Chapter 40: To Stand To Remember

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"Chrom we feel what you're feeling-"

"If you knew you would be acting the same. I don't care what excuses any of you heroes give, I'm tired of you guys not even giving a single damn feeling to those we keep losing, you should all be ASHAMED!"

"You're absolutely wrong, there's no reason for you TO BOTTLE UP THOSE EMOTIONS WITHIN YOU! You are absolutely not happy with yourself and you NEVER WILL BE AT THIS RATE! The best way to prove yourself strong is by proving that you DON'T bottle your emotions. It's unhealthy for all of us."

"Dusk... do you ever... feel lost in thought?" Chrom muttered. His wyvern looked up at him as Chrom looked down at him. "I guess it's me... isn't it?" The wyvern looked at him as Chrom gently rubbed his head.

He kept on flying high through the air, only thinking about the war that happened nearly twenty years ago. He was twenty-two when it all started. He couldn't stop thinking about Magnus, Zethus specifically; and the fire. He took a deep breath as he landed on the ground near some forest.

Chrom sighed, "You rest here for now buddy, I'm going to grab something to eat." The wyvern nodded as Chrom walked into the forest. He picked out a large berry and stared at it, checking if it was good to eat. He casted a spell to assure it was safe to eat, luckily it was. He walked back to his wyvern and from there he spotted... Emelia? "EMMA?!"

Emelia giggled, "Hey Chrom, it's been a while since I've seen you!" Chrom stood there in shock as Emelia gently smiled at him. "Why are you surprised to see me?"

"You haven't... appeared in front of me for a long time. I last remember seeing you during the war when I temporarily died, and ever since... I just remembered photos of you," Chrom replied as he handed part of the berry to the wyvern.

Emelia asked, "Chrom, where is your husband? The kids? Are they alright-"

"They're fine, I just don't wish to be with the heroes..." Chrom replied as he ate the berry.

Emelia wondered, "Are you certain that's the case? I'm worried that they're in danger of sorts..."

"If you're so worried, perhaps you should check them out," Chrom sighed. Emelia looked at him and smiled as she got down from the wyvern's back. She walked to Chrom and hugged him tightly. "It's like you're still here Emma..."

Emelia giggled, "Well I'm here for you now you can vent to me all you want. Go ahead honey, it's alright..." Chrom looked at her as he looked down at himself while eating the berry. "Ooh! What berry is that?!"

"It's... known as petunia berry... it's not originated from the flower but it's just called it for some reason. It has a sweet taste to it; actually it's similar to a pineapple," Chrom explained.

Emelia laughed, "I should try it!" She grabbed the piece Chrom was eating and made a copy of her own. She ate it as Chrom smiled at her. "You're right! It's similar to a pineapple but it's far sweeter!"

Chrom sighed, "Anyways... about the venting..."

"Go ahead Chrom..."

"I've... I've been thinking about, a lot; I just thought to myself that I don't know what I'm doing. I've thought about you, the war... and my childhood. It's just been thoughts that just one day appear in my mind and the next day they're gone. But today was harder..."


"Byleth and I got into an argument and in return... I flew away from the heroes, I just... couldn't take it anymore. I try to keep order but even the team leader can't keep order. Byleth is a good leader but he just... needs to organize a bit better," Chrom explained.

Emelia muttered, "Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that..." Chrom looked at what Emelia was wearing and gently smiled. He couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful she was, what a shame it was that she was taken away so early. "You've seen a lot, Chrom, but I'm proud of you."

Chrom asked, "Are you certain you are proud of me?" Emelia nodded as she hugged Chrom again. Chrom looked down at her and started tearing up.

Emelia sighed, "Aww please don't cry... you're going to make me cry as well Chrom..." Chrom shook his head and tried to clear his tears. But he couldn't stop crying, Emelia just hugged him even tighter. "I love you sweetheart, don't ever forget that no matter what."

Chrom mumbled, "I love you too Emelia. Just stick with me until the end, okay?"

"I promise you! And then when you pass away we'll be reunited. I love you sweetie," Emelia giggled. Chrom nodded as they stood there hugging tightly. Suddenly Emelia heard a sound. "Oh dear, I have to go."

Chrom sighed, "Take care sweetheart. I'll be there when I do arrive."

"You have a long way to go Chrom! I just pray for your safety," Emelia said with a smile. Soon she vanished from the spot as Chrom took a deep breath. He got back on the wyvern and looked at him.

Chrom asked, "Ready to go?" The wyvern nodded happily as Chrom lifted themselves into the air.

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