Chapter 21: Resting Campsite

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The heroes kept running through the forest to the dark fairy kingdom. They saw a lot of strange creatures and wildlife. There were tons of flowers they didn't even know of, but most of them were dangerous in some form. Then soon they all came to a halt as they got ready for the night.

Kirby laughed, "I do enjoy cooking for us but the problem is searching for food here. Everything here is mythical and I'm really scared I'm gonna grab something that's dangerous to us."

"That's why Albedo is running a search in this area to see what is safe to eat and what isn't," Byleth replied. Kirby nodded as he got everything ready to cook. Most of the heroes were talking with one another as Chrom and Claude huddled with one another. Kirby kept on double checking everything was set until Albedo finished his rounds.

Albedo said, "I got some stuff that is safe to eat. Good luck on finding a way to make that into a meal."

"Oh easy peasy! I can make anything into a delicious meal!" Kirby cheered. The heroes all giggled as Kirby got to cooking.

Marth asked, "Kirby, do you always cook for the heroes?"

"Yep! I'm the head chef and the people love what I end up cooking!" Kirby replied while getting everything prepared. He seemed like he had a mini kitchen with him due to how flawlessly he did everything. "Okay... so if we add a bit of this into that..."

Eliwood said with a smile, "The food already smells really nice, that's impressive considering the wildlife here is totally native to the fantasy realm."

"Oh for sure, the food smells wonderful and well, Kirby is doing a fantastic job either way," Byleth replied. Kirby kept on cooking and made sure it tasted good along the way. However, some of the heroes were so exhausted that they already tuned in for the night.

Claude sighed, "I'll be the first one to say it, I've never had Kirby's food."

"What?! I could've sworn I've invited you to eat his food before!" Chrom questioned.

Claude explained, "Well I don't remember that interaction. I've just had normal chef food so this is an exciting experience for me." Chrom rubbed his head in confusion as Kirby clapped his pans together.

Kirby laughed, "Dinner is served!" Everyone got a plate, minus the ones that were already asleep and got to eating. Everyone seemed to enjoy the meal with the nice atmosphere surrounding them. "How's the meal?"

Celica laughed, "A very good meal, I'm surprised how well you make everything despite this being new food for us to try."

"Well, I do quite a lot to get everything perfect! But trust me, it's going to be amazing either way!" Kirby cheered. The heroes laughed as one by one they finished their meals. They stood awake chatting for a moment until eventually everyone tuned in for the night.

Well, everyone except for Chrom. He couldn't sleep for the life of his no matter how hard he tried. He felt some type of aching feeling growing inside of him. He sat there by the campsite alongside Claude's wyvern, who was fast asleep. He looked down at his watch and took a deep breath.

Chrom sighed, "It's been... sixteen years since the Fire Dawn war ended. It's... struck me today that I'm the one that put an end to that war. I was twenty-four when the war started, twenty-seven when the war ended... Now here I am, forty-three years old. My days aren't getting younger from here, heh." Then he heard a loud roar next to him. He looked over and saw the wyvern just getting comfortable.

Chrom petted him gently as he sat there thinking about everything that's happened in his life. He experienced a lot, and it ended up weighing a toll on his life as well. He couldn't stop thinking about the war, Emelia's passing, his service to Zehira, becoming obsessed with technology and so much more.

Chrom laughed, "You were there for a lot of the events too weren't you buddy? I guess you weren't there for all of them but you stuck by Claude's side no matter what. You're a great deal to us, you know that?" The wyvern rubbed its head against Chrom. "There, there big guy, it's alright."

"Chrom?" Chrom jumped up and looked behind him. From there it was Claude just awake walking out of the tent he and Chrom were sharing. "What are you doing up so late?"

Chrom replied, "Well... I just couldn't sleep. I was remembering all the events that happened. Heh, remembering how young Lucina was. Now... she's twenty-four. Time sure flies, gods I remember just so much." Claude put his arm over Chrom's shoulder as Chrom looked at him.

Claude replied, "I get what you mean, so much has happened within a span of one year to nearly ten years. You were with the heroes for quite some time."

"I was, until I left when I was twenty-nine... hah, I spent ten years of my life working for the heroes. After those years ended everything sort of fell quiet, it's... strange," Chrom explained. Claude nodded as he looked over toward their wyvern.

Claude laughed, "I heard you talking to the wyvern. You were being so kind to him." Chrom looked over and blushed in embarrassment. "What's wrong? There's no reason to be so nervous!"

Chrom muttered, "That's kind of embarrassing... I was just having a moment of reflection and you saw that from me... heh." Claude smiled before gently kissing Chrom on the cheek. Chrom smiled back at him as the two embraced for a moment. "Gods I'm in love with you so much."

Claude laughed, "Me too, but I suggest you find a way to get some rest. We don't want you exhausted tomorrow. I'll see you in the tent soon alright? Night honey!" Chrom nodded as Claude walked back into his tent. Chrom took off his watch and stared down at it.

Chrom said, "It's been a while, how have you been?"

"Wonderful, as always Chrom. You've gotten a lot older and we haven't interacted as much anymore. It's such a joy to hear from you again!" Ashyohio replied as he sat beside Chrom.

Chrom laughed, "I apologize for that, I was quite a bit during those days. But I wanted to speak to you about something before I headed off to sleep?"

"Oh sure thing, what do you want to know about?" Ashyohio asked. Chrom took a deep breath and looked down at himself.

Chrom explained, "The World Tree handed us this petal, and the tree wants us to discover the Legend Stones. Tell me, do you know anything about them?"

Ashyohio asked, "The Legend Stones? Hm... yes, I've heard of them before. Those stones are precious and grant the ability of the Legend form. The Temple of Tundra is located in between the Dark Fairy kingdom and the Light Kingdom."

"That's great and all but we know that,"

"Oh, what are you trying to learn about?"

Chrom questioned, "Why are we tasked with trying to find these stones in the first place?"

"I... I don't know, perhaps talk to the World Tree about that," Ashyohio replied. Chrom took a long deep breath and released it.

Chrom replied, "Well, thanks for trying to help. Appreciate it Ashyohio." Ashyohio nodded as he disappeared into the air. Chrom put his watch on as he looked at the necklace that held his demon form. "I haven't heard from you in a while, Dime, I hope you're doing well." He walked over to the tent and eventually went to sleep.

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