and looked over himself.

Chrom laughed, "Let's see how you deal with something like this..." King Amedeo glared at him as he disappeared. The beast was left to fend for itself. Chrom then shot a spell at the beast trying to strike at its face. It blocked the attack but Chrom dashed over and blocked it from attacking Arli and the others.

Arli muttered, "Even his transformation makes him look like a dragon. I know he will be worthy..." The other two nodded as Chrom got his hands ready. Then he sped on over to the beast. He was quicker than the beast and so Chrom was able to strike the beast from behind. Chrom landed on the ground and then released an energy out. He sent it out to the beast which was hit with it.

He dashed over to the beast again and took out his sword. Striking it several times at the beast. It collapsed to the ground as Chrom dashed to the front of the beast. He tapped on the nose as it looked toward Chrom. It began growling as Chrom jumped back and charged a spell.

Chrom shouted, "BY THE COMMANDS OF THE FIRE AND THE DRAGON I SEAL YOU AT ONCE!!!" Within a flash he blasted the beast with the spell. The beast was completely destroyed within the blast as Chrom was able to seal the beast away.

Anaki gasped, "The Exalt has to be one of the coolest people I ever got to meet..." Zaki nodded in agreement as Arli dashed over to check on Chrom. He looked at himself and saw the uniform he was wearing.

Chrom muttered, "What a very unique uniform... I think I like it a lot!" Then Arli walked over to him. "Arli! I-"

"You did incredible! You were able to rescue our entire tribe without any fear of dying! Chrom, you are a gem to everyone!" Arli cheered. Chrom smiled at her as the other tribe members all began clapping and cheering for him as well.

Zaki yelled, "You're so cool Lord Chrom! That is so incredible to witness!"

"I did what I needed to do to protect everyone, there's nothing too special about that," Chrom laughed nervously. The others all kept cheering for Chrom as he felt himself accepting the praise. He was happy to help others feel protected, it was his duty after all. No matter what happened, he was just relieved everyone was safe and sound.

Arli sighed, "I want you to tell me more about this transformation of yours. It is simply... phenomenal." Chrom nodded as he followed Arli to their training grounds. The others were still celebrating the defeat of the beast as Anaki and Zaki went straight back to work.

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