Chapter 76: Defining Yourself Before The Light

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"Alrighty... here we are!" Byleth announced. The heroes all stopped as they searched around the area. It was very bright and illuminated. Byleth took a deep breath as he saw signs to turn away. "What a very... welcoming aura..." The heroes giggled as they continued walking toward the barrier.

"Take this, this is a map of the Light kingdom, this kingdom is difficult to enter but this will aid you in entering the kingdom. If King Solorio questions you, tell him I sent you there to search for Queen Bailey,"

Byleth sighed, "King Floral requested that we use the map... to enter the kingdom..." He looked around and then glanced over to Claude petting his wyvern. Byleth ordered Shez to keep looking around as he got down from his horse. "Claude..." Claude looked up and turned to face Byleth.

Claude asked, "Is something wrong?" Byleth put his hand on Claude's shoulder as Claude looked at him in confusion.

"I've seen you often... not having a goal for yourself when you were incredibly ambitious back then... Did something happen? Such as... your feelings for Chrom?" Byleth questioned. Claude stood there in silence as he gently was getting ready to move Byleth's hand out of the way. But he stopped himself to reflect about what Byleth questioned.

Claude muttered, "Now that you mention it... yeah it... feels as if I completely lost what my goals were ever since I got married to Chrom..." He put his hand near his mouth after realizing what he had just said. Naturally he loved Chrom but even then, Byleth made a point.

"Look, you're fine to make goals directed to your relationship to Chrom but-"

"No Byleth you make a fair assessment, I completely lost the reasoning I came here... I actually didn't come here because of Chrom but rather to prove myself of what I am capable of..." Claude sighed. He looked down at himself and shook his head. "Now that Chrom is... dead... I feel like I can better focus myself."

Byleth sighed, "I never said that Chrom was a problem! It's just-"

"Byleth, I get what you mean. I'm aware Chrom isn't the problem... I'm the problem here. Oftentimes I thought about it well... what to do to make Chrom happy... but now that I realize it, I never thought about what made me happy. To go against Chrom's wishes at times even!" Claude replied. He put his hands near his chest. "I got to do better than this."

Byleth said, "You do what you desire to Claude. But know to focus on your goals prior to focusing on others... alright?" Claude looked at Byleth and nodded firmly.

"I want to go all out now, I want to let my original plans go out; I never did them due to how much Chrom disapproved of them but I don't need to listen to him anymore and do what I wish. I never said he was controlling but I let him do that to me and make me stop from what I loved," Claude replied while blushing in embarrassment. Byleth smiled as Claude gently smiled back.

Byleth laughed, "I'm more than willing to let your plans run loose. You made plenty of interesting plans back then, why not let your past self shine through?" Claude looked at him and gently smiled again. "You were strong and independent back then with some fantastic yet interesting plans. Let that self shine through again because that defines YOU. Not Chrom."

Claude mumbled, "You're right about that... I can't believe I let love get so tied up into my head. I just need to let loose, even when others disapprove."

"There is a line y'know..."

"I'm aware of that! But that doesn't mean I should always let that line stop me!" Claude laughed. Byleth giggled alongside him as Celica walked past them.

Celica sighed, "I couldn't help but hear your conversation. It's good to hear that you are willing to change the act. I've noticed you've changed quite a bit after you and Chrom got together. I wish to see that Claude again."

"Me too... me too Celica," Claude giggled nervously. The others looked over and saw Shez waving to them. Claude grabbed the reins of his wyvern as the others walked ahead of him. The heroes continued walking as they found a way to enter the Light Kingdom.

Byleth thanked, "Thank you Shez for finding a way into the kingdom... now-" Right as they were about to walk further in they heard something in the distance. "W-What the... what is going on!?" The heroes gathered together as Ivy and Claude flew into the air and searched the area.

Ivy questioned, "Anything?"

"Nothing..." Claude muttered before suddenly noticing a guardian in the distance. "GUYS!!!" He flew back down as the heroes looked over in confusion.

Alfred questioned, "What did you find out?"

"THERE'S A GUARDIAN INCOMING!!" Claude shouted. The other heroes looked and he was right. There was a guardian walking directly at the heroes.

Link asked, "W-What?! I thought all of these lived in Hyrule only?!"

"It has to be some spell of sorts; otherwise... they shouldn't be here," Zelda replied as she looked down at herself. However, the guardian was getting ready to shoot the heroes. Zhongli and Albedo jumped in the way and placed a shield to block the attack.

Byleth asked, "Link, can you guide us!?" Link nodded as he asked Zelda for assistance as well. They got themselves ready to fight. Link and Zelda went up ahead as Impa followed directly afterward.

Acadia chuckled, "Fun big dude... this will be a blast!"

"It shouldn't be that hard right?" Byleth questioned.

Link replied, "You can never be one hundred percent sure about that... let's just STAND OUR GUARD!" The heroes nodded as the guardian got ready to blast another beam.

The Renowned StarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora