Chapter 131: Till Judgment Come To Pass

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"I pronounce the speed demon himself guilty of all judgment. Followed by the star warrior, the Exalt, the Hylian warrior, the Progenitor God, the detective, the hydro archon, named agent 4... and the rest of Team Despair," Someone muttered. They slammed their gavel on the table. They all jumped up as the Hydro Archon walked ahead.

The Hydro Archon explained, "I would like to disagree. I am the Hydro Archon, yes, but I am also the god of justice. We already know how dangerous the despair heroes are. Yes I know I was neutral that entire time but... things have changed." She smiled at the judge before revealing her attire, she was none other than one of the commanders of the army. "Unfortunate that you had to learn about me in such a way..."

"What the..."

"I'm the god of justice as I announce, which I easily pronounce the entirety of Team Despair... not guilty of any charges..." She smiled as her eyes filled with despair. The commander of the hope foundation looked at her in disbelief, he treated her as an ally but she was nothing more than a traitor. "Your Hydro Archon has settled this..."

"That's the way we like to see it..." The commander of the despair foundation giggled. She smiled back at them as the opposing commander just felt destroyed and defeated by the whole court session. He finally found a way to go against the foundation and to shut them down but that was not successful. Their own other ally... was a traitor from the beginning...

"What... is going on?" Byleth asked. He looked at his hands as the heroes were all talking with each other. The rain was pouring down on them harshly, he felt confused by the whole new memory that appeared. It was them, but what was the purpose of that appearing in his mind from the beginning?

Alear asked, "Byleth? Are you feeling alright?" Byleth looked up and nodded while gently smiling. Alear nodded as the heroes all finished their discussion. "But... Now what? Do we locate the Garden of the Protected One?" Byleth nodded, after all that was their only option and the closer they got, the more likely they were able to save Dawn at the rapid pace that was happening.

Byleth ordered, "I want to see us save Dawn from the gods... all of them so the living beings of Dawn can establish a much more peaceful world."

"What about the other gods such as Time?" Chrom questioned. Byleth looked at him and then looked back at himself.

Byleth explained, "They aren't interfering with our daily lives... I say it is perfectly valid that they stay with us. But only them..." The heroes nodded as Byleth raised the flag again. "Let's get going as we continue our rebellion against the gods-" But then there was a beam from above, the heroes looked in shock and to their surprise... arrived a god they have never seen before. . The heroes watched in shock as then a god with blue and white appeared. Their eyes were also blue and white respectively.

"What... are you doing here?! Who are you even?!" Alcryst asked as he backed away. The person turned around and looked at each of the heroes. Some of them felt unsettled and some of them didn't feel that way.

Byleth asked, "You're another god aren't you?" Then soon Chrom, Byleth, Celica and Claude's watches lifted it up. The person looked at their watches and nodded firmly.

"You're the heroes of Dawn, Chrom Lowell being the one who saved the planet from destruction several years ago..." The person muttered. The heroes kept watching him in silence as the person chuckled. "Pardon my intrusion, my name is Salvador, you should all know what the meaning should be." The heroes just watched them in silence as they cleaned themselves.

Sonic asked, "Salvador?"

"Yes, my name is Salvador, I am the god of the worried and afraid. Being the savior the planet wishes to have, and I realized many... many things that have happened," Salvador explained. He put his hands together and projected an image regarding the planet. The heroes watched in curiosity as Salvador took a deep breath. "I'm certain you're all familiar with Time itself? I am allies with him, and I appear every so often as the people... are different and unique.

But realizing now, I have to do something. I usually stand by the gods' side but not this time. Erica has been slain, Liva and Davon have been long gone and Michael has been banished. Liberation is the only god now but even with all of that... he wants to punish the people. How cruel must he be..." He clenched his fist before looking at all the heroes.

Eula asked, "Why did you come to us in the first place? We're rebelling against the gods and I guess... that includes you as well." The heroes nodded in agreement as Salvador chuckled. Then he handed a bottle to the heroes.

"What is this for?" Chrom questioned. Byleth received the potion as Salvador turned away from the heroes.

Salvador explained, "This is known as the savior miracle. These are miracles different from the time miracles, these are used every 10 millenniums and when they are used... they are used if humanity were to ever fail at any given point. Knowing your situation... it's difficult to say..." The heroes looked at the potion in stunned silence as Salvador watched the thunder. "I'm trusting you heroes because Oceano... is my grandson, I'll do anything to see him protected.

But Liberation doesn't want to listen to reason. You heroes are free to rebel against the gods, but know that this miracle will be your only way out of the darkness that could come across you. Stay safe heroes, and I believe you will fight through this mess." Then Salvador disappeared from the sight of the heroes.

Byleth sighed, "I think I read about Salvador, he was very good allies with Time and was there to see Dawn grow as a planet. He has multiple versions of him so if any of the seven planets were to die. The miracle would be given to save it..." He put the potion away before looking at the heroes. "Do... any of you..."

"Let's go... before it gets worse..."

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