Chapter 2: Spellcaster Amongst The Couple

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Chrom sighed, "Alright... our only goal is to get rid of these two. They're witches and shouldn't be too hard to deal with. We just need to stall before the heroes arrive." Claude nodded as he shot several arrows at them. They flew out of the way and Amara shot a spell at the wyvern. Claude barely dodged the attack and glared at them.

"HAH! Try something harder than that!" Amara mocked. Daniel flew in and tried casting a lightning spell but the two moved out of the way. Chrom shot several arrows at them as Claude moved the wyvern around but none of the attacks were able to hit. "Keep on trying foreigners! They will never work!"

Claude sighed, "I guess they're unfamiliar with our fighting styles and think we're weak. Try hitting their brooms based on guessing their direction!" Chrom nodded as he got his bow ready to shoot. The two witches smirked at Chrom as he stood up slowly and shot an arrow directly at one of the brooms. It hit Amara's broom and she fell slightly.

Amara asked, "W-What the!? Arrows aren't supposed to that powerful to break my broom! Why you..." Chrom looked at Claude as Claude got prepared to shoot another arrow. However, Daniel flew right in and casted a spell on the wyvern.

"G-GAH!" Claude shouted. Chrom looked over in confusion as Claude tried to get his wyvern to wake up. "Shoot, he won't wake up! We're slowly landing toward the ground!" Chrom looked up to Daniel and shot another arrow at him. It hit his broom as well as he fell down a bit.

Daniel grunted, "Are you so certain you're going to be able to stop us!? After your wyvern is placed to rest?!" Claude and Chrom glared up at him as the wyvern woke up. However, the wyvern was very disoriented from sleeping. "Oh look at that, looks like you little friend woke up from his nap!"

Claude asked, "Are you doing okay? Good, take your time to adjust. We can stall..." Chrom nodded as he shot more arrows at the two. Amara and Daniel flew together and got prepared to attack with a combined spell. However, they were able to move out of the way in time.

"Hm... what else are we able to do?" Chrom asked as he got his bow ready. Claude looked at the wyvern and rubbed him slowly. Suddenly, just like that, Claude was able to think of something.

Claude replied, "We shoot our arrows at them together, and then we hit the middle of the broom to have it snap in two! It's the perfect plan!" Chrom nodded as the two witches smiled down at them. They got together to cast a thunder spell when Chrom and Claude shot an arrow directly at them.

"GAHH!! WHAT THE HELL?!" Amara asked in disbelief as she looked down at the couple. They smiled up at them as Daniel attempted to cast a fire spell at them. But Chrom and Claude shot their arrows directly at the brooms and both brooms snapped in half.

Amara and Daniel went falling down but they caught themselves within the trees. "What... the?" Daniel rubbed his head in shock as Chrom and Claude stared at the two. "Amara! What do we do now!?" Amara looked at the couple in anger and then turned toward Daniel.

Amara ordered, "RETREAT!! I HATE LOVEY-DOVEY COUPLES THAT KNOW HOW TO FIGHT!" The two got out of the tree and ran away as fast as possible. Chrom and Claude giggled as they landed onto the ground. Then the rest of the heroes made it just in time to join them.

"How are you guys doing?" Sonic asked.

Chrom replied, "We're fine, but we met some... witches."

"Witches? Didn't know they existed near the fairy kingdom," Sonic thought. The heroes looked around and looked up at the castle, it was in ruins. "Damn... that entire castle sure is beaten up."

Kirby muttered, "What happened to the fairies that lived here? What about the other mythical creatures?" He looked around the area and turned over to face the heroes. "Um... what exactly happened here?"

Chrom sighed, "That's what we wanted to figure out, but there wasn't any investigating done due to the witches that attacked us." The heroes looked around the area as Kirby dashed over to a small village.

"Well... there's a village around here, alright... but it seems like there's nothing in sight," Kirby sighed as he looked around. The heroes looked around the area and realized how... strangely big the village was.

Celica asked, "I'm going to be real honest, did we happen to get a lot smaller? This village seems to be big and the trees... ARE HUGE!!"

"To be honest, I think we did get bigger, the witches were the same size as us but maybe it's based on the Light Fairy Kingdom. Earlier on the pathway the trees were normal sized, but I guess we shrunk," Byleth explained. He looked around the area and then back at the castle.

Albedo sighed, "Well... should we try investigating the Fairy Castle to see if we can find anything that could be of use?" The heroes nodded as they walked their way over to the castle. They looked inside and it appeared to be... empty.

"Well that's certainly something uncanny for something that's supposed to be filled with light," Rafal muttered as the heroes entered. Kirby dashed inside and realized there was a foundation of some sort.

Kirby asked, "What... type of fountain is that?" The heroes looked over and saw the fountain of what appeared to be, sparkles. The heroes walked closer to the fountain and it appeared that barely anything came out of the fountain.

"That's a fountain of... pixie dust, it seems like the pixie dust is stored inside the castle rather than somewhere else. I guess it makes sense but that makes something like this; vulnerable," Byleth said as he grabbed a little in his hand.

Alear drifted, "Pixie dust... something created for the Light Fairies to survive on... since there's no more coming out, it appears... the kingdom has... died?" The heroes looked at Alear in disbelief as Alear looked down at herself. "That's not right..."

Byleth muttered, "What... the hell happened here?"

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