Chapter 97: Lovebirds At Sea

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"The ocean view is breathtaking... besides all the other things such as the stormy weather. I would love to explore this place more once we finish with the quest we're working on," Chrom sighed as he gazed around. The view was incredible and most importantly, he was sharing it with the people he loved deeply. Especially with Claude, that was who was with him.

Claude sighed, "I've changed... a bit since you've left. I hope you don't mind." He blushed from embarrassment as Chrom looked over to him in confusion. Before gently smiling at him.

Chrom laughed, "Well if you changed, so be it. You'll always be the same person I fell in love with. I would love to see you change and develop, after all it is what makes us human." Claude nodded as they continued watching the ocean. "But... something has been worrying me."

"What has happened?" Claude questioned. Chrom stood there staring at his hands before looking up toward Claude.

Chrom explained, "I met some incredible people when I was working to gain the power of the Dragon Flame. But the person who guided me through it all... she vanished. She's nowhere to be found at the time being..." Claude stood there staring at Chrom as he continued to get more and more worried. "Arli was her name, she was the tribe leader. Oceano told me that something happened to her.

I'm so worried about them! They were just another group of people I grew so close to! I can't be bothered to lose more people! Not ever again!" Chrom was nearly about to burst into tears when Claude gently cleaned the tears from Chrom's eyes. "Claude... whatever shall I do?"

"You just... need to wait, we need to be patient before we find out the truth..."

"What if they're dead when we find out?! I can't bear to hear that!" Chrom screamed. He looked at his hands in disbelief before closing his eyes. "I feel like the worst person ever..."

Claude yelled, "Don't be saying those things! You haven't done anything wrong to make anyone disappointed?! You need to stop blaming yourself for things you've never done! Because you are a good man! You're not the worst person ever and I'm CERTAIN other people know you aren't!" Chrom looked down at Claude's hands as he clenched them. "Listen to me and yourself for once in your goddamn life."

Chrom whispered, "I'm sorry... I feel like I've let so much get to my head..." Claude cleared Chrom's tears again before gently kissing his cheek. Chrom blushed slightly but he still seemed disappointed. Just like that his eyes widened in shock as he remembered more details about the conversation he and King Oceano had...

"But you kept putting an emphasis on King Amedeo... is there something wrong?"

"There is something King Amedeo is hiding away from you... in fact that isn't who he is. He's just a lie toward everyone..." King Oceano explained. Chrom's eyes widened in shock as King Oceano clenched his fist. "Yes... he's a facade. He is not the person you believe he is. He is nothing more but a liar. King Amedeo is only an identity."

Chrom asked, "An identity!?"

"Yes... King Amedeo isn't a real person. Rather his actual identity is-"

"King Oceano told me that... King Amedeo is an identity of someone. But we were attacked before he had a chance to explain further on..." Chrom explained. Claude stood there in disbelief as Chrom looked at him. "Yes, he said that... King Amedeo is wearing a fake identity to hide who he truly is."

Claude yelled, "You should tell that to the heroes! That's important information they should all know!" Chrom nodded as he got ready to go tell them. "N-Not yet at least! I still want to have some time with you... alone."

Chrom muttered, "Alright... Did you... miss me that much?" Claude's face turned slightly red before giving up and slowly nodding. Chrom smiled at him as he walked back to Claude's arms. Accidentally falling into them, but Claude was able to catch him in time. "S-Sorry..."

"Don't apologize, besides... I did miss you a lot. You were gone for a long while and I believed you were dead for ages..." Claude sighed. Chrom stayed in Claude's arms before snuggling in them. Claude gently rubbed his back as they realized they were getting closer and closer to the shore. "We're almost there sweetheart."

"I don't want to move from your arms... they're so comfortable to lay in..." Chrom whispered. Claude smiled at Chrom again before hugging him tightly. Chrom then lifted his head from his arms and looked Claude directly in the eyes. The two stood there staring at each other, starting to blush intensely.


"Hehe, you're cute when you're red," Chrom laughed. Claude rolled his eyes before Chrom pressed his lips against his. Claude froze for a moment before letting the kiss consume him as well. Meanwhile, with the heroes they were getting a close view of the shore.

"Is... there something wrong?" Kirby questioned. Byleth stood there looking at the shore until they realized what they were about to land on. It was a shore but instead of it looking normal. It was covered in blood. "That's definitely not normal!"

"No it isn't... everyone stay on your guard!" Byleth ordered. The heroes nodded as they landed on the shore. Chrom and Claude stopped their kiss and looked over to the land.

Claude whispered, "Covered in blood... it wasn't like that when we first left..."

"Neither was it like this when I left to find you guys... what happened?" Chrom asked. The heroes all got off the boat as Chrom helped his horse get off the boat as well. The heroes searched around to see if there were any dead bodies around. Just blood, not only that but there were shoes.

Alear muttered, "Bloodshed... how sickening..."

"I would never expect something like this to happen... on a beach out of all places!" Lyn shouted. The heroes stood there staring at all the dead bodies. Then the wind speeds picked up as the heroes tried their best to stay stabilized.

"Unfortunately you heroes had to arrive at a blood fest!" Someone laughed. The heroes looked over as they realized who it was. King Amedeo was on the boat staring down at the heroes. "Sorry you guys were late! You missed the fun!"

"You... monster..." Kirby mumbled.

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