Chapter 15: Dancing With Dark Travesties

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"AHAHAH!" Queen Lily shot several spells at the heroes as they jumped out of the way. Byleth swung his sword at Queen Lily but King Amedeo jumped in front of her. The heroes looked over where King Amedeo got prepared to cast a spell on the heroes. He threw the spell but the heroes were able to dodge the spell with ease.

King Amedeo grunted, "You heroes are so tedious and annoying... how long will it be until you understand the reasoning behind GET LOST!" He got his hands together and formed a circle underneath his body. The heroes stood there watching as Link got prepared to shoot an arrow. Chrom, Claude and Alcryst joined him as the rest of the heroes dashed in to attack.

Byleth swung his sword at King Amedeo with Alear as Kirby and Sonic jumped Queen Lily. As for the rest of the heroes, they split off to deal with the knights. The heroes kept on fighting as Queen Lily tried to shoot more spells at the heroes. They dodged the spells as Byleth and Celica threw spells at Queen Lily. She fell backward and looked at the heroes in rage.

Queen Lily ordered, "AMEDEO! YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO!" King Amedeo nodded as he got his hands together and threw a spell at the heroes. The heroes jumped out of the way and landed onto the ground as the knights came at them swinging their swords. The heroes fell backward except for Byleth.

"You heroes won't stand a chance! Lying your way here... how malicious can you all be?" King Amedeo asked. The heroes stood there clutching their shoulders in pain. Byleth looked at the heroes and back at King Amedeo. He took a deep breath as Byleth swung his sword directly at him. King Amedeo was hit and fell onto the ground.

He collapsed as Queen Lily tried to hit Byleth. However, he jumped into the air and swung his sword at her. He landed back on the ground as the heroes got themselves steady. Queen Lily and Amedeo were injured but they weren't done fighting. Soon the knights dashed at the heroes but they fought back with ease.

Kirby grunted, "How much longer is this going to take?!" King Amedeo stood there staring at himself as he looked toward the heroes. Then he began to chuckle. "WHAT IS YOUR DEAL?!"

King Amedeo laughed, "Did I mention I received a letter from Queen Erica herself?" The heroes all stood there staring in confusion as the guards went to protect both King Amedeo and Queen Lily. Then King Amedeo took out a letter.

"Dear King Amedeo, you do all you can to destroy those pesky heroes. Always making no sense whatsoever and disobeying orders!" The letter wrote. The heroes all stood there in shock as King Amedeo raised his hands, creating a blast of sorts.

Chrom ordered, "WATCH OUT-" Without much thinking, the blast was shot and all of the heroes were hit by it except for one. King Amedeo chuckled down at himself as he noticed the sole survivor of the beam... Link. King Amedeo looked over and noticed he was damaged but not hit by the beam.

"You there... how dare you dodge the beam!" Queen Lily shouted. Link looked at the heroes in disbelief as King Amedeo walked over to him.

Link questioned, "Just what did you do to the heroes?! Where are they?! Did you just decide to... KILL THEM!?" King Amedeo shook his head as he got down to Link's level.

King Amedeo explained, "I didn't even kill them whatsoever. I just sent them into a temporary stasis. That being the dimensional stasis, once they're freed they work under my command. But as for you... you will be slaughtered." Link pointed the master sword at him as King Amedeo took a few steps back.

"Your intentions... are for us to be used as puppets?! Is that your intention?! IS THAT WHAT YOU REALLY WANT?!" Link asked. King Amedeo stood there staring at him and shook his head.

Queen Lily muttered, "We're just trying to get rid of you guys just as Queen Erica herself told us..."

"Queen Erica doesn't even care about us. She would rather see all the heroes fall than to see us succeed in the end..." Link grunted. Queen Lily giggled under her hand as she turned away. As for King Amedeo he stood there staring at Link. Then he took a deep breath.

King Amedeo questioned, "Hylian Warrior, you are a special one if you were able to avoid the blast. I would like to ask you something..."


"Yes... if you wish to visit the past team hero. Or the past in general, I'll see who we'll end up encountering..." King Amedeo chuckled. Link stood there staring at him in shock and then took a deep breath. "Actually I don't have the ability to time travel but I can gather all the heroes together in a unique stasis mind... would you care to go?"

Link shouted, "NEVER! YOU ARE JUST MANIPULATING ME SO I CAN BE SENT TO THE STASIS WORLD TOO!" King Amedeo stood there staring at Link and then shook his head. "Don't you dare lie to me, King Amedeo. I know just what you're trying to do... You're also going to ruin the timeline!"

King Amedeo gasped, "Oh heavens no! We'll just meet with the heroes of the past who are still alive. As for the ones that have died... well they're from another dimension. Therefore, the timeline won't be ruined!" Link looked at him and looked down at himself. "What do you say now?"

Link grunted, "I... I don't-"

"Then I suppose have fun going against your allies once they're freed from the stasis!" King Amedeo laughed. Link looked at him and then grabbed his cape. King Amedeo froze as he looked over toward Link.

Link grunted, "Fine... I'll do it." King Amedeo smiled as he walked over to Link. Link looked at him directly in the eyes as King Amedeo casted the spell upon them.

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