Chapter 48: Temple of Tundra

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The heroes kept walking through the temple as they became more and more nervous by the second. There didn't seem to be any signs of where the Legend stones were located.

"Do you heroes think we're going to find them?" Ivy questioned. The heroes all kept walking in silence as Byleth kept searching every spot they were in. Sometimes they were nearly hit by the traps amongst the temple.

Byleth groaned, "Come on... there has to be something relating to the legend stones!" The heroes kept chasing after Byleth as he started dashing through the halls of the temple. The heroes kept on searching the area they were surrounded by the walls and so many ancient texts that they were unable to read.

"Byleth! Are you sure we're going to be able to make it?" Chrom asked. Byleth didn't bother to respond. He just kept running down the path of where they were. The heroes kept following him as Micaiah stopped to read some ancient texts. Ivy joined her as the other heroes kept on running.

Micaiah muttered, "There appears to be a lot of ancient warnings regarding the Legend Stones. Do you think they mean anything?" Ivy stood there staring at the texts and just felt even more confused by the second.

"Priestess Micaiah, I must confess I have no idea how to read ancient hieroglyphics..." Ivy said while giggling nervously.

Micaiah replied, "No worries, apparently they write that the Legend Stones are powerful artifacts but they need to be in the right hands, otherwise they will destroy the user..." Ivy stood there in disbelief as they walked down the pathway together. Ivy felt surrounded by the ancient hieroglyphics feeling unsettled by it all too.

"You... You don't think there's ghosts among this temple... do you?" Ivy questioned.

Micaiah laughed, "It's quite possible! I think there's a shot but there's a lot of warnings. Either way, it's really cool!" Ivy froze there while following Micaiah. She felt the need to stand close to her and was too afraid to move anywhere alone. "Are you scared, Queen Ivy?"

"Admittedly... I do feel afraid when around places I am not too familiar with..." Ivy replied. Micaiah nodded as they realized they had lost track of where the heroes were located. "M-Micaiah?! Where are we?"

Micaiah muttered, "Oh no... we got lost..." Maybe the hieroglyphics can tell us where the Legend Stones are! That way we can wait for the heroes there!" Ivy nodded as they stood together reading the ancient hieroglyphics. Meanwhile, the heroes kept on running down the pathway together.

Marth shouted, "WAIT!!" The heroes all paused as they turned to face Marth. "Where is the priestess Micaiah and Queen Ivy!?" The heroes looked at one another and then Byleth became worried.

Byleth asked, "Where are they?! Oh gods, where did they go!?" He kept searching around as he heard footsteps in the distance. It was... Ivy and Micaiah. "Oh thank goodness! I was worried that you guys were lost!"

Micaiah apologized, "My greatest apologies. I just got so invested with all the written stuff on the walls I couldn't help but read them. However... they keep mentioning that the Legend Stones are very dangerous yet powerful artifacts."

"Isn't that the purpose of the Legend Stones? They're called the Legend Stones for a reason," Chrom mumbled. Micaiah nodded as they all continued walking down the pathway. However, they were still unable to find their way through the maze that was the temple.

Byleth groaned, "Micaiah... can you read the hieroglyphics and see if they mention how close we are to the Legend Stones?" Micaiah nodded as she went to read a couple of them as Ivy accompanied her.

Alear cheered, "Ooh I'm so excited to see what the Legend Stones look like! We're just mere steps away from finding them!" The heroes nodded as Byleth waited there for Micaiah to receive a message.

"They seem to be just a few turns away from where we are located. So let's keep on walking!" Micaiah announced. The heroes nodded as they all continued walking. There were so many hieroglyphics surrounding them, the walls seemed to be interesting; yet Micaiah was the only person who was able to successfully read them all.

Byleth muttered, "We're so close... I can sense the Legend Stones getting closer and closer!" The heroes all nodded as they kept walking. However, Micaiah started seeing that the hieroglyphics started appearing... a lot more darker and grim.


"There's no time to stop and read the hieroglyphics! Come on Micaiah, we're so close!" Byleth exclaimed. Micaiah looked at him as the heroes dashed on ahead. Micaiah froze to read more of the hieroglyphics as Ivy stood beside her.

Ivy asked, "Is something wrong?"

"These hieroglyphics are trying to warn us of a greater danger up ahead... the Legend stones are too powerful for us! They can only be wielded by saints! We have to stop the heroes even if it was a wish by the World Tree! They cannot handle their immense power!" Micaiah shouted. She dashed behind the heroes as Ivy followed after her.


"THOSE HIEROGLYPHICS DON'T LIE TO YOU! THEY WANT TO WARN YOU OF WHAT THE DANGER IS UP AHEAD!!" Micaiah shouted back. Ivy looked at her in confusion as they all arrived at where the heroes were located. "Nonono!"

Ivy asked, "Micaiah? Shouldn't you-"


"PRIESTESS MICAIAH JUST LISTEN TO ME!!" Then they walked into the room, the heroes were all standing there turning to the two.

Byleth cheered, "We found the Legend Stones!" Micaiah stood there in disbelief as she read the hieroglyphics on the wall. All of them kept writing to turn back and they appeared a lot more... darker by the moment.

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