Chapter 31: KA-BOOOM!!! Spells With The Heroes

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"HAHH!" Erroll shouted as he casted a spell. The heroes jumped out of the way as Kirby swung his cutter at Erroll. However, he was able to deflect it with ease. In the process; Kirby ended up getting hit by his own cutter. The heroes kept on trying to get to him but he seemed to have some strange invisible barrier.

Byleth asked, "What the hell is protecting him?"

"Most likely a barrier of sorts, perhaps we can perform a spell against that..." Chrom muttered. The heroes nodded as Celica and Veyle shot a spell at Erroll. It seemed to hit something before deflecting back. They were able to dodge as Ivy attempted to fly in and cast a spell as well. Still she was nearly knocked back.

Frye asked, "Um... are you certain you guys think it's a spell?"

"I'm certain it is, it's rare to notice a barrier this strong but if we apply enough force, it should shut down," Chrom explained. The heroes looked at him and back at Erroll who was getting ready to cast a spell. Suddenly he sent it into the air which created a thunderstorm.

Erroll laughed, "OH HOW FOOLISH ALL OF YOU HEROES ARE! YOU DON'T MATCH MY SKILL!!" He raised his hands in the air as thunder bolts were being struck against the heroes. They did their best to avoid it but the fliers were far more vulnerable than the ones on land.


"W-What about Chrom!?"

"I can take care of him on my own! We're at a higher risk here!" Ivy nodded as the two flew down to the ground and put their wyverns to rest somewhere safe. However, a forest wasn't a good place, so they let them rest inside of a nearby cave as Claude sat down with Chrom to have him rest. As for Ivy, she dashed back into the action.

Chrom muttered, "Are you sure we're safe here?" Claude nodded as he hugged Chrom tightly. Meanwhile, the heroes were still going strong as they could. Trying their best to defeat the wizard, but he seemed to know so much and the thunderbolts got worse and worse.

Byleth grunted, "WE HAVE TO GIVE IT OUR ALL! OTHERWISE WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE HERE!" The heroes looked over and back toward Erroll. Erroll smiled wickedly to the heroes as he raised his staff.

"I WILL DESTROY EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!!" Erroll laughed hysterically. The heroes tightened their grips on their weapons as he swung his staff at them. The heroes all jumped backward avoiding the thunder attacks. Erroll continued swinging his weapons at the heroes but they seemed to easily avoid his attacks.

Alear groaned, "How much longer do we have to keep this up?! I'm afraid I won't be able to last the whole way through!" The heroes all nodded in agreement as Byleth swung his sword at Erroll. That time the shield managed to break in some form.

Erroll asked, "W-WHAT THE!? THAT ISN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN! GAHH!!" He fell backward toward the ground as Byleth continuously whipped his weapon at the barrier. Eventually it broke and Erroll was sent flying backward. The heroes all gathered together as they dashed toward him.

"HERE IT COMES!!" Shez shouted as he threw his swords. Erroll barely dodged the attacks as he teleported away using his staff. The heroes all stopped there as the thunder all cleared up.

Byleth sighed, "Close call, none is hurt right?" The heroes all shook their heads no as Byleth nodded firmly toward them. "Good, as for Chrom and Claude?"

"They're alright, hiding out in a cave in order to ensure that Chrom doesn't get even more injured than right now," Ivy explained. Byleth nodded at her as he took a sigh of relief. The heroes all smiled at one another as they walked over toward the cave.

"OH NOW YOU'VE DONE IT! YOU WILL SEE MY WRATH HEROES!" Erroll shouted as he teleported slightly away from them. He saw them walking toward the cave and thought of a perfect idea. He dashed his way over toward the heroes and hid behind a tree. They all walked inside where they saw Chrom resting alongside Claude.

Claude asked, "Is the wizard dead?"

"Not really, but he made a retreat which gives us enough time to get to the Temple, maybe they will make an expectation of us having only twenty members," Byleth explained. Claude nodded as he gently picked up Chrom. "Need assistance?"

"Nah I got him, he's heavy like any living being but I can grab him just fine," Claude said with a smile. Byleth nodded as the heroes smiled back at Claude. Then suddenly Claude spotted Erroll getting ready to cast a spell. "HEROES!" They looked over and saw Erroll staring at them dead in the eyes.

Erroll grumbled, "You heroes are nothing more but weaklings. King Amedeo was right about all of you. YOU DON'T KNOW WHEN TO GIVE UP DO YOU?!" He shot a spell but the heroes managed to dodge that spell. Erroll looked at them in disbelief as the heroes felt the cave crumbling down. "Tch, I'll see you another time."

"GET OUT!!" Byleth ordered. Everyone started running their way out of the cave as fast as possible as Byleth was the last one to exit the cave. They all landed safely as they looked back toward the cave. "Good gods, is everyone okay?"

"Mhm..." They all replied. Byleth smiled at them before finding blood directly underneath him.

"W-What... the..."

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