Chapter 14: The Waltz of Rage

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"Where could she be?!" Alear questioned. The heroes looked around the area when they suddenly heard the sounds of footsteps down the stairs. Byleth clutched his eyes closed and turned toward the heroes.

"We need to leave, NOW!" Byleth ordered. The heroes all stood there and nodded. They dashed to the left and started running towards the exit. The other heroes on the surface became more and more afraid. Queen Lily walked over to them and stared at them.

Queen Lily questioned, "Why aren't you guys doing anything!?" The heroes nodded and dashed down the stairs. They noticed the guard investigating the suits left on the ground.

A knight questioned, "What do you think happened to them?"

"Escaping, knowing well knights aren't allowed down here..." The second knight replied. The heroes all stood there in silence, becoming afraid of where the other heroes went. Meanwhile, they got out of the basement but they were located in Queen Lily's room.

Byleth muttered, "So there was a way down to the basement..." Then they heard the sounds of footsteps coming up the stairs. "THEY'RE COMING!" The heroes looked around and dashed over to the balcony. They closed the doors behind them and hid away from view. Queen Lily walked in the room and looked around.

Queen Lily muttered, "Something is odd about this room..." She looked around the room as King Amedeo walked in. The heroes still heard the music playing which only meant the guests were waltzing downstairs. Either way, it started making the heroes feel nervous about the situation.

Chrom muttered, "Maybe I can get Claude's wyvern to help us out of this situation..." The heroes nodded as Chrom blew a whistle out to the wyvern. That's what alerted Queen Lily as she dashed over to the balcony. However, she didn't see anything. The heroes were on the borders of the castle, trying to avoid being in Queen Lily's field of view.

Queen Lily questioned, "WHO IS DOING THAT?!" She stormed back inside as the heroes all stood there waiting for help. Just like that, they heard the sounds of clashing downstairs. The knights realized the heroes were faking being knights. The heroes kept on blocking the attacks of the knights. The music of the waltz was intense, making it perfect.

Sonic yelled, "STEP IT UP EVERYONE! COME ON!!" They continued fighting against the knights as King Amedeo came walking down the stairs. He noticed the heroes there fighting against the knights. He stood there and chuckled as Queen Lily dashed down the stairs.

Queen Lily muttered, "But I thought we..." The heroes noticed them and stopped fighting as the knights stopped and looked at them. "You pesky heroes, don't know how to remove yourselves..." She got ready to cast a spell as she noticed some of the heroes were missing.

King Amedeo sighed, "So you were the heroes, the ones who were the knights that disappeared hm? Where are they..."

"We don't even know where they are..." Kirby muttered as he jumped out of Sonic's suit. The heroes all stood there staring at the Queen and King. They stood there staring at the heroes as King Amedeo took a deep breath.

King Amedeo giggled, "Oh but you all know where those heroes are. I'll repeat the question. Where are they..."

Celica yelled, "We don't know where they are! Will you quit bothering us?!" King Amedeo shook his head as he walked down the stairs and walked toward the heroes. The heroes put their weapons in front of them while King Amedeo stared at them.

Queen Lily muttered, "King Amedeo-"

"I know what I'm doing Lily, just watch and learn..." King Amedeo muttered. The heroes glared at him as he got a spell ready. The heroes started to back away from him. He kept on walking closer and closer to him.

Sonic ordered, "BACK OFF! DON'T GO ANYWHERE CLOSE TO US!" King Amedeo didn't bother to listen. He just kept getting closer and closer to the heroes. Queen Lily stood there staring at King Amedeo before smiling. Soon the other heroes walked down the steps and noticed the situation going on.

Byleth muttered, "Damn it! I put the heroes in danger!" He looked around the castle and found a potted plant. He wrapped his sword around it and got ready to throw it at King Amedeo.

King Amedeo sighed, "You are all foolish to believe you could find a way to testify against me. You're all heroes aren't you? I knew you would find a backroot, no matter. I'll just destroy you all with ease..."

Kirby muttered, "What makes you think you'll be able to do it?" King Amedeo stood there in confusion as Byleth threw the potted plant at him. King Amedeo felt it and looked behind him. Queen Lily looked over and noticed the rest of the heroes all standing there.

"YOU ALL! I KNEW YOU WERE THERE IN MY ROOM!" Queen Lily shouted in anger. The heroes walked down and stood in front of the two royals. They looked around the room as the heroes surrounded them. The knights soon surrounded the two royals as the heroes all stood there staring at them.

Eula sighed, "Charming music you're playing. I'll say that but as for the rest of you. You won't be able to stand a chance..." King Amedeo looked at the heroes before chuckling.

King Amedeo laughed, "I'm glad you like the music being played, though that won't change anything. You're all going to fail. Just watch it all crumble..."

"I think not..." Byleth muttered. King Amedeo took a deep breath and got ready to attack alongside Queen Lily. The heroes all got ready to attack as well.

Queen Lily laughed, "Oh may this battle of Dark Travesties get started..."

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