Chapter 79: Hush Little Star, Don't You Die!

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"HAH!" Chrom shouted. He put his sword on the ground as he smiled down at himself. The trial was concluded and Chrom was victorious. He had lots of markings all over his body. Then he turned his way to face Arli and the crowd. None of them seemed to be pleased but at the same time... they didn't even have faces.

"We are disappointed Chrom..."

"W-What?!" Chrom turned around as Arli walked over and slammed her staff against Chrom. He fell to the ground and looked over in shock. Arli ordered the organizers to grab Chrom. He tried fighting back but there was no point in trying.

Arli muttered, "You have failed the trial Chrom, as much as it pains me to do this... we must execute you..."

"B-BUT!" But before Chrom could say anything more he was dragged away. He fell backward and felt the pain inside him growing more and more. The people kept dragging him away until they eventually arrived at some sort of lava lake. There were skeletons everywhere.

"We will not tolerate any resisters..." One of the men said. Chrom looked at them in shock as they eventually tied up his hands. He looked down at himself as his wrists began to turn purple and bleed. Then they tied his neck as well. He was beginning to struggle to breathe.

"GAHH!!! LET-LET ME GO!" He was beginning to lose air. The men pinned him onto the ground as Arli walked over. Chrom looked at her in fear as Arli turned away.

"Today, we witnessed someone we cared so deeply about! Turn into a failure... and now execution WILL COMMENCE!" Arli ordered. Then the men began to push Chrom. He was already feeling the heat of the lava against his skin and it was beginning to hurt more and more.

Chrom shouted, "NONONO!!! I D-DIDN'T-"

"You planned for all of this Chrom, you failed when you trusted yourself..." Arli muttered. Chrom looked at her as the men pushed him further in. He felt himself becoming more and more afraid. This was the end, he failed everyone and it was all over.


"You already wished them goodbye when you 'died.' They won't miss you..." Arli muttered. Chrom looked at her in horror as he was nearly in the lava. Chrom kept on trying to fight back but no matter how hard he dried. Nothing worked.

Chrom yelled, "CLAUDEEE PLEASE HEEELPPPP!!!" He was crying so much, just begging for someone to help him. But there was nobody... nobody at all. "NONONONO!!!! SOMEONE!!! ANYONE!!! HELP ME!!!!!!"



"GAHHHH!!!!" Chrom grabbed onto his sheets in absolute fear. He looked down at himself as he began to think what the hell he dreamed of. He grabbed his head in pain as he looked down at his sheets.

He grabbed his head as he groaned very loudly. It was late in the night and Chrom couldn't get any rest. Not only that but the flame dances were still happening. He couldn't stop thinking about how it would be like if he were to fail the trial. Each time the dreams would progressively get worse and worse.

Chrom muttered, "I can't.. I can't do this anymore. I miss them so much, why must I be chosen to do this!? Why must I be the one to suffer the pain and suffering of this!?" He grabbed his head in agony as he then slammed his hands on the ground.

He couldn't stop thinking about how that trial could result in his death. He was beyond afraid that there would be something wrong and the people would not be satisfied. He was afraid of being a disappointment. He was afraid of losing everything just by simply trying to do his best...


"Your highness..." Someone muttered. Chrom looked up in confusion as he saw two figures at the tent. Chrom cleaned himself as he walked over to the door. It was none other than Zaki and Anaki. Chrom felt himself becoming red after remembering what happened between them.

Anaki replied, "Your highness! There's no reason to turn red. We understand your anger and why you did the things you did! Do not fret!" Chrom looked at them before shaking his head. "Your highness... what's wrong?"

Chrom asked, "Am I going to do this? I feel like each time I try to do something all it feels like is that it ends up in failure. Do I have what it takes to wield the Dragon Flame?"

"Your highness... what Arli said is that you were fantastic during your trials! We are more than confident that you are going to make it just fine without any major complications! Of course... this is just how you feel and not the way we feel," Anaki replied. Chrom looked at him before looking down at Zaki.

Zaki replied, "You have what it takes, Chrom Lowell. We will support you the whole way through." Chrom smiled as the two then showed Chrom something.

"We have repaired your communicator. However, it was reset so we are unable to get your data back," Anaki replied with a small smile. Chrom grabbed it out of their hands and looked down at it. It was a repair and this time it was a success.

Chrom whispered, "You two..."

"Of course, if we fail again, don't hesitate to tell us! Really there's no reason-" Chrom hugged the two tightly as he looked at them all. "Your highness?!"

Chrom whispered, "Thank you... both of you! I am so happy to be working with you two and you did a marvelous job! So sorry to be so rude to you guys previously but! Thank you..." The two looked at Chrom as they both gently pat him on the back.

"You have this Chrom Lowell, you will ace that trial tomorrow morning!" Zaki cheered. Chrom nodded as he let go of the two. The two smiled at him as they quickly left the area. "GET YOUR REST NOW!" Chrom nodded as he gently set the communicator on a desk. Getting himself ready to bed... the trial was directly upon him.

Chrom muttered, "I can do this... I can... do this..."

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