Chapter 1: Forest of Fantasy

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The heroes walked through the forest, some of them on horses and one on a wyvern. They looked around the area they were in and each of them felt... uncomfortable. There was an eerie silence to the entire forest they were going through.

"Am... Am I the only one unsettled by the forest? Not because of the atmosphere, it is absolutely gorgeous but... it's so... quiet?" Kirby asked.

Byleth sighed, "You're not alone, I feel the exact same way..." The heroes nodded as they all froze. Byleth had the map on his communicator, there was a path divider. "The Light Fairy kingdom is on the left, so let's take the left path." The heroes nodded as they followed Byleth's lead.

Celica sighed, "As long as we're all together, no matter what ends up happening we're going to be together so we have each other's back!" The heroes nodded as they continued walking, and suddenly they froze. There was a group of deer crossing the pathway.

"Aww, look at those deers," Marianne said with a smile. The heroes waited patiently for the deers to leave as Chrom and Claude searched the air. "Have you spotted the castle, Chrom and Claude?"

Claude replied, "As of right now... not really. There's a lot of clouds though." The heroes looked ahead as the deers finished crossing. Then they all continued down the path. Carefully they watched their surroundings, but it was so eerily quiet.

"I'm starting to get super uncomfortable with the silence, seriously, what in the world is going on here?" Kirby asked. The heroes kept on walking when they all came across another path divider. Byleth checked his communicator and it seemed like two of the paths appeared to head in the right direction, but did they really?

Byleth asked, "Do... do we split apart?"

"Hang on, we can try viewing the air to see where the Light Fairy Kingdom is," Chrom replied. Byleth nodded as Claude and Chrom tried searching for the kingdom. But due to all the clouds it felt impossible to search without getting lost. "Hm... I have Byleth and the heroes locations on our communicator, we can try going deeper into the clouds to see."

Claude said, "Let's go ahead and go deeper, we can find them back just fine as long as they don't move." Chrom nodded as the two flew across the air. They felt the soft breeze of the air, everything surrounding them felt so magical. "The aura of the fantasy kingdom is amazing... everything feels so magical..."

Chrom laughed, "It does, it brings a sense of childhood to me... for one I didn't..." Chrom's smile then turned into a frown as he took a deep breath and put on a determined face. "Nevermind, let's focus on the task at hand."

Claude sighed, "You don't need to bottle your feelings up Chrom. I understand how hard of a childhood you had, and you can vent right now..."

"I have no reasoning to vent, what a waste of time," Chrom groaned.

Claude said, "Earlier today you said you didn't even want to be with the heroes. Are you sure you're not changing?" Chrom stared at Claude before looking down at himself. "Chrom?"

Chrom muttered, "Claude, I've changed so much from the person I used to be... I don't understand what I did to deserve this change..." Claude stopped the wyvern as he looked toward Chrom. He looked sorrowful as Claude ran his fingers through his hair. Chrom blushed as he hugged Claude. "Oh Claude..."

Claude sighed, "Don't worry, if you wish to tell me your struggles, don't hesitate to do so. I love you deeply and I'll be sure to listen to them all." Chrom smiled at Claude as they continued gliding through the air. Soon they found a castle but it... it appeared to be ruined. "W-Woah... what castle is that?"

Chrom whispered, "I'm... I'm not sure... but that castle looks absolutely demolished..." He looked down as he looked at the communicator. He snapped a photo with it and sent it to Byleth.

Byleth asked, "W-What the?! Is that... the Light Fairy Kingdom?" The heroes looked over in disbelief, what exactly happened to the kingdom. But it looked to be the right kingdom based on the features. It matched nearly perfectly with the map. The heroes went down the path ahead of them to get to Chrom and Claude.

Claude asked, "I don't understand why a kingdom as beautiful as this would... would just be destroyed!" Chrom looked at the castle in disbelief, there was a small fairy village directly next to the castle. No doubt, this was the castle of the light fairies. "Gods..."

Chrom grunted, "We must figure out what exactly is putting this kingdom into danger... we may have been too late to rescue Queen Bailey..." Claude looked up in disbelief as they heard something in the distance.

"AHAHAHA!" Someone laughed. The two looked over in confusion as they spotted two witches. Both wear purple and black in their color schemes.

Chrom asked, "Witches? At this hour?!"

"Where did they come from..." Claude asked. The two stared at each other before facing the witches again. "What do you guys want?! Are you responsible for everything that happened to this kingdom!?" The witches smirked down at the pair as they smiled at each other.

The female witch laughed, "Are you the supposed heroes that Queen Bailey called for? I'm so sorry to hear but your queen has been taken!"

"What did you do to her!?" Chrom as he got ready to pull his bow out. Claude pushed Chrom back slightly as the two stared up at them. Then they got off the hot air balloon and got on their brooms. "Who are you two anyways!?"

The female witch introduced, "What a joy to see someone who doesn't live in this world! My name is Amara and he's Daniel!" The two looked at each other and back at the witches. Then the two got their wands ready. "Are you prepared to fall under a perfect spell?"

Claude sighed, "I don't think we're willing to do that."

"How unfortunate... you don't have the option to go ahead and say yes or no! You're going down either way!" Daniel laughed. Claude and Chrom lifted their wyvern into the air and got their bows ready. "You can fly too!?... Oh right, you two have a wyvern..."

Amara groaned, "Daniel... Oh that won't be stopping us from making Queen Lily proud of us! She's our beloved ruler of darkness, not like Queen Aria who's the ruler of the dark fairies..."

"Two new queens... there's so much in this world," Chrom muttered. Claude nodded as the two got their wands prepared. "Get yourself ready Claude, they're going to start casting spells against us." Claude nodded as the four all got prepared to fight.

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