Chapter 88: The CalmingOcean Waves

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Byleth kept his eyes forward as the heroes looked around at the waters. They were moving a lot but it was a calming aura surrounding them that time. Byleth took one long deep breath and looked down at himself. He couldn't stop thinking about how they 'failed' to rescue the last kingdom.

Celica walked over to Byleth and asked, "Are you disappointed with yourself? There's no reason to feel so disappointed..." Byleth looked up and turned to face Celica. "Listen, you're doing all you can. I know a lot has happened during our time here but you're going to make it!" Tails and Sonic came walking over and nodded.

Byleth sighed, "Are you certain? I feel like the more things I do, I just... continue failing over and over again... I failed to rescue Hajime and Chrom. I failed to save the kingdoms... What's next? I fail to save the entirety of Shimmer Star?"

"Don't think about that! You aren't perfect and life chose to do this to Hajime and Chrom. You have done so much in return, you located the Legend Stones and you gave Claude's will to fight again!" Celica replied with a bright smile. Byleth stood there staring at her as he looked back ahead. Still with a face of sorrow. "Come on, cheer up..."

Byleth sighed, "I just can't... I've done so little for this team..."

"Okay, I have to intervene and say, you have done plenty of work for this team. We love you as much as we did with Mario, I get that it feels strange but you're still technically getting the hang of it. Even though it's been ten years or so," Sonic announced.

Tails continued, "Yeah! Like Sonic said you're still technically getting the ropes together. I get it's super difficult for you to do so but you need to trust yourself more or else... you're never going to succeed in the end!" Byleth looked at them before looking back at Celica.

"Tails makes a point, trust yourself Byleth," Celica giggled. Byleth looked at the steering wheel of the boat and then let go of it.

Byleth replied, "You're right... you're all right. I know it's difficult but why am I letting this weigh me down... I have to do it for everyone that we have lost... and I mean it." The others nodded as Byleth looked down at himself. "Let's keep going..."

"AHHHHH!!!" Byleth looked up and noticed a motorboat coming after them.

Celica asked, "W-What is that?!"

"It's a motorboat... WATCH IT!" Byleth dashed over to the front of the boat and saw... someone trying to drive it. It appeared to be some sort of Kirby but it was in yarn. "Is that..."

"THAT'S PRINCE FLUFF! PRINCE FLUFF!!!" Kirby screamed. The heroes looked over and saw him trying to stop the motorboat. "He won't be able to stop it in time! That boat is out of control!" Byleth looked at his hands and then casted a spell to slow down the motorboat. Right as it stopped it bumped directly into the boat.

Byleth sighed, "He's safe..." Kirby jumped off the boat and into Prince Fluff's boat.

"Woah... remind me to never take a motorboat to another island... Kirby! It's so good to see you!" Prince Fluff cheered. Kirby jumped up too as he grabbed him. Byleth then helped the two onto the boat as Prince Fluff got himself dried.

Kirby asked, "What exactly brings you here?"

"I... I came here in search of you heroes! I'm trying to look for you guys due to something ma-"

"That's not important right now," Byleth replied.

Kirby asked, "What if he needs to say something important?! He sounded like he needed to-"

"It can't be that important? Can't you tell us another time?" Byleth asked. Prince Fluff nodded as Byleth gently smiled at him. "Alright, you stick here with us... I just heard something strange getting ready to erupt..."

Prince Fluff asked, "Are you talking about the kraken that was there trying to chase me?"


"Yeah it was the strangest thing... There was also a person on top of the kraken as well... covered in seaweed. The kraken had purple eyes as well..." Prince Fluff explained. Byleth stood there frozen as he looked around the boat.

Alfred asked, "How... confident are you, that's how it looked like?"

"I'm very confident that was how the kraken looked! I swear upon my kingdom that the Kraken looked nearly just as I described it!" Prince Fluff yelled. Byleth kept searching around the area before hearing more rumbling in the area.

Byleth groaned, "Where is that rumbling coming from!?" Then out of the ocean something came out. The heroes all looked over in disbelief as the animal roared. No doubt about it, that was the kraken. "HOLY SHIT THAT THING IS HUGE!"

Acadia yelled, "IT DOESN'T LOOK TOO HAPPY WITH US BYLETH! WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST WE SHOULD DO?!" Byleth looked around before finding a rope. He dashed over to grab it and got ready to swing it at the kraken. "ARE YOU AN IDIOT!? DON'T THROW IT AT THE KRAKEN?! THAT'S GOING TO MAKE IT EVEN MORE ANGRY!" Byleth looked at her and looked back at the kraken.

"AHAHAHAAHAH!" Someone laughed hysterically. The heroes kept their eyes on the kraken as someone came walking over. "Guess you heroes didn't expect to see ME!" Then the person took off the seaweed. It was Erroll.

Byleth asked, "You?! I thought you left to go and please King Amedeo for the horrible things you did..."

"I was! Until someone came by and SLAMMED ME INTO THE WATER!!" Erroll screamed.

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