Chapter 55: The Legend of The Flame Dragon

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"Thank you for the clothing and the food Arli..." Chrom sighed as he drank the soup. Arli nodded as she watched Chrom enjoy himself with the meal. "I am still... confused..."

Arli asked, "Confused?"

"Yes... the legend of the Dragon Flame..." Chrom muttered. He sat there in silence as he took another sip of the soup. Arli was stirring some spring water for Chrom to put his hand in. "You mentioned it but never went further with the concept..."

Arli sighed, "I will admit I didn't but... I'll get to that in just a moment. Let me finish mixing this up." Chrom nodded as he slowly finished his soup. Still there were still some appetizers to eat. He ate them as Arli was finishing up mixing the spring water.

"This... clothing is very nice, not something I'm used to wearing but it's still comfortable regardless..." Arli smiled at him as Chrom smiled back at her. Arli then handed the bowl of spring water to Chrom. "What's this?"

"Some spring water mixed with a unique flower substance. It's going to help your hand heal quicker," Arli explained. Chrom nodded as he dipped his hand in there. It was hot but at the same time... it felt relaxing. He felt more at ease with his hand inside of it. "Feels nice doesn't it?"

"It feels incredible to me, I am not too familiar with this but it's very soothing... thank you Arli," Arli nodded as she cleared her throat. Chrom gently closed his eyes as Arli moved over to him. "Huh?"

Arli sighed, "I know you're confused but trust me..." Chrom nodded slowly as he laid down on some pillow. Arli gently rubbed his head as she got up. She walked over to the statue and took a deep breath. Chrom kept his eyes closed as Arli raised her staff. "Hear our whispers oh godly Flame King. We call on you to explain the story of the legendary Dragon Flame!"

Right as she recited that, there was fire spreading around the area. Arli saw how it looked and smiled gently. Chrom felt it becoming warmer but kept his eyes closed, still he was curious of what was going on. Then everything was filled with smoke.

"What's going on?"

"Calm down and focus... the story will be told to you..." Arli said, trying to calm down Chrom. Chrom slowly nodded as he closed his eyes. Then everything shifted...



The tale describes the legendary Flame King of the Dynasty. His name was none other than Atris. Atris was a warrior who had sworn to conquer the Flame Dragon. The dragon that was out for the blood of the Dawnians. Queen Dawn had attempted to destroy the flame dragon but was unable to. Calling on Atris to conquer him instead.

However, Atris started bonding with the Flame Dragon. Realizing he had far more potential within him than what he believed. The Flame Dragon was misunderstood and grew tight with Atris. However, after explaining what the Flame Dragon desired, Queen Dawn was not fond of the idea. Demanding for his demise, but Atris refused.

Queen Dawn became outraged by the betrayal she experienced with Atris, describing that Atris was nothing more but a mistake to the dynasty of Dawn. Atris did not care one bit about what Queen Dawn said about him. He continued to do what he so desired but he knew deep down inside he had to do something.

Atris grew close to the Flame Dragon but soon discovered that Queen Dawn was attempting to rid both of them. Atris attempted to stop her but he was slain by Queen Dawn herself. Then she had destroyed the Flame Dragon. However, after doing that horrible bad luck flooded the Flame Tribe. They were forced to be isolated and to be heard of never again.

They still keep the Flame Dragon close to their hearts and if one bold and strong is worthy within the Flame Dragon's eyes... they will be blessed with its power. Being created as a unique being of life; however, only one has been blessed with the power... it's unsure if anyone else ever will...



"So... that's the story of the Dragon Flame..."

"Yes... Queen Dawn had hated the Flame Dragon, despite it never doing anything toward her. Atris and it were very close... it's unfortunate what had happened..." Arli sighed as she stood up. Chrom also got up and brushed himself off.

Chrom asked, "So... what do you mean when you see potential in me to harness the power of the dragon flame?"

Arli explained, "Your aura radiates that potential. But before we end up training you for the Dragon Flame. We must do something else to ensure good luck..."

"What must that be?"

"To take control of your Demon Form and make sure it is under your control..."

"It already is?"

Arli shook her head as she pointed her staff toward Chrom. "It is not under your control. It is only under your control if you have that necklace on. You will not have that necklace for much longer so you must ensure you can control it normally..." Chrom looked down at himself and at his necklace.

Chrom muttered, "You're right... I have to take control of that..." Arli nodded as she turned away from Chrom. "Well then... what are the steps I need to take to make sure I can control this?"

Arli sighed, "There are a couple of steps you need to do. But we'll go through them together... I promise you." Chrom nodded as Arli walked out of the tent. Chrom followed after her as he saw the bright sun shining down upon the tribe. He saw them in a different light, determined to carry their wish of another dragon flame user... that's all he asked.

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