Chapter 91: Exalt of Ylisse

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"You're... alive?!" Byleth asked. The person looked over and it was revealed to none other than Chrom himself. "I don't believe it... how are you-"

Chrom sighed, "It is going to be a lot to handle but trust me. I've... been alive ever since the temple incident. However, you guys assumed I was dead so I was stuck there. Without the legend stone I most likely would've died underneath all that rubble. But after you guys left a group of tribal members came by and rescued me. They are known as the flame tribe and I spent a lot of time there.

Arli is the tribe's leader, she taught me many things while I was there. Not only that but I was able to gain the ability to wield the dragon flame... it's super complicated but that about sums up my time away from you all." Chrom stood there staring at everyone and jumped onto the boat. Claude dashed over to Chrom and hugged him tightly.

Claude whispered, "I missed you so much... gods I thought you died!" Chrom kept hugging Claude as his kids dashed over and hugged Chrom tightly too. Byleth stood there in silence before looking down at himself.

"Is something wrong?" Celica asked. Byleth stood there staring at Celica. Chrom kissed Claude gently on the cheek as Byleth rubbed his eyes. Still he couldn't handle that Chrom was in fact... alive. He was startled knowing that he survived everything and couldn't stop thinking how impossible that was.

Byleth whispered, "There's... there's no way he's alive... this can't be real..."

"It's real alright Byleth, you need to open your eyes and see that Chrom is right there, he's literally there with his kids!" Acadia yelled. Byleth stood there staring at Chrom as he hugged his family. "Come on Byleth! You know he's there and alive!"

Byleth whispered, "I'm trying to comprehend this all! All this time he was alive so... why... why did he not say anything?"

"His communicator was broken!? What else could've happened?!" Acadia shouted. Byleth stood there still staring at Chrom. Then he finished hugging his family before turning to face the heroes. He seemed to have a calming smile on his face but that only irritated Byleth even more. "YO BYLETH! THIS IS YOUR CLOSEST FRIEND! HELLO???"

Byleth yelled, "You can't... be alive..."

"What are you talking about Byleth? You and I are close friends! No idea why you need to continue doubting that I am not alive?" Chrom asked. Byleth took out the creator sword and attempted to whip Chrom. "BYLETH!" Byleth grabbed his sword and glared at Chrom.


"BYLETH I AM STANDING DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF YOU!" Chrom screamed. Byleth stood there in silence as he attempted to swing his sword at Chrom. Chrom jumped backward as the kraken swam over to stop the fighting. "BYLETH! THIS IS UNLIKE YOU!"

Byleth whispered, "This can't be real... you can't be the real Chrom. You're nothing more but someone who took his spot who's attempting to give me the illusion my best friend is alive... I'M NOT FALLING FOR IT! MY BEST FRIEND IS DEAD AND YOU CAN'T CHANGE THAT!" The heroes all stood there in silence as Claude shot a warning arrow directly at Byleth. "HE'S FOOLING YOU CLAUDE!"

Claude grunted, "The only one being fooled is you by your own delusions. He gave enough information to prove that this is Chrom..." The other heroes nodded in agreement as they dashed over to Claude's side.

Byleth laughed, "Is that really the case?! What if it was that good it fooled all of you?! That makes sense doesn't it?!"

"Something is wrong with him..."

"You can tell?" Celica asked. Chrom nodded as he took out a bow and pointed an arrow to Byleth. Byleth grabbed his head as the heroes all took out their weapons as well. Byleth smiled widely at the heroes as a purple aura started surrounding his body. "B-Byleth!?"

"God it feels like the time he was corrupted by Zethus all over again..." Shez grunted. Chrom and Claude then shot a warning arrow at Byleth as he dodged the attack.

Byleth laughed, "You want to try that again!? Oh I bet you do considering you are stuck believing that man is ALIVE!"

"I wonder who's controlling his body this time..." Chrom whispered. He looked around the boat until he saw someone in the air. None other than King Amedeo himself, using Byleth as a puppet of some sort. "KING AMEDEO!"

King Amedeo laughed, "Guess you found out! Too bad your friend is under my command! That's the team leader isn't it? That's just too bad this is happening to him..." He got down onto the boat and got ready to blast the heroes. But the Kraken swam over and slapped King Amedeo off the boat. "GAH! NO!"

"GET HIM!" Chrom ordered. The kraken grabbed King Amedeo and dragged him into the ground. Completely breaking the spell from Byleth entirely just that easily. "Perfect..."

Byleth groaned, "Why... am I always so vulnerable... but besides that..." He looked over to the heroes as he noticed Chrom. He dashed over to Chrom as Chrom walked over as the two hugged tightly. "I'm so sorry for the sudden change of heart but... gods it's so good to see you again. Alive..." Chrom nodded as the heroes all smiled at the two.

Claude sighed, "Now that we learned Chrom is safe... I noticed Erroll and Leith were talking about another kingdom... Do you know anything?"

"I do, they were talking about the secret last kingdom. Known as the lost kingdom of Atlantica," Chrom replied. The heroes all turned to face Chrom as Chrom clapped his hands together. "Knowing them... they weren't too smart about that. If the kingdom is lost... I suggest searching the ocean."

"The ocean?" Alfred asked. Chrom nodded as he looked down at the ocean.

Chrom explained, "Yes... the kingdom doesn't appear on any maps so it makes sense that it's underwater... come on before something else happens." The heroes nodded as Chrom took out his legend stone. Soon everyone else took out their legend stones.

Byleth ordered, "Everyone else make sure Erroll or Amedeo don't come back! If they do stand your guard... now... Combine us! The strength of one! Heroes AS ONE!" Then everyone transformed as they got ready to get into the water. They got their air bubbles in and dove directly into the water.

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