Chapter 78: Traditions and Dances

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"WHOOO!!!" Someone cheered. Chrom was sitting on a bench watching the dances the people were performing as the Dragon Flame trial was right upon them. Chrom kept watching them but he felt awful about the way he acted toward Anaki and Zaki.

Chrom sighed, "Gods... I was too harsh on those two mechanics. They've never seen the communicator before. I feel horrible..." Then he saw someone walking by, it was Arli. She was dressed in traditional clothing. "You've changed your style, what happened?"

Arli replied, "Today is the evening of the fire dance. This is tradition and we do it each time a dragon flame trial is upcoming. Your's is coming very close isn't it?" Chrom nodded as he watched the performers dance the traditional dances. Chrom felt amazed by how good the dancers were.

Chrom sighed, "I can't wait for my trial. I am extremely worried about what I need to do but I'm certain I'm going to be able to do it!" Arli smiled as she walked over to the crowd to watch the dancers. Chrom got himself prepared as his trial was on the horizon. He continued to watch the dancers though, he was in awe of how well they danced.

He stood there staring down at himself, thinking about how the team was doing. But more importantly... what his family was doing. He was worried sick about how they were but he was confident they all found a way to move on. Regardless, he was still extremely nervous about the trial.

Arli questioned, "Are you certain you are prepared? Reminder that if you fail then-"

"Then public execution occurs; I am fully aware of the consequences and I am confident that I will be able to ace the trial without any problems,"

Chrom thought to himself, "Public... execution if failure... Public... execution..." Chrom knew of the consequences of what would happen if he failed but he couldn't stop thinking about how not to fail. His goal was to gain the strength to wield the dragon flame but... was it enough? Chrom looked down at himself again as he thought about the trial.

"This is a hologram demonstrating the steps you need to take in order to ensure you can wield the Dragon Flame. You need strength, wisdom, diligence and the ability to do so... you have all of those steps and so I will demonstrate to you what you need to do.

You will need to do a test of fighting the Iris Lion which has three eyes, the Headed Panther which has three heads, the steam boiler wolf, which is extremely aggressive and finally the Dragon Flame itself will need to be harnessed. In order to take this test, you need to prepare for it.

Failure of the test will result in public execution..."

"Iris Lion, The Headed Panther, Steam Boiler Wolf... Dragon flame. Creatures I have never fought before in my life but I am confident in my abilities..." Chrom muttered to himself. He thought for a moment as he saw people cheering for joy. He looked over and now there was... a flame dance. Chrom dashed over to investigate what was going on.

"Greetings the people of our Flame Tribe! I'm certain this event is the event you've all been waiting for! The Fire Performance!" Then Arli joined a group of dancers. Each of them each got a fire baton. Chrom managed to make his way through to view and saw Arli and her crew get ready.

Chrom muttered, "The... Fire Performance..." Then the group instantly started throwing their batons in the air as Arli was creating something with her baton. Soon her baton switched to a neon blue color as she continued twirling it around. Chrom felt himself getting anxious as it appeared the flame got bigger.

But just as it was getting good, it got even better. From there the group was spinning their batons creating some sort of fire circles in the center. Soon they stopped spinning the batons and formed a line. One by one each person pointed their batons before they ran in a line together. Arli was spinning her baton around to create the illusion of... a head.

Chrom muttered, "They're creating a dragon with that... that's incredible..." He kept his hands to his heart until Arli stopped in front of him. "A-Arli!?"

"Come in and join me Chrom, after all you are the one receiving the dragon flame, it's only natural you receive the baton with the purple flames..." Arli handed the Baton to Chrom as he looked down at it. But nodded in agreement as he dashed in to join the others. As he did his best to perform the people were loudly cheering and yelling.

Chrom laughed, "This is incredibly fun! I can't believe you didn't introduce me to this earlier!" Arli laughed as the two spun their batons together. Chrom felt himself swaying around as the two kept spinning their batons.

"For a beginner you're not doing too bad!" Arli laughed. Chrom spun around before tossing it into the air. However, he nearly missed the catch. "Careful now!" Chrom laughed as he did his best to continue with the dance. Arli kept on spinning around until it got intense.

Chrom asked, "A-Arli!" But soon the other dances ended up spinning rapidly together. Chrom couldn't dare to be the outsider and soon joined them in their spins. Then Arli threw her baton in the air. As she leaped into the air, everyone stopped. Chrom looked over in confusion before he witnessed Arli strike a pose as she caught the baton.

He couldn't believe his eyes, the Tribe Leader was... absolutely incredible at a bunch of things. She knew how to baton, and she knew so much for her age... Chrom couldn't help but question her because... she was just that intriguing.

Chrom asked, "Arli... how are you able to do things like that?" Arli put out the flames of the batons as the crowd all cheered for joy. Chrom looked around and smiled at everyone but he was still curious about Arli's position on why she was so capable. "Arli... can you explain to me? If you can?"

"Gladly, I am able to dance the way I do due to one simple condition. I am the one of the wielders of the Dragon Flame as well..." Arli explained. Chrom stood there in silence as everything became clear. Arli was able to do the things she was able to BECAUSE of her having the flame.

Chrom laughed, "That... makes a lot of sense..."

"Now come on, you are going to the trial very soon so prepare yourself Chrom! Go get the rest you deserve!" Ari ordered in a playful manner. Chrom laughed alongside her before soon nodding. Walking over to his tent in order to get the rest he deserved. A big day is coming soon...

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