Chapter 17: Returning To Reality

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"I don't really see any openings of sorts, what about you guys?" Link questioned. The heroes all shook their heads no. Link took a deep breath and tried to search the area a little more. Still there wasn't anything for him to discover.

Marth questioned, "How could you be so sure that the lake of Forest Verbena is going to have some opening of sorts?"

"If this is some type of inter-dimension that reunites you guys at different periods of time, then there should be some way out of here. After all, it's not going to be perfectly one on one to the original reality you guys had," Link explained.

Blaze replied, "That actually does make a lot of sense now that you bring it up... hm..." Link put his sword in the pond and started moving it around. Trying to see if it could open a pathway of sorts. Meanwhile, the other heroes were investigating the other areas.

Link muttered, "Come on... there has to be an opening here somewhere..." Link moved his sword out of the pond and started walking around the forest. There had to be something out of place that would end up being a portal back to reality.

"This place is honestly starting to get more and more freaky..." Ephraim muttered. Link looked over and noticed some of the area was starting to disappear.

Link asked, "W-What's going on now?!"

"It seems like the inter-dimension is beginning to close off! If we don't escape we're never going to escape!" Venti yelled. Link stood there in shock as he dashed down the forest. The rest of the past heroes followed after him. Link kept dashing through the forest, trying to find anywhere out of here.

Link asked, "Do you guys spot anything?!"

"No!" They all shouted. Link looked at his sword and noticed it was glowing. He paused for a moment and noticed it glowed in one direction but in another it didn't.

Link whispered, "I may be onto something here..." He smiled and dashed in the direction where his sword glowed the brightest. The past heroes kept following him as Link kept running on the route where his sword shined the brightest. Eventually it stopped glowing entirely and Link came to a pause.

"Is it... a dead end?!" Classic Sonic asked. Link shook his head as he looked around the area. The past heroes searched around the area too but they weren't able to find anything too out of the ordinary. Just as Link was about to turn, Captain bumped into something.

"GAH! Wh-What was that!?" Captain asked. The group looked over as they spotted that nothing was there. Link smiled as he walked over.

Link replied, "It seems like we found the opening! Well done!"

"How are you so certain it is the opening?" Meta Knight asked.

Link replied, "We just need to try to open it up, why else would there be an invisible barrier?" The heroes nodded as Link raised his sword. Then he started cutting through the invisible barrier, he saw it open up slowly. But the inner-dimension was closing more and more.

Kyoko yelled, "LINK! YOU NEED TO HURRY UP!" Link nodded as he continued cutting through the invisible barrier. Marth and Eliwood joined him as they helped him open the barrier a little more quicker. Then the barrier opened. Link took a deep breath and ordered everyone to jump in it.

Link muttered, "I just pray that the same thing didn't happen to the other heroes..." He jumped directly after them as they all landed on the ground. They searched around the area and Link looked up.

"AHAHAH!" Someone giggled. The past heroes looked around and noticed a figure at the top of the staircase. Link put his sword in front of him and held it up high. Then he saw Queen Lily walking down, holding a fan close to her face.

Link muttered, "Queen Lily... where did King Amedeo go?"

"Oh he's resting up and preparing for your arrival..." Queen Lily giggled.

Jeralt asked, "A-Arrival?" They all turned around and noticed King Amedeo walking down the other staircase. He had a fan close to his face as well. The heroes all took out their weapons as King Amedeo walked closer to them. Link walked ahead of them and stood there staring at King Amedeo.

King Amedeo asked, "You managed to find a way out of the inter-dimension? I will say I am pretty shocked to hear that..." Then he put the fan away. He grabbed Link's face but Link tried to pull away from him.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Link shouted before pulling his face away from King Amedeo. He did a sigh and turned around, away from the heroes.

King Amedeo explained, "I thought we could make a truce and I could release your friends from that inter-dimension. No matter, I did what I could and now I'm going to find a way to DESTROY YOU!!" Link looked up at shock as behind him the heroes appeared with their weapons out.

Luigi asked, "W-What did you do to them!?"

King Amedeo giggled, "I just did a few upgrades to them, nothing too out of the ordinary..." Link stood there in shock but shook his head. "Hmm... you heroes think you can defeat them? I doubt it."

Link grunted, "Just wait and see... you'll understand how the heroes really are..."

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