Chapter 90: The Stars Flames Against Sealife

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"Everyone... be careful..." Byleth whispered. The heroes all stood there staring at the kraken and the squid. Then Celica and Marianne dashed to the back to push the boat away. Sonic and Tails jumped onto the trail and chased the robotic squid together. Meanwhile, the other heroes were trying to escape the kraken.


"WE NEED TO GIVE SONIC AND TAILS SOME TIME TO DEAL WITH THE ROBOTIC SQUID!!" Byleth shouted. Celica and Marianne kept watch of the kraken as it continued to chase after the boat. Byleth kept his best to steer the wheel as Alcryst and Claude dashed to the back. They shot arrows at the kraken as it began to slow down.

Lumine muttered, "Are you certain we know what we're doing?!"

"WE NEED TO AT LEAST STUN THE STUPID THING!" Claude shouted. Lumine stood there staring at the kraken as Erroll lifted it up into the air. Then it splashed into the water. Causing the boat to push forward.

"GAHHH!!" The heroes shouted as they nearly toppled over. Byleth used magic to stabilize the boat as Sonic and Tails continued chasing the robotic squid.

Sonic yelled, "TAILS! HURRY UP AND STUN IT WITH YOUR RAY GUN!" Tails grabbed out his ray gun and quickly shot it directly at the squid. It fell down as Sonic and Tails dashed over and jumped on the head. They fell backward as Sonic spin-dashed down at the squid. Then he kicked it directly in the head.

Tails cheered, "NICE ONE!" Then they jumped back onto the trail as the Squid got up to run away from them. Back with the boat the heroes were doing their best to stay stabilized the best they could.

Byleth shouted, "COME ON YOU CAN DO BETTER EVERYONE!" He grabbed out a staff and tried calming down the waves but nothing worked. Alear dashed over and took control of the boat. Prince Fluff attempted to strangle the kraken with yarn but there was no success.

Gooey attempted to do the same thing but there was no luck there either. Byleth kept on trying to calm down the waves until the kraken slammed its tentacle on the boat. Causing some of the heroes to be sent upward. Quickly, Byleth and Veyle used magic to help them land more safely.

"THE KRAKEN IS TOO BIG! WE'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO DO IT!" Albedo shouted. Alear kept trying to steer the boat alongside the help of Alfred. However, the boat was beginning to get out of control.

Alear muttered, "This can't be anything good..." Byleth looked over and saw them starting to get away from the kraken. But the kraken was just as quickly starting to catch up to the boat.

Byleth muttered, "We can't lose now... Erroll can't stop us! R-Right?!" He started to lose confidence in himself as an arrow shot directly past him. It was an arrow from Failnaught and it struck the kraken in the eye. "C-Claude!"

"ALEAR CONTROL THE BOAT WE STUNNED THE KRAKEN!!" Claude shouted. Alear nodded as he began to try stabilizing the boat. Byleth got his staff ready to blast the kraken and then directly blasted it in the eye. Returning with Sonic and Tails they were still chasing the squid.

Tails grunted, "My ray gun can't attack the squid! Sonic dash on ahead and strike it in the weak point!" Sonic nodded as he began running quicker. Tails tried his best to keep up but soon Sonic kicked the squid directly in the eye. "THAT'S IT!"

Sonic shouted, "HURRY TAILS!!" Tails dashed on over as the two kicked the squid directly in the eye. It was finished off but right before Sonic landed in the water Tails caught him. "We have to head back to the boat... AND FAST!"

"Got that covered!" Tails yelled before flying over. They continued getting to the boat but the kraken was becoming quicker and quicker. "That kraken is so quick! COME ON!!" They were able to get on the boat as it finally stabilized itself.

"ARE YOU HEROES READY TO DIE?!" Erroll laughed hysterically. The heroes kept their guards up as the kraken slammed another tentacle on the boat.

"THE BOAT IS BROKEN!" Eula shouted. Byleth began to panic as the ship began to rapidly start sinking into the water. "BYLETH HURRY AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!!" Byleth looked down at the waters in disbelief as he couldn't devise a plan quick enough in the dire circumstances.

Alcryst asked, "A-Are we really going to die here?!" Byleth looked at everyone when all of a sudden another boat came sailing by. "ASSISTANCE!" The heroes all jumped onto the boat but there was no one sailing it. Only a horse on the boat.

Byleth asked, "A-A horse?! Who-" Then someone slammed their foot directly onto the head of the kraken. The kraken roared in pain as the person jumped off. Quickly setting their hands on fire and dashing down at the kraken. "WHO IS THAT?!" The heroes kept watching as the person punched the kraken on the head. Then they landed on the water.

They didn't sink and Erroll glared at them in anger. Then the person jumped high into the air. Setting one of their feet on fire as they slammed kicked Erroll off the kraken.

"CURSE YOU!!! I HATE THAT-" Then he slammed onto the water. Just like that the spell was broken off the kraken. The person landed perfectly on the kraken as they began to reassure the kraken they were safe.

"Easy... easy, you and I are allies and I promise not to hurt you anymore... sorry for the troubles..." The person sighed. The heroes all stood there in silence as the charcoal on the person's face disappeared. Then they transformed back.


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