Chapter 124: The Beast of Heaven

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"Everyone doing okay?" Byleth asked as all the heroes kept watch. They all nodded but they still didn't take their focus off what was going on in the world. Then they heard rumbling of sorts. They stopped themselves as they looked around the area. Byleth slowly pulled out his sword as he waited. Soon the rest of the heroes took out their weapons as well. The rumbling got louder and louder. Then from the corner of Lumine's eyes; she spotted a blue lion coming their way and it was fast approaching.

Lumine yelled, "OVER THERE!" Byleth looked over and then the blue lion caught up to the heroes. It appeared to have gotten hit by a corrupt fireball and it was huge. "Oh... my goodness..." The heroes gathered around each other as Byleth walked ahead of them.

"What do you want from us now, Liberation..." Byleth muttered. He kept his sword up as the lion kept staring down at him. Byleth kept a stern look as then the lion attempted to bite him. Byleth jumped backward and whipped his sword at the lion. "It's going to fight us, prepare yourselves!" Byleth rolled to the side as Claude shot arrows at the lion.

Marianne and Celica tagged up together and shot a spell at the lion. It fell down but got up again to attack the two. However, Alear and Alfred jumped in and slammed their weapons on the back of the lion. It jumped up before Furina quickly used a water attack mixed with a sword slash. It was an incredibly quick combo to create but the lion launched a scratch at them.

Furina fell onto the ground and felt her cheek bleeding. Eula jumped ahead and swung her sword directly at the lion. It was unfazed and scratched at Eula again. Celica rushed to their aid as Byleth joined Marianne with another spell. This time the lion was hit as Kirby and Prince Fluff used a whip against the Lion. Hitting it several times over.

Alcryst and Claude joined together and shot three arrows each, all of them hitting the lion as it fell down again. The lion was severely damaged but it wasn't going down yet. Each of the heroes looked at each other as Chrom jumped in with a soaring slash. He slammed his blade directly on the head of the lion as it started to bleed out. He fell back onto the ground as Acadia jumped in directly afterward.

She kicked the lion in the head before slamming her sword against the back of the lion. She landed as the lion then proceeded to swing its tail around. The heroes all fell backward and felt scratches appearing on them. But there was another troubling coming, the fireballs of corruption. The heroes got into 'dodge mode' and began avoiding the falling fireballs.

"Is it me or are there a lot more of these?!" Sonic asked as he quickly dodged each of the fireballs. The heroes weren't able to say much as they kept slamming onto the ground. Then they finally came to a halt but there was another problem that was in front of them. The lion was covered in glitch now. The heroes kept their guards up as the lion roared at the heroes. It launched itself at the heroes and they barely dodged the attack.

Byleth ordered, "STAY BACK! MAKE SURE THAT LION DOES NOT HURT YOU!" The heroes nodded as Chrom shot a spell before shooting an arrow that was covered in fire. The lion was struck as the arrow began glitching as it touched the lion. Chrom started backing away as the rest of the heroes got themselves ready to back away.

Chrom muttered, "I think that was a bad idea..." The heroes looked at one another before Chrom launched another arrow. Now the lion was unable to move. The heroes watched the lion struggle but they had defeated the lion. They dashed away from the scene but Chrom couldn't help but watch the lion struggle.

"CHROM!" Claude yelled. Chrom didn't respond, he took a deep breath and walked closer to the lion. Byleth tried whipping his sword to stop Chrom but it didn't him. Chrom stood in front of the lion and just stared at him.

"How cruel must Liberation be to do this to someone like you..." Chrom whispered. He wanted to touch the lion but he knew it would corrupt him. But he just wanted to reassure the lion he would be okay. He filled himself with energy and got closer to the lion.

Claude shouted, "CHROM DON'T YOU DO IT! NO!" Chrom didn't reply, he moved his hand closer toward the lion. Feeling the burning sensation of the lion's mane. Then he touched it, feeling slightly jittery by the glitching and all the heroes just watched him. Chrom put his head near the lion and started gently petting his head.

"Your suffering will be ending very soon. I know how much this hurts you but you must know that this will be all over now..." Chrom whispered. The lion nodded slowly before the corruption took over it whole. Chrom walked away from the lion as he just watched as the corruption got worse.

Byleth demanded "CHROM GET YOUR ASS HERE!" Chrom looked over and turned back to the lion. He closed his eyes and dashed directly at the team. He looked at everyone who seemed disappointed or slightly worried. "You shouldn't DO THAT AGAIN!"

"I was just reassuring the lion that their suffering will be over soon! Why can't you let me do what I need to do for the innocent beings that were tormented?!" Chrom asked. Byleth didn't respond, he just glared at Chrom before turning away from him. Chrom put his hand on his chest as he thought about what he did. "Maybe that was stupid... I apologize."

"You better, you could've gotten yourself killed if you weren't careful," Byleth groaned. He walked ahead of everyone and they followed after him. Chrom looked at him before closing his eyes. Feeling tears streamed down but he quickly followed everyone else. Nobody said anything to him, not even Claude; and that is when the guilt filled him whole.

Chrom thought to himself, "I can't do this anymore... I don't know if I have the strength to save everyone if I can't..." He cleared his tears quickly and dashed after everyone else. 

The Renowned StarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora