Chapter 37: The Words Of Mine

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 "Byleth..." Someone muttered. Byleth opened his eyes and noticed he was on the ground for some reason. He searched around and spotted Chrom staring down at him. He looked up at him in confusion. He appeared a lot younger than he did now. "You've been asleep for a while, here take my hand..."

Chrom let out his hand and smiled at Byleth. Byleth stared up at him in confusion as he slowly grabbed his hand. Chrom lifted him up and Byleth fell into his arms. "Pardon me..." Chrom giggled as Byleth brushed himself off. He looked around and spotted Sonic, Kirby and... Mario...

Chrom asked, "Why don't you join us for a game of tennis? Link is on his way and I think it'd be fun." Byleth stared at him and nodded slowly without thinking. Chrom smiled back at him as he returned back to where they were playing. Byleth had no idea what to say, everything felt out of place, surreal...

Byleth asked, "What's going on here..." He walked over to where they were playing tennis as the others waved at him. Mario was more than happy to see Byleth. However, all Byleth could think... Why did he kill Mario? Why did he go as far as to harm him with all his might... Byleth couldn't stand staring at Mario, not after what he did.

Mario asked, "Byleth, what's the matter? You seem less excited to play with us?"

"O-Oh... I didn't know you wanted to play right now. Link isn't here yet..." Byleth replied. Mario stood there staring at him.

Mario asked, "Who's Link?"


"Link doesn't exist? What are you... talking about?" Mario questioned. Byleth stood there in confusion, he walked away from him and noticed that... there was nobody else there. Byleth just froze there, staring down at Mario.

Byleth asked, "Where did... everyone else go-"

"That's not important right now Byleth," Mario replied. Staring directly into his eyes. Byleth stood there frozen; he didn't know what to say or what to do. It was all too strange to him, bizarre.

Byleth muttered, "Mario I-"

"I what, you're the one responsible for murdering me. I was a fool to trust you this whole time. I told myself that you would be untrustworthy to begin with. I should've gone with my gut," Mario grumbled. He turned away from Byleth as Byleth felt himself shaking uncontrollably. "How did you become the Team Leader after everything you did?

How come it wasn't someone like Chrom or Sonic? They were better people than you were. You hated me simply because you despise being called a simp? Get over it already..." Byleth covered his mouth in fear as he took a few steps backward.

Byleth stammered, "I-I apologize! Really! I wish to redo everything I did and stop myself from killing you but I was not in control! I couldn't..." Byleth froze as he realized Mario's cap was the only thing there. The winds grew louder as Byleth stared down at himself.

He put his hands on his head trying to help himself from not breaking down but it just felt like everything was getting louder and louder. The thoughts of losing everyone, everything...

"Byleth..." Byleth jumped and turned around from there he spotted Kazuha. Another person that had passed away... just like that. "Why weren't you there when I needed you the most?"

Byleth replied, "I was busy dealing with a situation at that time! I would've came and helped you I-"

"You can't change what has happened Byleth..." Kazuha whispered. Byleth stood there in shock as he left only his scarf on the ground. Byleth stared down at himself in fear as he felt a slight tap on his shoulder. He turned over and it was Hajime.

Byleth muttered, "Here to tell me that I'm to blame? I am already aware of that, Hajime..." Hajime stood there in silence as he slowly hugged Byleth. Byleth stood there in confusion as he wrapped his arm around Hajime as well.

"I'm sorry..."

"Sorry? Sorry for what?"

"For not getting out of the cave quick enough. You were just doing what you could... and I failed you," Hajime whispered. Byleth shook his head as he hugged Hajime tighter. But right as he did he could only feel his tie in his hands.

Byleth whispered, "I am the Team Leader of the heroes. Here I am... failing everyone... aren't I? I just... try my hardest but I don't seem to work. Why was I chosen?" Byleth put the tie on the ground staring down at himself. Staring at the Tennis court, taking a long deep breath before breaking down into tears.

Byleth could only think about the members that passed away. Blaming himself for all that had happened. He wished it never did happen but one cannot change death. It's impossible to change death. However, that's just what Byleth wished to do.

"I failed you all... how could I let myself lose control..."

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