Chapter 109: Stranded God

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"And at long last... I've finally gotten rid of the pest I've always yearned to get rid of. I knew she was going to be annoying but oh the sweet death she received? I must say I am very... pleased with what I've done..." Liberation giggled. He looked at the mess that Dawn was becoming, it just felt worse than most things. But it wasn't nearly as bad as what the Fire Dawn war accomplished.

He looked around through the plains and the world, itself. It just felt like a repeat of the events, but at the same time; the heroes were determined to destroy him. They had experienced this type of destruction before and they were more than prepared to do something about it so it doesn't worsen.

Liberation sighed, "All of those heroes lived through the Fire Dawn war, they know what they're expecting and are going to reduce their casualties. I just need to know what I need to do to get rid of one more of them... or more specifically to have something unique happen to one of their teammates." He looked at himself as he thought about it for a moment.

But no matter how hard he thought about it, it just felt like the heroes were just somehow ahead of him. He couldn't figure out the reasoning behind why they were ahead of him but they were. They had the higher ground, they knew what they were doing to ensure the downfall, and he needed to stop that. He continued walking and soon started stepping down some invisible steps. Fireballs of corruption were falling down left and right and the sky had a purple aura to it.

He continued walking down the stairs, thinking about the destruction of the planet. He had to get his way to one thing, the World Tree. He knew of its location but due to the threat he made to the heroes, the tree managed to find a way to seal itself away so he would never get near the tree. He wanted to find some way to get to the World Tree. But there was no clean view.

Liberation grunted, "The World Tree.. what have I done to you to deserve this... I wanted to put the planet at ease. So nobody would need to worry about it anymore longer. No more... no more suffering and pain for this world. I will rescue it..." Liberation felt his breathing becoming more and more rapid as he heard something.

He turned around and to his surprise. Othos appeared in front of him. "Your highness... I assume that you have been waiting for me?" Liberation smiled as he got himself together. "You are fully aware of me being the god of undying, those heroes are not going to find a way to get rid of me!" He chuckled to himself as Liberation slowly shook his head.

Liberation sighed, "You have too much confidence within yourself. The heroes should still have the Dragon Flame and you must be wise. That Dragon Flame has the ability to kill all of us. Including you..." Othos stood there staring at him as Liberation looked away for a brief moment. "I'll trust you with this though..."

Othos asked, "Oh? What are you going to trust me with?"

"If you get a way to kill one of the heroes. I'll reward you with something. But of course you need to come alive from that..." Liberation muttered. Othos nodded slowly as he thought about it for a moment. "I know it just seems already something interesting but the heroes have a Dragon Flame fused Legend Form..."

Othos asked, "They do!? I thought they only had the regular versions but now they're fused with some of the power of the Dragon Flame?!" Liberation nodded slowly as Othos looked at him in disbelief, both with disgust but disbelief at the same time. "Fine... I know for a fact that I'll come out alive either way!"

Liberation grunted, "There you are with the overconfidence again..." Othos rolled his eyes as he disappeared from the scene. Liberation took a deep breath as he looked up to the sky. "Tell me... Liva... am I doing what is right for us? I know you despise the heroes as much as your daughter does and I'm just doing it to please you both...."

"You're the one to talk Liberation, my mother can't even hear you," Someone echoed. Liberation looked over and saw a hologram of Queen Erica. "You're my uncle, and you're supposed to be protecting Shimmer Star. It's your job, not mine... SO WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"


"You know I don't hate all of the heroes. I just hate Chrom, and it would've been better if you DID SOMETHING ABOUT HIM!" Erica shouted. Liberation stood there staring at her as he looked away for a moment. "I get that you're mad that my mom had to be killed by Michael but I'm her place now! So you better GET THIS RIGHT!"

Liberation grunted, "That is what you please... this is what you please don't you?! DON'T YOU ERICA?! I'VE TRIED TO BE A GOOD UNCLE TO YOU BUT CLEARLY YOU DON'T GET THAT! I'LL KILL THE HEROES, DESTROY YOUR PLANET AND DESTROY YOU!"

"You can't do that, you have no power to do so..." Erica grunted. Liberation stood there, glaring down at Erica as he slowly shook his head. "What's the matter? Are you pissed that you're not going to have a chance at destroying the world?" Erica smirked as Liberation began laughing again.

Liberation laughed, "You thought you were slick! You thought you were the smartest person in the whole world Erica! Ohh... just wait and see..."

"I'm not going to care if you kill the heroes..."

"I'm not going to be the one who's going to kill the heroes... Othos is!"


Liberation continued, "Oh yes... and knowing you. I know Michael is there... waiting for the chance to slaughter you. So if you end up dying! So be it! The world is going to fall apart and you won't get a chance to stop it!"

"No... NO!!!"

Liberation laughed, "That's right... go cry to your heroes. They'll be sure to solve this issue..."


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