Chapter 73: The Clash of Robots

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 "HERE IT GOES!" Shez shouted. The heroes jumped over as the Death Egg Robot attempted to attack the heroes. They jumped backward as Panette dashed in and slammed her axe on the robot.

Timerra shouted, "Not so hard! Careful now!" Panette looked over as Byleth jumped in to block the attack for her. Panette fell back as Timerra dashed to her aid. Meanwhile, Celica and Alm were arguing with one another.

Alm sighed, "Look Celica, I know we've had such a rocky relationship but-"

"No Alm, I can't let you get away with this constantly over and over again Alm. I do not wish to be shoved down when the heroes were able to provide with that more than what you have provided for me..." Celica grunted as she looked down at herself in defeat. Alm looked at her as Mae jumped in with Lysithea to block the attack with a spell.

Alm sighed, "I... I wish we could go back and start over so we don't need to mess with something like this again." Celica nodded as all of a sudden another attack came punching by. She panicked but before long Veyle and Rafal jumped to hit the arm back.

Celica apologized, "I'm so so sorry! I just need to get back into action..." The two smiled back at her as Celica dashed over to assist Marianne. The two hit the robot back but it didn't seem to budge at all. The two looked at each other before it swung at the two. They fell backward and landed on the ground just fine.

Marianne muttered, "That's not good... how are you Celica?" Celica rubbed her head and smiled gently at Marianne. The heroes jumped back as the Death Egg Robot stomped its foot in front of the heroes. They looked over at the robot as it got ready to shoot a missile.

Byleth shouted, "OH NO YOU DON'T!" He slammed his blade against the robot and landed back onto the ground. The rest of the heroes quickly joined him as they took out their legend stones. "Are you all prepared for this?!"

"YES! LET'S DO IT!" The heroes all shouted in unison. Byleth smiled at everyone as he dashed ahead. Holding his legend stone in his hand.

Byleth announced, "COMBINE US THE STRENGTH OF ONE! HEROES AS ONE!!" Then the heroes all transformed into their legend stone forms. They all got themselves ready as some of the heroes jumped into the sky. Alcryst alongside Link and Claude shot arrows at the robot. One struck it perfectly and went through the robot arm.

"Nice one!" Kirby laughed. Alcryst nodded as Diamant dashed up ahead and swung his sword. He slammed his sword on the foot and the robot fell backward. The heroes gathered together as Byleth pointed his staff at the robot. Getting ready to blast it with his staff.

"NOT SO FAST!" Someone shouted. Byleth stopped as all the heroes looked over and saw King Floral holding his bag. "Let me handle this..." The heroes nodded as King Floral walked ahead of them. He paused directly in front of the robot as it got ready to blast him.

Byleth yelled, "Y-YOUR HIGHNESS!!"

"NATURE'S CURSE!" Then the Robot froze in place. King Floral then used his staff to cause roots to start growing from the ground. In the process grass and roots were growing inside the robot.

Kirby asked, "D-Does Nature curse always do that to the individuals?"

"Yes... anything will grow in the user, and slowly kill them unless I say something otherwise," King Floral replied. Some of the heroes shivered at the thought of it. King Floral stood there watching the robot become engulfed with Nature. The heroes all watched in awe as King Floral clapped his hand.

Byleth laughed, "That's... such a unique ability!" But soon the robot exploded in the process as several of the heroes jumped backward. King Floral put on a flower shield to protect them from the debris. He smiled at all the heroes as they all clapped for him.

"Just basic protection... so sorry for the trouble I have given you..." King Floral apologized. The heroes all reassured him that they were just happy he was okay. He smiled at the heroes as they looked around the kingdom.

Byleth gasped, "King Floral... this kingdom is gorgeous. How do you manage to keep it like this?"

"My existence... I am the oldest ruler out of all of them!"

"Y-You!? You're so young! How old are you?!" Kirby asked. The heroes all nodded their heads in agreement as King Floral blushed in embarrassment.

He replied, "I'm one thousand one hundred and fifty years old. I am an immortal being and one of the only rulers that is immortal. Otherwise the nature kingdom would die..." The heroes all stood there in disbelief. He was far older than most of the rulers they met but they never knew he was immortal.

"Wow, your highness, that is incredible..." Byleth replied. King Floral smiled at the heroes as he bowed down to them. "No, allow us." Then the heroes bowed down to the heroes.

King Floral laughed nervously, "You heroes have no reasoning to bow down to me." The heroes looked at him but stayed bowing down to him. "Besides the point, you heroes must get going now. Queen Bailey's life is at stake and I can manage here on my own."

Byleth questioned, "Are you certain you don't want assistance in restoring the place?" King Floral shook his head as the heroes all looked at one another and nodded. They waved goodbye but right before they were about to leave King Floral interrupted them.

"Take this, this is a map of the Light kingdom, this kingdom is difficult to enter but this will aid you in entering the kingdom. If King Solorio questions you, tell him I sent you there to search for Queen Bailey," King Floral explained as he handed Byleth a map. He nodded as the heroes all dashed their way from the kingdom. King Floral smiled one last time at the heroes before returning to restoring his kingdom.

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